Enzo - Real - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Enzo - Real

Siempre real no x-box
Always real, no Xbox
Asi es como me mantengo en el camino correcto el opuesto al que
That's how I stay on the right path, the opposite of the one
Estan expuesto Para cuando quieran escuchar aqui tengo los textos
You're exposed to. Whenever you want to listen, I have the lyrics here.
Se hicieron que no me vieron yo tambien jugare al
They acted like they didn't see me, I'll play the same
Juego de ir con la corriente mientras me hago el ciego
Game of going with the flow while playing blind.
Hoy yo mismo los ojos me los vendo Como
Today I blindfold myself. As
Si mi vida dependiera de ello a lo birdbox
If my life depended on it, birdbox style.
Trate de mostrar de que somos capaces quize
I tried to show what we are capable of. I wanted to
Cambiar el mundo el mundo no ta en deja cambiase
Change the world. The world is not in "let it change."
Trate por la buena hoy a la buena na se hace
I tried to be good, today nothing good is done.
Y como ese es el caso claro tengo que adaptarme
And since that's the case, of course I have to adapt.
Pa darle a mis hijos todo lo que quiero,
To give my children everything I want,
Una casa tan grande que tengamo que facetime pa veno
A house so big that we have to FaceTime to see each other.
Trate de ser antido ahora vengo con veneno el mismo
I tried to be an antidote, now I come with venom, the same one
Que te hablo de amor es el mismo que hoy te manda FUEGO!
That talked to you about love is the same one that sends you FIRE today!
No aviso cuando voy ya estoy que me ven de lejo
I don't warn when I'm coming, I'm already here, they see me from afar.
Y no porque le hago seña ven como me brilla el cuello
And not because I'm signaling, they see how my neck shines.
Son kilate en cada oreja utede saben como brego si eto
They are karats in each ear, you know how I roll if these
Diamante fueran falsos ni siquiera hablara de ello AYOO
Diamonds were fake I wouldn't even talk about it AYOO.
No e lo mimo tenelo que sali a bucalo
It's not the same, I had to go out and find it.
Lo mio lo tengo yo lo de utede ta en otra manos.
What's mine I have, yours is in other hands.
No me hables de real tu acciones no me lo han MOSTRADO
Don't talk to me about real, your actions haven't SHOWN me.
Ahy una diferencia en SERLO y en aparentarlo
There is a difference between BEING and pretending to be.
Real como yo en verdad quedan muy poco
Real like me, there are very few left.
Real reconoce real con razon no los reconosco
Real recognizes real, no wonder I don't recognize you.
Yo metiera ma mano que utede hasta siendo mocho
I would put my hand in more than you even if I was crippled.
Pero como no lo soy voy dando deo en un i8
But since I'm not, I'm giving you the finger in an i8.
No me hahan habla e mujere que si empiezo no
Women haven't spoken to me, if I start they won't
Acabara yo la uso una ve y la voto no me guta reciclala
I'll finish, I use her once and throw her away, I don't like recycling her.
No e que soy lo ultimo mucho meno la para
Not that I'm the last, much less the stop.
Pero me e dao ma culo e gringa que toilets de hotele en punta cana
But I've given more ass to gringas than hotel toilets in Punta Cana.
No les sale asi fracasan al intento
It doesn't work out that way for them, they fail at the attempt.
El secteto se lo voy a da en secreto
I'll give you the secret in secret.
Lo que pasa es que yo lo vivo y depue te lo cuento
What happens is that I live it and then I tell you about it.
Ello cuentan lo que quieren vivi y quieren vivi del cuento
They tell you what they want, they live and want to live the story.
Viven vendiendo droga con los homies lo
They live selling drugs with the homies, they
Matan y pa el funeral le hacen una Go-Fund Me
Kill him and for the funeral they do a Go-Fund Me.
Me dicen ya no eres el mismo cambiaste
They tell me you're not the same anymore, you've changed.
La forma en que vistes y hasta lo que dices
The way you dress and even what you say.
Terminaste siendo uno mas que no trato
You ended up being one more who didn't try
De aparentar y hoy en dia te contradices
To pretend, and today you contradict yourself.
Dime en que me estoy contradiciendo?
Tell me how am I contradicting myself?
Solo estoy diciendo cosas que nunca antes dije.
I'm just saying things I never said before.
Mis tenis caros
My expensive sneakers.
Mis pantalones caros
My expensive pants.
Nunca falcificao siempre originales claro
Never fake, always originals, of course.
Siempre real nunca sere de los que FINJE
Always real, I'll never be one of those who PRETENDS.
La ropa no hace al monje pero lo DISTINGUE
Clothes don't make the man, but they DISTINGUISH him.
Que ya yo no rapeo, Dejen la broma,
That I don't rap anymore, stop the joke,
Lo que se lleva por dentro no se abandona saben de que soy capaz
What you carry inside is not abandoned, you know what I'm capable of.
Quien es que esta dudando AHORA!?
Who is doubting NOW!?
Yo Sigo siendo el rap convertido en persona.
I'm still rap turned into a person.
Mucha teoria pero donde ta el trabajo
Lots of theory but where is the work?
Utede hablan yo rapeo sus palabras son en vano.
You talk, I rap, your words are in vain.
Con la letras un peligro Con la melodia lo mimo
With the lyrics, a danger. With the melody, the same.
Me monto en su estilo y los pongo de relajo.
I ride their style and make them relax.
Los deprogramo sin un gramo cuando me programo
I deprogram them without a gram when I program myself.
No es de su agrado cuando grabo en un beat de Grado
It's not to your liking when I record on a Grado beat.
Y con razon ya que ven como los degrado mis
And with good reason, as you see how I degrade them, my
Raps vienen integrados con punchlines sagrados
Raps are integrated with sacred punchlines.
Light work.
Light work.
Talento sin fama no cuenta Me costo cambia intencione
Talent without fame doesn't count. It cost me to change intentions.
Ahora quiero promocion y que to el mundo me mencione
Now I want promotion and for the whole world to mention me.
Hablo con acciones no descanzo ni en las vacaciones
I speak with actions, I don't rest even on vacation.
Siempre ON nunca modo avion ni cuando voy en aviones
Always ON, never airplane mode, not even when I'm on planes.
Me odian por proyecto rellecto su projeccione
They hate me because the project reflects their projections.
2 Projectos por mes pa que me odien el doble
2 Projects per month so they hate me twice as much.
2 canciones por 12 meses son 24 razones
2 songs for 12 months are 24 reasons.
25 si le incluyo que me sobran los cojones
25 if I include that I have balls to spare.
Dicen que son reale yo lo pruebo
They say they are real, I'll prove it.
Utede sigan jugando ese juego
You keep playing that game.
De saltarle por encima a otro que no ta de
Of jumping over someone else who's not
Na vamo a ve donde llegaran jugando 0 mata 0
Let's see where they get playing 0 kill 0.
Son saltos cuanticos cada vez que me muevo
They are quantum leaps every time I move.
Por eso no le tiro a eto rapero nuevos psh
That's why I don't shoot at these new rappers psh.
Patra ni pa sentame yo no retrocedo
Not even to sit down, I don't back down.
Me ven en persona y se lo hallan extraño pensaban que solo el vino
They see me in person and find it strange, they thought only wine
Mejoraba con los años pa el que dicen que mi ego enorme me esta
Got better with age. For those who say my huge ego is
Haciendo daño les confiezo que mi guebo tiene el doble de tamaño
Hurting me, I confess that my balls are twice the size.
Hang on,
Hang on,
De boca son mucha cosa eto grupo de idiota entiende
From the mouth they are many things, this group of idiots understands
Que no ere lo que te proclamas ser eres lo que provocas
That you are not what you claim to be, you are what you provoke.
Motivacion y confidencia me han dicho que yo transmito
Motivation and confidence, they have told me that I transmit
Atravez de mi discos porque Dios es el capitan de mi equipo
Through my records because God is the captain of my team.
Saben de mi y nunca me han visto su opinion me importan 3
They know about me and they have never seen me, their opinion matters 3
Pito me inspiro y levito lo grande de aqui se ven chiquito
Penises to me. I get inspired and levitate, what is big here looks small.
Lo problema evito pero ando con un par de versos listos
I avoid problems but I walk around with a couple of verses ready.
Transformo letras en energia cinetica igual que Gambito
I transform lyrics into kinetic energy just like Gambit.
Should I continue!?
No tengo limites lo admito como estrella no clasifico
I have no limits, I admit it, as a star I don't classify.
Lo que hago no desvanece y las estrellas pierden el brillo
What I do doesn't fade, and stars lose their shine.
El presente del rap conciente y no vivo abajo de un arbolito
The present of conscious rap and I don't live under a tree.
Acotao en el 7 y el 9 es como me defino
Leaning on the 7 and the 9 is how I define myself.
Un 8 horizontal ese es el logo de infinito un
A horizontal 8 that's the infinity logo, a
Mortal sobrenatural soy la definicion de un mito sigo!!?
Supernatural mortal, I am the definition of a myth, shall I continue!!?
Mas fuerte que Thanos con lo 10
Stronger than Thanos with the 10
Anillo pueto dime quien puede conmigo.
Rings on, tell me who can handle me.

Авторы: Santiago F Grullon

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