El Bruto Chr feat. Dj Audas, Oxidum & Mage9 - Killasuprem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский El Bruto Chr feat. Dj Audas, Oxidum & Mage9 - Killasuprem

Paranoide como Black Sabbath ya se que hacer con mi drama
Paranoiac just like Black Sabbath I know what to do with my drama
Me llevan hasta la cima de la montaña sagrada
They lead me to the top of this sacred mountain
Escupiendo barras con sarna otros se ponen la corbata
Spittin' bars with scabies, while others wear a tie
De tanto aspirar puñata, expira su data
From too much snorting, their data expires
Fluyo como flúor en el agua, no hay trucos de magia
I'm flowing like the fluoride in water, no magic tricks
Solo hay rabia desde el alma putana
There's only rage from a filthy soul
Crack Brodas, terror clasico Mario Bava
Crack Brodas, classic Mario Bava horror
Aprendi a nadar en la caca antes que la empresa quebrara
I learned to swim in shit before the company went bust
Mi estilo es no tener estilo como Lee Jun-fan
No style is my style, like Lee Jun-fan
Tranquilo saco brillo al ritmo aunque no tenga ningun pan
Don't worry I'll make the rhythm shine even if I don't have any bread
Todas las balas volveran en la frente de Sebastian
All the bullets will come back into Sebastian's forehead
Las cinco cabezas la bestia aqui nos quieren controlar
The five heads of the beast want to control us here
Nos cobran hasta por el aire no nos dejan respirar
They charge us even for air, don't let us breathe
Es tipico que el dueño de la empresa no te deja pensar
It's typical that the business owner doesn't let you think
Si el pueblo dispara a los pacos, es el despertar
If the people shoot at the cops, it's the awakening
Es contestar contrarestar a politicos narcos paren de robar
To speak out, to fight back against politician narco-traffickers, stop stealing
Paren de violar, paren de matar, mi presidente un imbecil reptil
Stop raping, stop killing, my president a reptilian imbecile
Que nos declara la guerra del mal
Who declares war on us from evil
Se que esto va mucho mas alla, es el gobierno de las sombras
I know this goes much further, it's the shadow government
Ponle bomba no importa matar gente total sobra mano de obra
Bomb it, it doesn't matter if you kill people, because there's plenty of manpower
No podran nunca jamas contra este veneno inmortal
They will never be able to defeat this immortal poison
Ni aunque saquen a los pacos los rati la fuerza militar
Not even if they bring out the cops, the riot police, the military force
Traspasa de generacion en generacion para incendiar esta maldicion
It passes from generation to generation to set fire to this curse
Este himno decepticon motivando la destruccion
This Decepticon anthem motivating destruction
Politicos ladrones me persiguen me disparan de drones
Thieving politicians chase me, shoot me with drones
Porque solo pensar en mi crimen mueren un millon de clones
Because the only thought of my crime is killing a million clones
Simpatizantes de Pinochet esto street shit
Sympathizers of Pinochet, STREET SHIT
Como splinter pateando nazis skinhead
Like Splinter kicking Nazi skinheads

Авторы: Dj Audas, El Bruto Chr, Oxidum

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