Emkej - Šmorn - перевод текста песни на английский

Šmorn - Emkejперевод на английский

Lahko jaz zdaj?
Can I go now?
Daj no...
Aw, come on...
Done did it again
Done did it again
Done did it again
Done did it again
Cela scena v pizdi
The whole scene is going down the toilet
Vsi bi lajali, samo nebi grizli
Everyone wants to bark, but no one wants to bite
We done did it again
We done did it again
We done did it again
We done did it again
We done did it again
We done did it again
Poznam 5 MC-jev ko so res malo jači
I know five MCs who are actually somewhat strong
10 wannabijev ko mi nebojo nikol dorasli
Ten wannabes who will never grow up to be like me
5 MC-jev ko so fotri prej bli so prasci
Five MCs whose fathers used to be pigs
10 wanabijev ko repa samo o ganji
Ten wannabes who only rap about weed
Poznam enga ko ma vse razn tangic
I know someone who has everything except a thong
Hoče bit underground king dis ni ko rečem mu bambi
He wants to be the king of underground rap like Bambi
Ker tak sploh nea pokapira
Because he doesn't have a clue
Slovesnki rep je alhkoholik samo tip je zdehidriran
Slovenian rap is an alcoholic, but it's dehydrated
Skoz dela za kišto pira skoz kurcu svira
He always works for a pint of beer, always smells like he's been screwed
Dobesedno ker punce so redkejše od safira
Literally, because girls are rarer than sapphires
Same ribice tritonke brez talenta
All these little Triton fish without talent
Oni bi si kupli point samo jim ga nočem rentat
They'd buy some points from me, but I don't want to rent them out
Ga skrivam srei lenta flow te fenta
I hide them with a ribbon, the flow tricks you
Men da vsaki gram je penta reperom manjka malo pigmenta
To me, every gram is a penta, rappers lack a little pigment
Ker kak bi to mogli delat jim tui ni jasno glih
Because they don't even know how to do what they do, it's obvious
Pa pasem v kontekst ko bomba na viktorjih
And I fit into the context like a bomb at the Victories
Tričetrt scene mlečn folk ki
Three-quarters of the scene are milky folk
Rad pokaže jaja egotripa ko na moki
Who like to show off their eggs, ego trip like on coke
Pozabli identiteto ko Bourne
They forget their identity like Bourne
Ampak če vsi skup pridejo na kup ne rata šmorn
But if you put them all together, Smorn won't happen
Tričetrt scene mlečn folk ki
Three-quarters of the scene are milky folk
Rad pokaže jaja egotripa ko na moki
Who like to show off their eggs, ego trip like on coke
Pozabli identiteto ko Bourne
They forget their identity like Bourne
Ampak če vsi skup pridejo na kup ne rata šmorn
But if you put them all together, Smorn won't happen
Pravijo da delajo rep zakaj ne čutim tega
They say they're rapping, why don't I feel it?
Vse kar čujem je samo domišlija alter ega
All I hear is the fantasy of an alter ego
Lej če ne misliš resno kar pišes kolega
Listen, if you're not serious about what you're writing, my friend
Ne omenit imena še enkrat vem da se nočeš kregat
Don't mention my name again, I know you don't want trouble
Naj te majki pele iz sobe na luft na balkon
Let your mother take you out of the room, onto the balcony for some air
Čas je da vidiš naklon da ti amo odpre horizont
It's time to see the perspective, so that she can open your horizon
Ker nias pojma ki je meja
Because you have no idea where the line is
Maš neke bite samo ti res manjka ideja dobra pleja
You have some beats, but you really lack a good idea, a good track
Veš da take hitro prepoznamo ja no
You know that we spot those kind of things quickly, yeah
Veleborčani za mano repamo scenarije vi repate reklamo
Veleborcans behind me, we rap scenarios, you rap commercials
Zato se skipne tipe tipa rajmi dog
That's why we skip guys like dog rhyme
Pese spečemo al zakaj mislis da ma majti wok
We cook the songs or why do you think my mom has a wok
Daj not vse wackote komot v eintopf bebo te jok
Put all the wackness in there, into the eintopf, you'll cry
Sheiss srot nekdo mora vgasnit pop knopf
Sh*t trash, someone has to turn off the pop button
In če te slučajno izmolze se za spot okorn
And if you happen to get out of the spot, okorn
Vedi če maš jajca ni ziher da ti rata šmorn
Know that if you have balls, it's not certain that you'll get a Smorn
Tričetrt scene mlečn folk ki
Three-quarters of the scene are milky folk
Rad pokaže jaja egotripa ko na moki
Who like to show off their eggs, ego trip like on coke
Pozabli identiteto ko Bourne
They forget their identity like Bourne
Ampak če vsi skup pridejo na kup ne rata šmorn
But if you put them all together, Smorn won't happen
Tričetrt scene mlečn folk ki
Three-quarters of the scene are milky folk
Rad pokaže jaja egotripa ko na moki
Who like to show off their eggs, ego trip like on coke
Pozabli identiteto ko Bourne
They forget their identity like Bourne
Ampak če vsi skup pridejo na kup ne rata šmorn
But if you put them all together, Smorn won't happen

Авторы: Emkej

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