Elemental - Nema Ga - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Elemental - Nema Ga

Nema Ga
He's Gone
Dizali su revoluciju s osmijehom na licu
They raised a revolution with a smile on their face
Pustili su kosu, otkrili su LSD i maricu
Let their hair down, discovered LSD and marijuana
Pjevali o miru, s Titom nesvrstano stajali
Sang about peace, stood non-aligned with Tito
Po nacionalnoj osnovi nisu se razdvajali
They weren't divided along national lines
Lako bilo je bit' filozof u studentskoj kantini
It was easy to be a philosopher in the student canteen
Umjetnik bez kinte i muzičar u sredini
An artist without a penny and a musician in the middle
Di su stvari kolko-tolko išle, država di štima
Where things were more or less working, a country where things clicked
Lako bilo je bit student u sedamdesetima
It was easy being a student in the seventies
Moji starci, lako su našli prvi posao
My parents easily found their first jobs
S diplomom u ruci na burzu niko nije iš'o
With a diploma in hand, no one went to the employment office
Živjelo se dobro u tom partijskom sistemu
Life was good in that party system
Goli Otok se prešutio, mijenjalo se temu
Goli Otok was hushed up, the subject was changed
Studentarija čupava po diplomi se zaposlila
The shaggy student body got employed after graduation
Sigurnu plaću kući redovno donosila
Brought a steady paycheck home regularly
A udruženi rad znao davat je stanove
And the worker's union used to provide apartments
Onda lako je bilo imat velike planove
Then it was easy to have big plans
Savit svoje gnijezdo, bit opušten, bez tenzija
Build your own nest, be relaxed, without tension
Bacit sidro u firmi, u OOURu do penzija se ostajalo
Drop anchor in a company, in the OOUR (Basic Organization of Associated Labor), staying until retirement
Cijeli život za istim stolom
A whole life at the same desk
Tad se nije činilo sve samo folom
Back then it didn't seem like a sham
Jeftinim trikom, nikom nije falilo za hranu
A cheap trick, no one lacked food
Bili su sretni u svom malome stanu
They were happy in their small apartment
Siguran posao, staž i penzija
Secure job, seniority and pension
Začas lako bilo se odlučit' da dobiju nas
It was easy to decide to have us in no time
Više ništa nije isto, nema sigurnoga puta
Nothing is the same anymore, there's no safe path
Nema izravnoga leta do zvijezda u bolje sutra
No direct flight to the stars, to a better tomorrow
Crno-bijeli svijet iz snova sad je svijet u boji
The black and white dream world is now a world in color
Al predaleko stoji, kao da i ne postoji
But it stands too far away, as if it doesn't even exist
Više nema ga, nema ga, nema ga, nema ga
He's gone, he's gone, he's gone, he's gone
Više nema ga, nema ga, nema ga, nema ga
He's gone, he's gone, he's gone, he's gone
A danas, danas su druga vremena
And today, today are different times
Dosta se toga promijenilo
A lot has changed
Mi smo odrasli već, a još nam uvijek nije krenulo
We've grown up already, but things still haven't taken off for us
Poslova nema, svi se snalaze kak znaju
There are no jobs, everyone is getting by as best they can
Ili sjede na burzi il za vezu mito daju
Either sitting at the employment office or giving bribes for connections
U podstanarskom odnosu sa plaćom na ruke
In a sublet relationship with a cash-in-hand salary
Bez ikakve sigurnosti i glavom punom zbrke
Without any security and a head full of confusion
Danas premija je imat pos'o na neodređeno
Today, having a permanent job is a bonus
Taj koji daje plaću, staž i socijalno sređeno
The one that provides a salary, seniority and social security
Nema tog više, danas druga su vremena
That's gone, today are different times
A ne bi se reklo da smo generacija lijena
And you wouldn't say we're a lazy generation
Mi smo spremni na rad, polomit se ako treba
We're ready to work, break our backs if necessary
Naučili od staraca da novci ne padaju s neba
We learned from our parents that money doesn't grow on trees
Prošlost nam se smiješi umornim očima
The past smiles at us with tired eyes
A u zraku miriše nostalgija
And nostalgia hangs in the air
Nema Blata nema Zvečke, vjetar je zameo sve
There's no Blato, no Zvečka, the wind has swept everything away
Naši starci barem žive uz uspomene
At least our parents live with memories
Pioniri su prošlost, studenti su odrasli
Pioneers are the past, students have grown up
A ni crveni jugo više nikog ne vozi
And the red Yugo doesn't drive anyone anymore
Dinari su nestali, radnici u penziji
Dinars are gone, workers are retired
Ostaje nam nada u dan koji dolazi
We have hope left for the coming day
A nada je kurva, i san mi je promijenila
And hope is a whore, and she's changed my dream
Više nema ga, nema ga, nema ga, nema ga
He's gone, he's gone, he's gone, he's gone
Više ništa nije isto, nema sigurnoga puta
Nothing is the same anymore, there's no safe path
Nema izravnoga leta do zvijezda u bolje sutra
No direct flight to the stars, to a better tomorrow
Crno-bijeli svijet iz snova sad je svijet u boji
The black and white dream world is now a world in color
Al predaleko stoji, kao da i ne postoji
But it stands too far away, as if it doesn't even exist
Više nema ga, nema ga, nema ga, nema ga
He's gone, he's gone, he's gone, he's gone
Više nema ga, nema ga, nema ga, nema ga
He's gone, he's gone, he's gone, he's gone
Više nema ga, nema ga, nema ga, nema ga
He's gone, he's gone, he's gone, he's gone
Više nema ga, nema ga, nema ga, nema
He's gone, he's gone, he's gone, he's gone

Авторы: Mirela Priselac, Ivan Vodopijec, Luka Tralic, Erol Zejnilovic, Natasa Tonkovic, Marijo Bilic, Davor Zanoski

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