El Nino feat. Kaira - Umbra Ta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский El Nino feat. Kaira - Umbra Ta

Umbra Ta
Your Shadow
As vrea sa merg departe,
I wish I could go far away,
Chiar daca e noapte sau zi
Whether it's night or day,
Poate fi soare,
Maybe it's sunny,
Poate fi ceata sau frig.
Maybe it's fog or cold.
Umbra ta o am mereu in spate
I always have your shadow behind me,
Printre zambete si soapte.
Among smiles and whispers.
Cu tine, te simt mereu cand respiri
With you, I always feel you when you breathe,
Superb, asa te vad iubito
Gorgeous, that's how I see you, my love,
Si fiecare clipa langa tine am simtit-o.
And I felt every moment beside you.
Atat de intens, ca oricat ai fi
So intense, no matter how far you are,
Oricat ai fi de departe, as simtii
No matter how far you are, I would feel
Bataile inimii tale sparg pieptul,
The beat of your heart breaking my chest,
Ca dragostea noastra cladeste un templu.
As our love builds a temple.
Contemplu, cu pielea ta fina,
I contemplate, with your delicate skin,
C-ai vazut un monument istoric, intr-o ruina.
As if you've seen a historic monument in ruins.
N-am uitat, n-am cum, chipul tau lumina,
I haven't forgotten, I can't, your face shines,
Pentru mine, de-asta sunt, pregatit de ce-o sa vina.
For me, that's why I am, ready for what's to come.
Stima si respect, sufletul si trupul,
Respect and esteem, soul and body,
Las la intrare acasa, sabia si scutul.
I leave at the entrance of my home, the sword and shield.
Vantul ne poarta, pe mare-i furtuna,
The wind carries us, there's a storm at sea,
Si daca se scufunda barca sa te tin de mana.
And if the boat sinks, I'll hold your hand.
Tot ce-mi doresc, poate ma crezi nebun,
All I want, maybe you think I'm crazy,
Dar fara tine in viata mea, nu vad nici un drum.
But without you in my life, I don't see any path.
As vrea sa merg departe,
I wish I could go far away,
Chiar daca e noapte sau zi
Whether it's night or day,
Poate fi soare,
Maybe it's sunny,
Poate fi ceata sau frig.
Maybe it's fog or cold.
Umbra ta o am mereu in spate
I always have your shadow behind me,
Printre zambete si soapte.
Among smiles and whispers.
Cu tine, te simt mereu cand respiri
With you, I always feel you when you breathe,
Mi-aduc aminte cum zambeai la prima zapada,
I remember how you smiled at the first snow,
De primul telefon, primul sarut, de prima data
Of the first phone call, the first kiss, the first time,
De prima data cand te-am privit, am stiut ca
The first time I looked at you, I knew that
Noi doi impreuna facem cat o suta.
We two together are worth a hundred.
Unii muta munti din priviri au har,
Some move mountains with their gazes, they have a gift,
Tot noi prin iubire am primit un dar.
We received a gift through love.
Linistea pe care-am cautat-o toata viata,
The peace I've been searching for all my life,
Si mai vreau o alta viata sa-ti vad chipul dimineata.
And I want another life to see your face in the morning.
Bagaje, multe bagaje,
Luggage, a lot of luggage,
Intr-un rucsac, o mie de personaje.
In a backpack, a thousand characters.
Si stii cat de greu e sa-ti tii echilibrul,
And you know how hard it is to keep your balance,
Iarna in alpi, vara am vrea la malibu.
Winter in the Alps, summer we would want in Malibu.
Tin ritmul si pasul e alert sa te pierd,
I keep the rhythm and the pace is fast, to lose you,
Ii multumesc celui de sus c-am invatat sa iert.
I thank the one above that I learned to forgive.
Cred in bine si langa tine radiez,
I believe in good and I radiate next to you,
E fericire, uneori chiar nu visez.
It's happiness, sometimes I don't even dream.
As vrea sa merg departe,
I wish I could go far away,
Chiar daca e noapte sau zi
Whether it's night or day,
Poate fi soare,
Maybe it's sunny,
Poate fi ceata sau frig.
Maybe it's fog or cold.
Umbra ta o am mereu in spate
I always have your shadow behind me,
Printre zambete si soapte.
Among smiles and whispers.
Cu tine, te simt mereu cand respiri
With you, I always feel you when you breathe,

Авторы: Alin Emil Ghita, Andy Platon, Kaira, Karie

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