Emkej - Rdeče Oči - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Emkej - Rdeče Oči

Rdeče Oči
Red Eyes
Wadap Sunny
Wadap Sunny
Yea, aha
Yea, aha
Neoš mi reko, da si zdaj še ti neho
You didn't tell me you would be a hater too
Baje, da se vsak dan vstajam po eni
Apparently I wake up after one every day
Sem preveč len in skoz po čikih smrdim
I'm too lazy and I always smell like cigarettes
Pravijo mi tudi, da so zobi preveč rumeni
They also tell me that my teeth are too yellow
Da hoim skoz ven in da se premalo učim
That I always go out and don't study enough
Jim pravim lej rad spim, kadim, jem, raje not ko ven grem
I tell them, look, I like to sleep, smoke, eat, I'd rather stay inside than go out
(Zablodim pri sebi in) včasih nič ne povem
(I get lost in myself and) sometimes I don't say anything
Večkrat poslušam tiho, ko da bi se silo
I often listen silently, as if by force
Keš za toplo jack kolo bom na pokru zašpilo
Cash for a warm jack bike, I'll bet on poker
Na srečn dan mi bo vnos potrojilo
On a lucky day, my deposit will triple
Pa da vložim v kako kilo, mislim na kosilo
And to invest in some kilos, I'm thinking about lunch
Ne bi o paketih man, zdilo več ko neckerman
I wouldn't mind packages, bigger than Neckermann
Če maš, prodam, če je producer, pravi: "C′mon sun"
If you got it, I'll sell it, if it's a producer, he says: "C'mon sun"
Marko, lej kak maš rdeče oči
Marko, look how red your eyes are
Čist si neobrit in iz ust ti smrdi
You're completely unshaven and your breath stinks
Marko, spet si v mikici
Marko, you're in a hoodie again
Daj kapuco dol iz glave, lej se kaki si
Take your hood off your head, look at what you look like
Marko, lej kak maš rdeče oči
Marko, look how red your eyes are
Čist si neobrit in iz ust ti smrdi
You're completely unshaven and your breath stinks
Marko, spet si v mikici
Marko, you're in a hoodie again
Daj kapuco dol iz glave, lej se kaki si
Take your hood off your head, look at what you look like
In oni ko pravite, da jih dehnem preveč, alo
And those of you who say I smoke too much, hello
Dejstvo je, da jih vi dehnete premalo
The fact is, you guys don't smoke enough
Argumentiram, če čete izrečeno za šalo
I argue if you said it as a joke
Če bi vi kifali, vas to ne bi obremenjevalo
If you were smoking, it wouldn't bother you
Zraven tega menim, da ma vsak pravico se lotit
Besides that, I think everyone has the right to enjoy
Vsega kar mu paše, dokler drugega ne moti
Whatever he likes, as long as it doesn't bother anyone else
Na napakah se učimo al kak zato zgrešimo je tak
We learn from mistakes or whatever, that's why we miss it
Da neom ki, ko bom star bedak, wudup
I don't want to be a fool when I'm old, wudup
Pecam prave babe, lej ni cajta za frajle
I'm looking for real women, there's no time for chicks
Če poveš kaj pametnega, ostale dobite kajle
If you say something smart, the rest of you get wedges
Neko špiko preko rame, ko bo šla v krog
Some jab over the shoulder when she goes around
Alo mala, bistra si ko gosti sok
Hey little one, you're as bright as thick juice
Eni majo prevelike šuhe, jaz vam svoje z veseljem obujem
Some people have shoes that are too big, I'd be happy to put mine on you
Probleme iščem z namenom, da jih rešujem
I look for problems with the intention of solving them
Se ne kujem v zvezde, v bistvu me je strah višine
I don't aim for the stars, in fact I'm afraid of heights
In ko resno o tem razmišljam, me nekdo vedno prekine z
And when I really think about it, someone always interrupts me with
Marko, lej kak maš rdeče oči
Marko, look how red your eyes are
Čist si neobrit in iz ust ti smrdi
You're completely unshaven and your breath stinks
Marko, spet si v mikici
Marko, you're in a hoodie again
Daj kapuco dol iz glave, lej se kaki si
Take your hood off your head, look at what you look like
Marko, lej kak maš rdeče oči
Marko, look how red your eyes are
Čist si neobrit in iz ust ti smrdi
You're completely unshaven and your breath stinks
Marko, spet si v mikici
Marko, you're in a hoodie again
Daj kapuco dol iz glave, lej se kaki si
Take your hood off your head, look at what you look like
In ni samo to, včasih mam tui več ko sto kil
And it's not just that, sometimes I have over a hundred kilos on you
Se smejem ko kojn in obnašam ko debil
I laugh like a horse and act like an idiot
Apatičen totalno, pa prie, da mi za nič ni
Totally apathetic, but claims that I don't care about anything
Na fitnes sem resno hodo točno dva dni
I went to the gym seriously for exactly two days
Samo me sploh nea preveč za fasado skrbi
But I don't really care too much about the facade
Obleka narei človeka, ne narei ljudi
Clothes make the man, they don't make people
Eni so glupi do smrti, živijo mrtvi
Some are stupid to death, they live dead
Mi preveč zvijamo, oni so zviti v trti
We twist too much, they're twisted in the vine
Rasta generation lej, z vsemi rolam
Rasta generation look, with all the rolls
Vabljeni gor pri mene na PlayStation, da veš šolam
You're invited up to my place on PlayStation, so you know what's up
Ker pubeci brez plače furajo bling bling
Because teenagers without pay are wearing bling bling
Pa jim pupike poberejo vse, think pink
And the chicks take everything from them, think pink
Jaz repam raje parte za preventivo
I prefer to rap parts for prevention
To kar napišem je pubecom status ni zanimivo
What I write is not an interesting status for teenagers
Da kar se tiče idej že dolgo ni šisa
As far as ideas are concerned, there hasn't been anything for a long time
Pa sn taki, da se me res splača slišat
But I'm the kind of person you really want to hear
Marko, lej kak maš rdeče oči
Marko, look how red your eyes are
Čist si neobrit in iz ust ti smrdi
You're completely unshaven and your breath stinks
Marko, spet si v mikici
Marko, you're in a hoodie again
Daj kapuco dol iz glave, lej se kaki si
Take your hood off your head, look at what you look like
Marko, lej kak maš rdeče oči
Marko, look how red your eyes are
Čist si neobrit in iz ust ti smrdi
You're completely unshaven and your breath stinks
Marko, spet si v mikici
Marko, you're in a hoodie again
Daj kapuco dol iz glave, lej se kaki si
Take your hood off your head, look at what you look like

Авторы: Emkej

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