El Diluvi - Tendresa insubmisa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский El Diluvi - Tendresa insubmisa

Tendresa insubmisa
Unyielding Tenderness
La teua tendresa insubmisa,
Your unyielding tenderness,
El teu cor desobedient...
Your disobedient heart...
Ens imagine esguellant la geografia,
Let's imagine ourselves choosing the geography,
Creuant països, mirades i destins,
Crossing countries, gazes and destinies,
Fent de la vida la millor filosofia
Making life the best philosophy
Ajuntant les mans, encreuant els dits.
Joining hands, crossing fingers.
Com el fort vent que ens ha guiat
Like the strong wind that has guided us
Per les dreceres de l'oblit,
Through the shortcuts of oblivion,
Esborrem allò que ens han contat,
Let's erase what we've been told,
Inventem noves formes de delit.
Let's invent new forms of delight.
Estime la teua tendresa insubmisa,
I love your unyielding tenderness,
Estime el teu cor desobedient,
I love your disobedient heart,
Estime el teu cos que crida vida,
I love your body that cries out life,
Estime tot allò que ens diem!
I love everything we say to each other!
Ai, ai, ai, ai, allò que ens diem...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, what we say to each other...
Ei, ei, ei, ei, el teu cor desobedient...
Hey, hey, hey, hey, your disobedient heart...
Ai, ai, ai, ai, allò que ens diem...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, what we say to each other...
Ei, ei, ei, ei, el teu cor desobedient...
Hey, hey, hey, hey, your disobedient heart...
La tardor dels nostres dies,
The autumn of our days,
El relleu dels teus pits,
The curves of your breasts,
La llum de les nostres vides,
The light of our lives,
La profunditat del teu melic.
The depth of your navel.
Als ulls, una espurna de guerra;
In my eyes, a spark of war;
Al puny, un grapat d'arena,
In my fist, a handful of sand,
Perquè junts som,
Because together we are,
Junts som la sal de la terra.
Together we are the salt of the Earth.
Estime la teua tendresa insubmisa,
I love your unyielding tenderness,
Estime el teu cor desobedient,
I love your disobedient heart,
Estime el teu cos que crida vida,
I love your body that cries out life,
Estime tot allò que ens diem!
I love everything we say to each other!
Ai, ai, ai, ai, allò que ens diem...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, what we say to each other...
Ei, ei, ei, ei, el teu cor desobedient...
Hey, hey, hey, hey, your disobedient heart...
Ai, ai, ai, ai, allò que ens diem...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, what we say to each other...
Ei, ei, ei, ei, el teu cor desobedient...
Hey, hey, hey, hey, your disobedient heart...
Ai, ai, ai, ai...
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Ei, ei, ei, ei...
Hey, hey, hey, hey...
Ai, ai, ai, ai...
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Ei, ei, ei, ei...
Hey, hey, hey, hey...
La rebel·lia d'un cor sublim
The rebellion of a sublime heart
Bombeja amb força
Pumps strongly
Tendresa Insubmisa.
Unyielding Tenderness.
Cercant en el camí
Searching on the path
De la infinita tendresa
Of infinite tenderness
El teu cor desobedient.
Your disobedient heart.
El foc de la revolta
The fire of revolt
Esta nit desprén
Tonight gives off
Tendresa Insubmisa.
Unyielding Tenderness.
Vivint amb tot el risc,
Living with all the risk,
Guardant tota esperança
Keeping all hope
Amb la flama encesa d'una tendresa
With the burning flame of a tenderness
Que mai descansa.
That never rests.
I jo...
And I...
Estime la teua tendresa insubmisa,
I love your unyielding tenderness,
Estime el teu cor desobedient,
I love your disobedient heart,
Estime el teu cos que crida vida,
I love your body that cries out life,
Estime tot allò que ens diem!
I love everything we say to each other!
Ai, ai, ai, ai, allò que ens diem...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, what we say to each other...
Ei, ei, ei, ei, el teu cor desobedient...
Hey, hey, hey, hey, your disobedient heart...
Ai, ai, ai, ai, allò que ens diem...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, what we say to each other...
Ei, ei, ei, ei, el teu cor desobedient...
Hey, hey, hey, hey, your disobedient heart...
Ai, ai, ai, ai...
Oh, oh, oh, oh...

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