Emkej - Klasični Pac - перевод текста песни на английский

Klasični Pac - Emkejперевод на английский

Klasični Pac
Classic Dude
Ah ja (that's the way it's got to be)
Ah yeah (that's the way it's got to be)
Naj ti jaz povem kak je blo res
Let me tell you how it really was
Sexy uličarka pali vsakič ko me vidi
Sexy streetwalker lights up every time she sees me
Pravi daj no daj, kdaj kaj na obisk pridi
She says come on, come on, come visit sometime
Oblubo si že veš kdaj, obljuba dela veš kaj
You know the promise, the promise does you know what
Kaj te morem prosit, tota bi bla češka
What can I ask you, she would be Czech, totally
Plus da malo res hudo zgleda
Plus she looks kinda bad
Duga čupa, puna usta, hudi štel, prepričala bi geja
Long face, full lips, bad style, she'd turn a gay guy straight
Pravi kaj je Em maš probleme s čem
She says what's up Em, got problems with anything
Mam rešitve doma v sobi za vsaki problem
I got solutions at home in my room for every problem
(I see your face the way you smile)
(I see your face the way you smile)
Ne res stari to je ona aveš ko prideš not
No really man, that's her, you know when you walk in
Pa je deset bab okoli, pa s prve njo vidiš, ne
And there's ten girls around, and you see her first, right?
In tak se meni zgodi, stari ne
And that's what happens to me, man, no
Uletim jaz, se usedem na šank
I fly in, sit down at the bar
Zraven nje direktno, valda kaj ti češ drugega
Right next to her, of course, what else are you gonna do
Ane in pravim baby, kaj boš pila povej no
And I'm like, baby, what are you drinking, tell me
Pa pijem, pijema, no kaj prie pač
And I drink, we drink, so what's up dude
Se smejem, serem, smeje se, klasični pac
I'm laughing, bullshitting, she's laughing, classic dude
Če bi ji reko grema, mislim da takoj bi šla
If I told her let's go, I think she'd go right away
Brez problema ponoči, je ne zanima zodiak
No problem at night, she doesn't care about zodiac signs
Glavno da se nea začnem neki konc avgusta
The main thing is that I don't start something with her at the end of August
Ve da vem kak je treba pravi jebeš čustva
She knows I know how it should be, she says fuck feelings
Baby ni boga, ni da ni boga mi
Baby there's no god, there's no god for me
Smeje se kolegici, medtem ko boža me z nogami
She's laughing at her friend while she's touching me with her legs
(I see your face the way you smile)
(I see your face the way you smile)
I see your face too, baby
I see your face too, baby
Ja nič, se menimo dalje, ona začne mene z nogico
Yeah nothing, we're talking further, she starts touching me with her little leg
Aveš kao ono pardon, tote variante, nisem hotla ane
You know like that, sorry, these variants, I didn't mean to, you know
Si mislim nič Marko zberi se malo
I'm thinking, nothing Marko, get it together a little
Treba je neki kompliment dat, ne, punce pohvalit
You need to give some compliment, right, praise the girl
In takrat ona meni
And then she tells me
Dober si mali me na hitro pohvali
You're good little one, you praise me quickly
Ti tui nisi slaba se na hitro pošalim
Yours aren't bad either, I joke quickly
Ki hodiš nič te ni za videt zadnje čase
You haven't been around lately
Lepo si shujšal paše ti tudi da si si pusto lase
You've lost weight nicely, it suits you that you've shaved your head
Chit chat zanimajo če da se
Chit chat, I'm interested if it's going down
Če sem še vedno prase baje da znam vse
If I'm still a pig, they say I know everything
Nagne se in šepne na uho: "Kušni me"
She leans in and whispers in my ear: "Taste me"
Se nasmehne in si poliže ustnice
She smiles and licks her lips
(I see your face the way you smile)
(I see your face the way you smile)
Ko si je začela ustnice lizat sm mislu to je fix stari glej
When she started licking her lips I thought this is it man, look
Res Jack je rolu muziko, res ga je pokalo stari
Jack was really rolling the music, it was really popping man
Tak ko se spodobi no lepo fajhtni smo bli, pijemo
Like it should be, you know, we were nicely drunk, drinking
In ji pravim baby plešeš? Grema? (Ja, veš da)
And I'm telling her baby, you dancing? Let's go? (Yeah, you know)
Pa se odlepima od šanka
And we peel off the bar
Uletima sredi nekega hudega funka
We fly into the middle of some heavy funk
Mala obvlada, pa ne morem stat zravn
The girl's got it, but I can't stand still
Muvam na izi, upam da neom izpado ki ko neki klovn
I'm moving smoothly, hoping I don't have a seizure like some clown
Jebeno napaljen, stari, razmišljam to je to
Fucking horny, man, I'm thinking this is it
Če ne boš dobo dans, neboš nikol
If you don't get it today, you never will
Lepo gor naret jo gleam kak se vrti
I'm looking at her nicely up there, how she's spinning
In se ji nasmejim vsakič ko se uloviva z očmi
And I smile at her every time we catch eyes
(I see your face the way you smile)
(I see your face the way you smile)
In densam ja, stari, ko hepan
And I'm thinking, yeah, man, when I'm pumped
Veš ono ko si fajhtn, pa misliš da maš muve
You know, like when you're drunk and you think you got moves
Samo glavno je, da je ona muvala z ritko
The main thing is that she was moving that ass
In fora stari se obrne in pravi, da trenira
And really, man, she turns around and says she's training
Pravi kaj te treniraš, pravi pole dancing
I'm like, what are you training, she says pole dancing
Res al kaj?
Really? What?
Sm se kuj opogumu pa
I finally got the courage and
Če češ bit z mano morš kadit z mano
If you want to be with me, you gotta smoke with me
Vse delit z mano stat z ramo ob rami nezadržano
Share everything with me, stand shoulder to shoulder, unrestrained
Ko je treba baby zgledat fenomenalno
When you need to baby, look phenomenal
Poslušat kaj ti pravim in bit za akcijo stalno (daj no)
Listen to what I'm saying and be up for action constantly (come on)
Pa me pogleda vpraša če mi je slabo
And she looks at me and asks if I'm feeling sick
Se nasmeje, pravi zaj si malo pretiravo
She laughs, says now you're exaggerating a bit
S ful mutavo faco se obrnem h Kranjcu
With a totally muted face I turn to Kranjc
In pravim tak je ko misliš da maš pa si sam v pacu
And I say that's how it is when you think you got it but you're just in a dude moment
(That's the way it's got to be)
(That's the way it's got to be)

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