Epik High - US AGAINST THE WORLD - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Epik High - US AGAINST THE WORLD

지내고 있냐?
How are you doing?
오랜만에 목소리 듣네
It's been a while since I've heard your voice.
바빴어, 앨범 준비도 했고
I've been busy, preparing for the album,
키우는 만만치 않네
Raising a child is no easy feat.
전화 끊을 때마다
Every time we hang up,
인사 대신 약속하는 한잔하기 힘드네
It's hard to promise a drink instead of saying goodbye.
주말에 모인다며?
Everyone's getting together this weekend, right?
애들에게 안부 전해줘
Say hello to the kids for me.
담엔 내가 쏠게
Next time, it's on me.
나만 빠져서 김원태 삐지겠다
Kim Won Tae's gonna be sulking again since I'm the only one missing out.
밤새 간지럽겠다
His ears must be burning all night.
어떻게 건지, 지금 보니
Now that I look at it,
우리 단톡방 새해 인사만 가득하네
Our group chat is full of New Year's greetings.
연락 자주 할게. 미안해, 나를 탓해
I'll keep in touch more often. I'm sorry, blame me.
각자 살기 바쁜 좋지만 외롭진 않았으면
It's good that we're all busy living our lives, but I hope we're not lonely.
이젠 무소식이 희소식이기엔
The world has become too harsh for
세상이 너무 험해졌어
No news to be good news.
있을 just call me
When something's up, just call me
꿈보다 소중했던 friends
Friends who were more precious than dreams
우리 동네가 세상의 전부였을
When our neighborhood was our whole world
우린 친구잖아 man, yeah
We're friends, man, yeah
미안하단 말은 마라 man, yeah
Don't say you're sorry, man, yeah
No matter what you do I'll understand
No matter what you do, I'll understand
It's us against the world
It's us against the world
세상에게 당할 때, yeah
When the world hurts us, yeah
사랑에게 버림받을 때, yeah
When love abandons us, yeah
언제나 옆에 있던 나의 friends
My friends who were always by my side
It's us against the world
It's us against the world
돌아가고 싶어. 철없던 그때
I want to go back to those carefree days
책임보다 책가방이 무거웠을
When my backpack was heavier than my responsibilities
어렸을 하나면 행복했는데
When we were young, a single ball made us happy
어른들은 공을 들여 행복을 뺐네
Adults took away our happiness by putting in the effort
해가 바뀔 때마다 늘어가는 전화번호들과
With each passing year, the phone numbers increase,
인사 대신 주고받는 명함들속엔 없지
But the business cards we exchange instead of greetings don't contain
창문 밖에서 이름 외쳐대던 친구들이 주던 평화
The peace my friends used to give me when they shouted my name outside my window
이젠 어깨 위에 짐이 무거워 힘들어지나
The burden on my shoulders seems to be getting heavier now
손에 전화 드는 것도
Even picking up the phone
밤을 새워 잔에 털어놓던 고민도
The worries we used to pour into our cups all night long
곳을 잃은 새벽 공기 위를 걷고
Seem to have lost their place, walking on the morning air
공허함에 취해
Intoxicated by emptiness
오랜만에 펴서 마주하는 낡은 졸업 앨범
Opening an old graduation album after a long time
기억할 많아
There's so much to remember
잃어가는 것도 많은 세상이지만
Although the world takes away a lot
잃을 것을 줘서 고마운 지난날
I'm grateful for those past days that gave me something to lose
우린 친구잖아 man, yeah
We're friends, man, yeah
미안하단 말은 마라 man, yeah
Don't say you're sorry, man, yeah
No matter what you do I'll understand
No matter what you do, I'll understand
It's us against the world
It's us against the world
세상에게 당할 때, yeah
When the world hurts us, yeah
사랑에게 버림받을 때, yeah
When love abandons us, yeah
언제나 옆에 있던 나의 friends
My friends who were always by my side
It's us against the world
It's us against the world
같은 꿈을 향해 달리며
Running towards the same dream
넘어질 함께 아프며
Hurting together when we fall
우린 같은 매를 맞으며
We grew up
자랐잖아 my friends
Taking the same hits, my friends
이젠 담배 나누며
Now, sharing a cigarette
독한 한잔을 마시며
Drinking a strong shot
자비 없는 세월 맞으며
Facing the merciless passage of time
함께 늙어가지만…
We grow old together, but...
우린 친구잖아 man, yeah
We're friends, man, yeah
미안하단 말은 마라 man, yeah
Don't say you're sorry, man, yeah
No matter what you do I'll understand
No matter what you do, I'll understand
It's us against the world
It's us against the world
세상에게 당할 때, yeah
When the world hurts us, yeah
사랑에게 버림받을 때, yeah
When love abandons us, yeah
언제나 옆에 있던 나의 friends
My friends who were always by my side
It's us against the world
It's us against the world
행복해라 인마
Be happy, man
부자 되라 인마
Become rich, man
좋은 사람 만나
Meet someone good
사람답게 살아라 인마
Live a good life, man
행복해라 인마
Be happy, man
사랑한다 인마
I love you, man
좋은 사람 만나
Meet someone good
닮은 딸바보 되라 인마
Become a daughter-fool like you, man

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