Wack, una muerte en el Rap es la de Dilla no la de Tupac
Wack, the only real death in Rap is Dilla's, not Tupac's
¿Drag queen o rapero vil? No lo sé pero el fin es lucir exóticos con mucho Bling Bling y shoes estrambóticos Dada con rin en cada costado, 20 o 17 dependerá del grado de lo tarado que sea quien los ha comprado
Drag queen or a vile rapper? I don't know, but the goal is to look exotic with lots of Bling Bling and extravagant Dada shoes with a rim on each side, 20 or 17 will depend on the degree of idiocy of whoever bought them
Loco, mañana exigirás sneakers con quemacocos y tal vez un par de speakers por si fuera poco
Crazy, tomorrow you'll demand sneakers with sunroofs and maybe even a pair of speakers just in case
Imagina que Snoop es tu primo y Missy tu prima
Imagine if Snoop is your cousin and Missy is your cousin
Tendrás beats de Timbo y a Pharrel desnudo bailando por tu concina
You'll have Timbo beats and a naked Pharrel dancing in your kitchen
Imagina, imagina, imagina más imagina
Imagine, imagine, imagine more imagine
De vuelta a la realidad, eres nadie y te llamas Vagina
Back to reality, you're nobody and your name is Vagina
Pussy Fisting a.k.a "Eric lo hace súper duro" será tu nombre artístico, triunfarás te lo aseguro
Pussy Fisting aka "Eric does it super hard" will be your stage name, you'll succeed I assure you
Sería como Silvia Saint versión travestí rapeando
It would be like Silvia Saint as a transvestite rapping
Una asquerosidad que será la sensación del mercado
A vileness that will be the sensation of the market
Dado que en esta década de cada cinco artistas tres son Rap, ejecutan en pistas con voces y hacen play back sin vergüenza
Given that in this decade, three out of every five artists are rappers, they play on tracks with vocals and shamelessly lip-sync
Después veras b-boys en la Guelaguetza, Graffiti en la catedral y a Shakira controlando en las Vestax
Then you'll see b-boys in the Guelaguetza, graffiti in the cathedral, and Shakira controlling the Vestax
Algo cómico, pero lógico y normal en esta desgracia
Somewhat funny, but logical and normal in this disgrace
Algunos patentas flows, otros sólo ropa y fragancias
Some patent flows, others just clothes and fragrances
Algo trágico, pero mágico y normal si estas en la infancia adicto a "Boyz in the Hood" y creyendo en esas falacias
Something tragic, but magical and normal if you are a child addicted to "Boyz in the Hood" and believing in those fallacies
Papá te dice que la calle es peligrosa
Your dad says the street is dangerous
Dile que no, que no, dile que no, que no
Tell him no, no, tell him no, no
Mamá te dice que te cambies esa ropa
Your mom tells you to change your clothes
Dile que no, que no, dile que no, que no
Tell her no, no, tell her no, no
El mundo es tuyo pues lo dijo Nas y Punto
The world is yours because Nas and Punto said so
Fuma marihuana, que se jodan los adultos
Smoke marijuana, to hell with adults
Si Benzino fuero mi vecino yo sería asesino, mataría al cretino sin piedad cual Quentin Tarantino
If Benzino were my neighbor, I'd be a killer, I'd kill the jerk mercilessly like Quentin Tarantino
Un comino me dio su Beef con EM
A cumin gave me his beef with EM
Yo quiero el mío con Puff porque no es Tuff es puro Bluff y va a perder
I want mine with Puff because he's not Tuff, he's pure Bluff, and he's going to lose
¿Rap para gays? Con Kanye West, qué, ¿No me lo crees?
Rap for gays? With Kanye West, what, you don't believe me?
El próximo mes es su boda en secreto con 50 Cent
Next month is his secret wedding with 50 Cent
Quieren tener al hijo bastardo del Rap en manos
They want to have the bastard son of Rap in their hands
Por favor, es algo brutal que lo prohíba el Vaticano y si no, bueno, que lo tengan ya y que sean felices y que aprenda de papá cómo fortalecer sus bíceps
Please, it's something brutal that the Vatican prohibits it, and if not, well, let them have it now, and may they be happy and learn from their father how to strengthen their biceps
Porque al fin, lo que importa es la carrera de ese escuincle que de mami aprenderá cómo se viste una Gold Digger
Because in the end, what matters is the career of that little kid who will learn from his mommy how a gold digger dresses
Se olvidan del flow, sólo piensan en posar en The Source
They forget about the flow, they only think about posing in The Source
Pisan con cara de diva la alfombra de Grammys y Awards per no practican su show y eso a mí me jode
They step on the red carpet of the Grammys and Awards with a diva face, but they don't practice their show, and that pisses me off
Que ganen millones a costa de fans con estilos mediocres como Chingy en Powerballin' o Limp Bizkit con Rollin'
Let them make millions at the cost of fans with mediocre styles like Chingy in Powerballin' or Limp Bizkit with Rollin'
Después que no te extrañe ver de MC a Macaulay Culkin
After that, don't be surprised to see Macaulay Culkin as an MC
MTV glorifica wanna be'sy trago bilis mas no me olvido de quien soy, despierto y pongo a Biggie
MTV glorifies wanna be's and I swallow bile, but I don't forget who I am, I wake up and put on Biggie
"All I want is bitches, big booty bitches"
"All I want is bitches, big booty bitches"
Si, lo aprendí de Biggie igual que mis compinches
Yes, I learned it from Biggie, just like my buddies
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