El Makabelico - El Ondeado - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский El Makabelico - El Ondeado

El Ondeado
The Wavy One
El mas pinche ondeado
The most fucking wavy one
Odiado todo trastornado
Hated, completely deranged
Con tinta en la piel ya nimodo soy vago
With ink on my skin, oh well, I'm a vagabond
Como les explico lo que yo e pasado
How can I explain to you what I've been through, girl?
Si tengo dinero
If I have money
Que como le hago
How do I do it?
Mi carro es de lujo
My car is luxurious
De lejos lo aprendo y lo pagó
From afar I learn and I pay for it
Se siente chingon cuando te lo has ganado
It feels fucking good when you've earned it
Vayan a la verga los que retornaron
Fuck those who turned their backs
En corto la envidia aislaron
In short, they isolated me with envy
Me fui para abajo ya nos levantamos
I went down, now we're rising up
Fui bien varisioso con el aca estamos
I was very greedy, with this here we are
Que duras la pinches caídas aguevo no en vano
How hard are the fucking falls, watch out, not in vain
En el cielo un hermano
A brother in heaven
Y ami me engacharon
And they hooked me
Ya no tuve tiempo cuando madrugaron
I had no time when they came early
Preguntas ya no habla y en que le fallaron
Questions, he doesn't speak anymore, and where did they fail him?
Éramos los mismos nadie más sabilla del clavo
We were the same, no one else knew the nail's story
Al que andaba raro
The one who was acting strange
Borrosos andaban decían ser claros
They were blurry, they claimed to be clear
Comenzaron guerra y triunfaron
They started a war and they triumphed
Simon me confie familia me mataron
Yeah, I trusted them, family killed me
Ahora juego free fire humano
Now I play Free Fire, girl
Con chingo de fierros como el guey de Halo
With lots of guns like the dude from Halo
Como en GTA te los bajo del carro
Like in GTA, I'll take them down from the car
Traigo un tanque a la verga y nos de gas butano
I've got a tank, fuck it, and we're out of butane gas
Para andar con gorillas primero fui chango
To hang with gorillas, first I was a monkey
Que pinche reptil me va andar asustando
What fucking reptile is going to scare me?
Bonito mi cuerno es una chingonada
My horn is beautiful, it's a fucking awesome thing
Y sin apuntarlo los dejó sin quijada
And without aiming it, I leave them jawless
En mis fiestas privadas destapen botellas
At my private parties, uncork the bottles
Yo quiero champagna por si un dia mi alma se queda tirada
I want champagne in case one day my soul is left lying around
Total un dia viene a llevarnos la chingada
After all, one day the fucking thing is coming to take us
Y me la paso
And I spend my time
Siempre con los mismos pero no somos los mismos
Always with the same ones, but we are not the same
Sabrá de último suspiro ya no respiro y voy en camino
She'll know on my last breath, I no longer breathe, and I'm on my way
De noche y dia voy
Night and day I go
Maldito y bendito porque en unas partes me inco
Cursed and blessed because in some places I kneel
Aquel de las patas lo sigo me dijo
The one with the paws, I follow him, he told me
Si te me despegas te tiro
If you detach from me, I'll shoot you
El mas pinche ondeado
The most fucking wavy one
Odiado todo trastornado
Hated, completely deranged
Con tinta en la piel ya nimodo soy vago
With ink on my skin, oh well, I'm a vagabond
Como les explico lo que yo e pasado
How can I explain to you what I've been through?
Si tengo dinero
If I have money
Que como le hago
How do I do it?
Mi carro es de lujo
My car is luxurious
De lejos lo aprendo y lo pagó
From afar I learn and I pay for it
Se siente chingon cuando te lo has ganado
It feels fucking good when you've earned it
Vayan a la verga los que retornaron
Fuck those who turned their backs
Tirando vergazos con toda la bola
Throwing punches with the whole crew
Soy bien desconfiado cargo mi pistola
I'm very distrustful, I carry my pistol
Quien dijo charola aquel que me menciona
Who said "badge"? The one who mentions me
La tabla le quebró le dejo mi apodo en la cola
I broke his board, I leave my nickname on his ass
Controla mi apa la batalla
My homie controls the battle
Reconocimiento traigo mi medalla
Recognition, I wear my medal
Y muchos la buscan no la hayan
And many look for it, they can't find it
Porque no cualquiera
Because not just anyone
Primero muerete en la raya
First you die on the line
Me meten cizaña no me contradigan
They sow discord, don't contradict me
Aqui ando en la lumbre y le salgo bien pilas
Here I am in the fire, and I come out just fine
Franco tirador pala envidia
Sniper for envy
Y el pinche esclavón con calacas que brilla alúmina
And the fucking esclavon with skulls that shine, alumina
Que el no me quiere aluzina
That he doesn't love me, he's hallucinating
Traigo un deportivo y voy con la familia
I have a sports car and I'm going with the family
Tus tíos les vale y me tiran
Your uncles don't care and they diss me
Les arde y si voy con aquellos se hacen que no miran
It burns them, and if I go with those guys, they pretend they don't see
Les tiro es mi vida
I shoot them, it's my life
Les doy o me prenden
I give them or they turn me in
Les tumbó al de arriba
I took down the one above
Ya con eso tienen
With that they have enough
Varias veces hice que frenen
Several times I made them stop
Les prendo los códigos para que nomas vean la serie
I turn on the codes for them so they just watch the show
No estoy en la tele
I'm not on TV
En la calle se vive
Life is lived on the streets
Si vas a estorbarme quítese no sirve
If you're going to get in my way, move, you're useless
Lo que este les canta le dije
What this guy sings to them, I told him
Son notas del barrio las letras que escribe
They are notes from the neighborhood, the lyrics he writes
La muerte nos sigue
Death follows us
Y aunque yo le rezo
And even though I pray to her
Tambien mi San Judas miro mi progreso
My Saint Jude also sees my progress
Sus flores y velas le prendo
His flowers and candles I light
Nomas uno sabe que pide
Only one knows what he asks for
Y me cumple todo eso
And he grants me all that
Recuerdo mi empiezo
I remember my beginnings
Checaba al gobierno
I used to watch the government
Con radios miraba de lejos
With radios I watched from afar
Fui pobre y te cuento paso mil historias el viejo
I was poor and I tell you, the old man has a thousand stories
Antes di que platico si ayer estaba muerto
First tell me what I'm talking about, if yesterday I was dead
El Ondeado me dicen se ve
They call me The Wavy One, it shows
Y andan preguntando el carro que patina quien es
And they're asking who is the one with the car that skids
Mi apodo te vas aprender
You're gonna learn my nickname
Con un chiricuazo del que te deja sin ver
With a chiricuazo, the one that leaves you blind
Hablaron de mi yo lo sei
They talked about me, I know it
Nunca han caminado donde camine
They've never walked where I've walked
El malo del cuento pa ti lucifer o El Ondeado
The bad guy in the story, for you, Lucifer or The Wavy One
Un angel caido no sei
A fallen angel, I don't know
El mas pinche ondeado
The most fucking wavy one
Odiado todo trastornado
Hated, completely deranged
Con tinta en la piel eeel...
With ink on my skin, uh...
Hoy como te explico lo que yo he pasado
Today, how can I explain to you what I've been through?
Si tengo dinero
If I have money
Si tengo feria
If I have cash
Que como le hago
How do I do it?
Mi carro es de lujo
My car is luxurious
De lejos
From afar
Lo aprendo y lo pagó
I learn and I pay for it
Lo aprendo y lo pagó
I learn and I pay for it
Le prendo lumbre quiero
I light it up if I want to
Jugando con fuego
Playing with fire
Puro Del Records
Puro Del Records
Del Recks
Del Recks
Del Records
Del Records
2022 Pura Lumbre
2022 Pura Lumbre
El Makabelico, El Makbelico, El Makabelico...
El Makabelico, El Makbelico, El Makabelico...
El Comando Exclusivo
El Comando Exclusivo
Del Records
Del Records
Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas, Mexico
Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas, Mexico
Lo prendo y lo apago
I turn it on and off
Lo prendo con lumbre a la verga
I light it up with fire, fuck it
Más leñones pala lumbre oiga
More logs for the fire, listen
Fierro con tinta en la piel eeei
Iron with ink on the skin, hey
Como te explico Nembe asi mero
How can I explain it to you, Nembe, just like that
Jefe asi mero sin mucha explicación
Boss, just like that, without much explanation
No todos tiene la misma capacidad de entender
Not everyone has the same capacity to understand
No se trata de niveles
It's not about levels
Tengo dinero
I have money
Lo que hace
What does
El Ondeado
The Wavy One do
Lo que hace el dinero
What money does
Maldito Ondeado
Damn Wavy One
Y como dijo mi apa
And like my homie said
El dinero y el poder no es pa todos
Money and power is not for everyone
Y un saludo
And a shout out
Nomas pa todos los firmes
Just for all the firm ones
Que estan firme
Who are firm
Del Records
Del Records
El Ondeado
The Wavy One
Ya sabes ya sabes
You know, you know
Sin gabacheos
Without bragging

Авторы: El Makabelico

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