El Bima - Cristo Vino - перевод текста песни на английский

Cristo Vino - El Bimaперевод на английский

Cristo Vino
Christ Has Come
Todas las redes y noticiarios
All the news networks and newsreporters
Se escucha las noticias en la calle y en los barrios
News is being heard in the streets and in the neighborhoods
Han desaparecido miles de personas de todo el
Thousands of people have disappeared from all
Mundo y en diferentes zonas
Parts of the world and in different areas
Y es que el cumplimiento profetico ha llegado
And it is that the fulfillment of prophecy has arrived
Y que Jesucristo su iglesia se ha llevado
And that Jesus Christ has taken His church
Ya las profecias se han cumplido
For the prophecies have been fulfilled
Y fueron arrebatados en los que en El habian creido
And those who believed in Him were taken up
La palabra del padre nunca returna vacia
The word of the father never returns empty
Tu palabra
Your word
El mundo desesperado a traves de un click
The world, desperate with a click
Se cumple la profecia solo falta el chip
The prophecy is fulfilled, only the chip is missing
La noticia se rego que la nube un personaje
The news spread that the cloud, a character
Mucha gente se llevo sin violencia
Took many people without violence
Y sin coraje
And without courage
Los lideres politicos evaden la realidad
Political leaders evade reality
Y en todos los noticiarios nadie dice la verdad
And in all the news, no one tells the truth
Mucha gente se lamenta se fue la felicidad
Many people are sorry, happiness is gone
Pronto llegara el fin de toda la humanidad
The end of all humanity will soon arrive
Se comenta por la calle que seres de otro planeta
It is said in the streets that beings from another planet
Mucha gente se llevaron al sonar de la trompeta
Many people were taken away at the sound of the trumpet
Ya no existen los amigos nadie se respeta
Friends no longer exist, no one respects anyone
Y mientra se te ocurre ya nada se respeta
And while it occurs to you, nothing is respected anymore
Desespero hay en las calles la gente corriendo
There is despair in the streets, people running
Se pregunta entere ellos que esta ocurriendo
They ask each other what is happening
Lamentandoce se dicen yo jamas me imaginaba
Regretting, they say I never imagined
Tantas veces que me hablaba y caso yo no prestaba
So many times He spoke to me and I paid no attention
Se dice se escucha a lo lejos una madre desesperada
It is said that a desperate mother is heard in the distance
Gritandole almundo que su hijo donde esta
Screaming to the world where her son is
Veo mucha gente de rodillas en oscuridad
I see many people on their knees in darkness
Diciendo Jesucristo dame otra oportunidad
Saying Jesus Christ give me another chance
Y es que mi palabra dice yo vengo como ladron
And it is that my word says I come like a thief
Bienaventurado aquel que guarda su corazon
Blessed is he who keeps his heart
Vine a buscar mi iglesia como lo habia prometido
I came to seek my church as I had promised
Por mi fueron arrebatados los que a mi habian creido
Because of me, those who had believed in me were taken up
Porque el Señor mismo con voz de mando, con voz
Because the Lord himself with a commanding voice, with a voice
De arcangel y con trompetas de Dios descendera del cielo
Of an archangel and with God's trumpets will descend from heaven
Y los muertos en Cristo resucitaran primero
And the dead in Christ will rise first
Luego nosotros los que vivimos los hemos quedado
Then we who are alive and have remained
Seremos arrebatados juntamente en las nubes y asi
Will be caught up together in the clouds and so
Estaremos por siempre
We will be forever

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