Elemental - Romantika - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Elemental - Romantika

Teško je mislit na romantiku
It's hard to think about romance
Slušat razum i logiku
To listen to reason and logic
Kad si tako, mmm-dobar
When you're so, mmm-good
Teško je glumit manire fine
It's hard to fake fine manners
Samo brijem kak da te skinem
I'm only thinking about how to undress you
Tako si, mmm-dobar
You're so, mmm-good
Trudim se ostati dama
I'm trying to stay a lady
Al' dama izvisi sama
But a lady ends up alone
A ti si tako, mmm-dobar
And you're so, mmm-good
'Ajmo ne sad raspravljat
Let's not argue now
Nemoj me samu ostavljat
Don't leave me alone
Možda te vodim doma
Maybe I'll take you home
Yo, vidim da me gledaš s istog mjesta
Yo, I see you've been watching me from the same spot
I to već cijelu večer, a baš si šećer
All evening long, and you're such a sweetie
A vjeruj mi inače freakove srećem
And believe me, I usually meet freaks
Činiš mi se guba, zanimljiv a meni je dosadno
You seem cool, interesting, and I'm bored
I nije da ovo radim inače, a zgledam zbunjeno
And it's not like I do this often, and I look confused
Malo mi je crnjak, hvatam zrak, koji mi je vrag?
I'm a little awkward, catching my breath, what's wrong with me?
Inače uvaljam šprehu u trenu, zakaj sad imam tremu?
Usually I can deliver a line in a flash, why am I nervous now?
Neg kak se zoveš, kaj ima, kam inače izlaziš?
So, what's your name, what's up, where do you usually go out?
Ha, iz kog si kvarta? Iz Centra, isto ko i ja
Ha, what neighborhood are you from? Downtown, same as me
Koji je tvoj znak? Čekaj pogodit ću, Vodenjak
What's your sign? Wait, I'll guess, Aquarius
Nisi? Šteta, al' ne smeta, ajmo ispočetka
You're not? Too bad, but it doesn't matter, let's start over
Platit ću piće da mi pomogne uvaljat priče
I'll buy you a drink to help me deliver my lines
Kažeš sviđam ti se, i inače voliš rapperice
You say you like me, and you usually like female rappers
Ma sve je pet, meni se sviđa tvoje lice
Everything's cool, I like your face
I način na koji popuniš traperice, haha
And the way you fill out your jeans, haha
Ajmo ne filozofirat, ak mogu birat
Let's not philosophize, if I can choose
Ovdje je raja koma, a ja sam sama doma
The crowd here is lame, and I'm alone at home
Teško je mislit na romantiku
It's hard to think about romance
Slušat razum i logiku
To listen to reason and logic
Kad si tako, mmm-dobar
When you're so, mmm-good
Teško je glumit manire fine
It's hard to fake fine manners
Samo brijem kak da te skinem
I'm only thinking about how to undress you
Tako si, mmm-dobar
You're so, mmm-good
Trudim se ostati dama
I'm trying to stay a lady
Al' dama izvisi sama
But a lady ends up alone
A ti si tako, mmm-dobar
And you're so, mmm-good
Ajmo ne sad raspravljat
Let's not argue now
Nemoj me samu ostavljat
Don't leave me alone
Možda te vodim doma
Maybe I'll take you home
Dok se penjemo na kat postaje sve teže izdržat
As we go upstairs, it's getting harder to resist
Biti svetica ko djevica, jebiga neću stat
Being a saint like a virgin, damn it, I won't stop
Kog briga kak se zoveš? Neću te sutra zvat
Who cares what your name is? I won't call you tomorrow
Dovoljno je to što vidim, je bar za sad
What I see is enough, at least for now
Ti čekaš čekaš, čekaš da sve započnem sama
You wait, wait, wait for me to start everything myself
Pa da sutra imas stofa, za ispričat dečkima, haha
So tomorrow you have something to tell the guys, haha
Ti nemaš pojma, da volim biti glasna
You have no idea that I like to be loud
Kažeš to te napaljuje, onda sam te dobro našla
You say it turns you on, then I found you well
Igraš cudno, opusti, imam što 'oćeš
You're playing strange, relax, I have what you want
Ja sam control freak, baš tvoj tip, ak' niš bar za noćas
I'm a control freak, just your type, at least for tonight
Pusti da, budem ja, ta koja te inspirira
Let me be the one who inspires you
Muza i carica, ak' treba rob i gospodarica
A muse and an empress, a slave and mistress if needed
Šta tiltaš, ej? Kad počnem pričat prljavo, ej
What's tilting you, hey? When I start talking dirty, hey
Nemam takta, ej i baš me briga u što srljam
I have no tact, hey, and I don't care what I'm getting into
Liži mi vrat i šapni što bi mi sve radio dok svira radio
Lick my neck and whisper what you'd do to me while the radio plays
Ko Boris, dosta strofe, 'oću korus
Like Boris, enough verses, I want the chorus
Daj šta nudiš? Valjda ti ne treba tumač
What are you offering? Surely you don't need an interpreter
'Ajmo ne gasit svjetlo da se možeš lakše snać
Let's not turn off the light so you can find your way around easier
Teško je mislit na romantiku
It's hard to think about romance
Slušat razum i logiku
To listen to reason and logic
Kad si tako, mmm-dobar
When you're so, mmm-good
Teško je glumit manire fine
It's hard to fake fine manners
Samo brijem kak da te skinem
I'm only thinking about how to undress you
Tako si, mmm-dobar
You're so, mmm-good
Trudim se ostati dama
I'm trying to stay a lady
Al' dama izvisi sama
But a lady ends up alone
A ti si tako, mmm-dobar
And you're so, mmm-good
Ajmo ne sad raspravljat
Let's not argue now
Nemoj me samu ostavljat
Don't leave me alone
Možda te vodim doma
Maybe I'll take you home
Vidno razočarana, diplomatski tražim riječi
Visibly disappointed, I diplomatically search for words
Pregrizem jezik da ne moram iskreno reći
I bite my tongue so I don't have to honestly say
Navlačim hlače i kontam totalno beđ
I pull on my pants and think, totally lame
Spreham pitaš me kak je bilo, suzdržavam se od smijeha
You ask me how it was, I hold back laughter
Super, lover man, ispo totalni amater
Great, lover man, a total amateur
Kajem se, trebala sam znat da je preda mnom blefer
I regret it, I should have known you were a bluffer
Ne srce, to nije bilo cijelu noć
No honey, that wasn't all night
Nije bilo do jaja, bilo je deset minuta
It wasn't awesome, it was ten minutes
I nisi niš obavio do kraja
And you didn't finish anything
Imaš predivno lice i loš smisao za humor
You have a beautiful face and a bad sense of humor
Ajde kupi prnjice, od šprehe me hvata umor
Come on, grab your clothes, your talk is tiring me out
Okreni ključ kad izlaziš, nemoj lupat vratima
Turn the key when you leave, don't slam the door
Ne'am želje za reprizom, brijem da si shvatio
I don't want a repeat, I think you got it
Teško je mislit na romantiku, slušat razum i logiku
It's hard to think about romance, to listen to reason and logic
Teško je mislit na romantiku
It's hard to think about romance
Svijeće, ruže na jastuku
Candles, roses on the pillow
Kad si tako, mmm-dobar
When you're so, mmm-good
Teško je mislit na romantiku
It's hard to think about romance
Svijeće, ruže na jastuku
Candles, roses on the pillow
Kad si tako, mmm-dobar
When you're so, mmm-good
Teško je glumit manire fine
It's hard to fake fine manners
Samo brijem kak da te skinem
I'm only thinking about how to undress you
Tako si, mmm-dobar
You're so, mmm-good
Trudim se ostati dama
I'm trying to stay a lady
Al' dama izvisi sama
But a lady ends up alone
A ti si tako, mmm-dobar
And you're so, mmm-good
Ajmo ne sad raspravljat
Let's not argue now
Nemoj me samu ostavljat
Don't leave me alone
Možda te vodim doma
Maybe I'll take you home
Teško je mislit na romantiku
It's hard to think about romance
Svijeće, ruže na jastuku
Candles, roses on the pillow
Kad si tako, mmm-dobar
When you're so, mmm-good
Teško je glumit manire fine
It's hard to fake fine manners
Samo brijem kak da te skinem
I'm only thinking about how to undress you
Tako si, mmm-dobar
You're so, mmm-good
Trudim se ostati dama
I'm trying to stay a lady
Al dama izvisi sama
But a lady ends up alone
A ti si tako, mmm-dobar
And you're so, mmm-good
'Ajmo ne sad raspravljat
Let's not argue now
Nemoj me samu ostavljat
Don't leave me alone
Možda te vodim doma
Maybe I'll take you home

Авторы: Mirela Priselac, Luka Tralic, Erol Zejnilovic

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