Erfan - Rahe Man - перевод текста песни на английский

Rahe Man - Erfanперевод на английский

Rahe Man
My Way
حالا گوشی تو گوشمه
Now the phone is in my ear
سیگارمو میبوسمش
I kiss my cigarette
حسّم گلومو میفشاره و آره میدونم که
A feeling squeezes my throat and yes, I know that
توی این اتاق تاریک
In this dark room
فقط ماییم و تنهاییم
It's just us and loneliness
منم و قلمم و موزیکم انگار نیست فردایی
It's just me, my pen, and my music, as if there's no tomorrow
یکمی فرق داره پیچش تارای مغز من
The twists of my brain are a bit different
شاید همینه که یه عمریه هستم در به در
Maybe that's why I've been wandering for a lifetime
سر به سرم نذار چون سنگینه برات حرف من
Don't mess with me, because my words are heavy for you
اونا که میفهمن باهامن، ده ساله هستن خطه من
Those who understand are with me, they've been my line for ten years
گفتم راهه منه، حالا میگم خدافظ
I said it's my way, now I say goodbye
راهه منه، انقدر نپرس کجاهه
It's my way, don't ask where it is so much
راهه منه، راهم از تو جداهه
It's my way, my path is separate from yours
راهه منه، باید برم خدافظ
It's my way, I have to go, goodbye
۹ از ۱۰ کسی که باته
9 out of 10 who are with you
۹ از ۱۰ کثیفه ذاتش
9 out of 10 have a dirty essence
تا وقتی که چیزی بهش برسه هست و
They are there as long as they get something from you, and
بعد نمیرسه کسی به دادت
Then no one comes to your aid
بش راه میدی میکنه مصرفت
You give them a way in, they use you up
مثل سگه وِل میخوره از دستت
Like a dog, they run loose from your grasp
قوله قلّه رو میدی، هل میدی بیاد بالا
You promise the peak, you push them to come up
زیره فشار له میشی
You get crushed under pressure
میکنی پسرفت هی
You keep regressing
آه، هنوز ایستاده این آهنگارو میسازه
Ah, he's still standing, making these songs
خوندن از با راه قلبت برا همه نیست ساده
Singing from the bottom of your heart is not easy for everyone
حالا که تند و تند گذشت رسیده به سی سالش
Now that time has passed quickly, he's reached his thirties
گذشت انگار مثل یه پک که زده به سیگارش
It passed like a puff he took from his cigarette
بم میگه بم زندگى شيرينه مزه ى دهنم تلخه
They tell me life is sweet, the taste in my mouth is bitter
مى گن نوار مغز شهر به جوهر قلمم وصله
They say the city's brain waves are connected to the ink of my pen
خطر مثل سايه با هامه خودشو به هر قدمم بسته
Danger is with me like a shadow, clinging to my every step
مى گى حرفم سنده ؟ بيا سندم دستت آه
You say my words are proof? Here, take my proof, ah
گفتم راهه منه، حالا میگم خدافظ
I said it's my way, now I say goodbye
راهه منه، انقدر نپرس کجاهه
It's my way, don't ask where it is so much
راهه منه، راهم از تو جداهه
It's my way, my path is separate from yours
راهه منه، باید برم خدافظ
It's my way, I have to go, goodbye
ترس نبايد با من عجين شه
Fear shouldn't be intertwined with me
عشق مى خورم بازم فريبش
I eat love, I'm still deceived by it
سخته زندگى ياد دادن
Life is hard, they taught me
اون زخم هاى كهنه كه تازن هميشه
Those old wounds that always become fresh
آه ، شعر و فكر مى شن با هم قرينه
Ah, poetry and thought become symmetrical
خواستم عادى باشم
I wanted to be normal
ولى كندنم دو تا بال از زمين هى
But I keep pulling two wings from the ground
اى ، بگو چرا مى رقصن اينا همه به سازم
Hey, tell me why they all dance to my tune
من همون بچه بده لشه خوابه ته كلاسم
I'm the same bad kid sleeping at the back of the class
كه وقتى همه بودن تو صفه خوابه صبح
When everyone was on the morning sleep page
مشتاى من مى بو سيدن محكم صورت ناظم و
My fists would firmly kiss the principal's face and
شديم بزرگو بخت برگشت
We grew up, fate turned
ناظم لباس سبز تن كرد
The principal put on a green uniform
جامعه جلومون قد علم كرد و
Society stood tall before us and
فرو رفتيم سخت در جنگ
We were deeply immersed in war
ببين اين موزيكو قفلى روش مى گى
Look at this music, you say it's locked on it
ارزش نداره چون دارى مفتى گوش مى دى
It's not worth it because you're listening for free
اَه ، نمى فهمى نمى زارى بسازم فرهنگو
Ah, you don't understand, you don't let me build the culture
اگه يه روز يه جا منو ديدى صدام اصلا نكن
If one day you see me somewhere, don't call out to me at all
اگه جوابتو ندادم قضاوتم نكن
If I don't answer you, don't judge me
اين راهه منه يه ذره هم تو به راهم شك نكن آه
This is my way, don't doubt my way even a little bit, ah
آهنگا که میخونن، اینا راه منه
The songs they sing, this is my way
لباسا که میپوشن، اینا راه منه
The clothes they wear, this is my way
خودشونم میدونن، اینا راه منه
They know it themselves, this is my way
هر کاری امسال بکنم، اینا ساله بعدش
Whatever I do this year, this is what it will be next year
بگو بينم تو كجايى ها ؟
Tell me, where are you?
تو هم گيرى سره دو راهى ها ؟
Are you stuck at a crossroads?
محكمى روى تصميمت
Are you firm in your decision
يا تو هم مثل موج هایی باد
Or are you like the waves of the wind
مشخص مى كنه مسيرو برات
It determines the path for you
كرده تورم محدوديت
Limitation has trapped you
اسير و زمان طلاست پس
A prisoner, and time is gold, so
هميشه كلافم
I'm always tangled
سبكه باره گناه سنگينه خلافم
The burden of sin is light, my violation is heavy
ببين هيچوقت عادلانه سوت نزد
Look, the referee never blew the whistle fairly
از ديد من داور
From my point of view
هه بيخيالش همه كفتارن با كى راه بيام
Heh, forget it, everyone is a hyena, who should I go with?
قسمت بوده كه ياقى بار بيام
It was fate that I came back with a remaining load
اين راه منه عاقبتش
This is my way, its end
مال منه خواستى بام بيا
It's mine, if you want, come with me
راه راه راه ماله منه
Way, way, way, it's mine
راه راه راه ماله منه
Way, way, way, it's mine
راه راه راه ماله منه
Way, way, way, it's mine
راه راه راه ماله منه
Way, way, way, it's mine
آه رو بیته APlus هنو راهه منه آه پایدار
Ah, on the APlus beat, it's still my way, ah, forever

Авторы: Hajrasuliha Erfan

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