Elemental - Bolji Si - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Elemental - Bolji Si

Bolji Si
You Are Better
U ovom svijetu smiješnom i ludom
In this funny and crazy world
Ljudi se gaze sa posebnim trudom
People are stepping on each other with special effort
Paranoja nas sijece i kolje redom
Paranoia is cutting and stabbing us one after another
Malo ko se još bori malo ko se nije predo
Few are still fighting, few have not given up
A ti nosiš to cisto srce
But you carry this pure heart
Na rukavu pribodeno koncem
Pinned to your sleeve with thread
Izloženo na oluji koja šiba, koja bruji
Exposed to the storm that whips, that murmurs
Dok te pije ti žeđaš za suncem
While it is drinking you, you are thirsty for the sun
Svi smo mi sami, družimo se tek sa strahom
We are all alone, we only keep company with fear
Dišemo tjeskobu pomiješanu sa zrakom
We breathe oppression mixed with air
Raširimo pluća tek kad izgubimo sve
We spread our lungs only when we have lost everything
A ti to gledaš i cudiš se.
And you look at this and wonder.
Odakle ti snaga da nađeš snagu u sebi
Where do you find the strength to find strength within you
Zašto sam ti draga kad namjerno te povrijedim
Why am I dear to you when I intentionally hurt you
Gdje si našo dušu što ne poznaje zlo
Where did you find a soul that knows no evil
I ja bi htjela to.
I would like that too.
Bolji si od mene, bolji si
You are better than me, you are better
I kada si gori, bolji si
And when you are worse, you are better
Bolji si od mene, bolji si
You are better than me, you are better
Nije me sram reci da bolji si
I am not ashamed to say that you are better
U vakumu iskra ne pali
No spark ignites in the vacuum
I svi zvukovi samo su stali
And all sounds have just stopped
Al tebi niš' od tog' ne uzme snagu
But nothing can take away your strength
Ti nikad ne pukneš, pošalješ k vragu
You will never break, you will send to the devil
Sve što nas stišce
Everything that is choking us
Cijeli svijet koji je pokvaren
The whole world that is corrupted
Ne brine te što san cesto nije ostvaren
You do not care that the dream is often not realized
Sve ono šte me obicno spusti i zakuca
All that usually drops me and makes me speechless
Tebe ne znam zašto, ali ni malo ne puca
You, I do not know why, do not crack at all
Meni su crnjaci uvijek dio stvarnosti
Blacks have always been part of reality for me
Moje srce pamti ožiljke i teško oprosti
My heart remembers the scars and finds it hard to forgive
Pa ne razumijem kako netko pređe preko svega
I do not understand how someone can get over everything
Kako da ti nikad ne bude dosta toga
How that you never get enough of it
Da smo zadnji u redu i gdje u redu dalje čekamo
That we are the last in line and where in line we wait further
Nije u redu jer kolko god da se nadamo
It is not okay, because no matter how much we hope
Kako podnosiš da uvijek o nekome sve ovisi
How do you endure that something always depends on someone else
Divim ti se kako možeš bolji si
I admire you how you can you are better
Odakle si došao
Where did you come from
Takvih više nema
There are no more like you
Da li bi me poveo
Would you take me with you
Sa sobom?
With you?
Meni treba tocno to
I need exactly that
Takvih više nema
There are no more like you
Nemoj mi to uzeti
Do not take this from me
Za zlo
For evil

Авторы: Davor Zanoški, Erol Zejnilović, Ivan Popeskić, Konrad Lovrenčić, Luka Tralić, Mirela Priselac

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