Estilo Bajo - On Fire - перевод текста песни на английский

On Fire - Estilo Bajoперевод на английский

On Fire
On Fire
Niggaz on the M.I.C... On fire!!
Guys on the M.I.C... On fire!!
Estilo de barrio bajo is... On fire!!
Low-class neighborhood style is... On fire!!
People walkin' on the streets... On fire!!, On fire!!
People walkin' on the streets... On fire!!, On fire!!
Desde las cruces baby. On fire
From Las Cruces, baby. On fire
Represent the B.D.C... On fire!!
Represent the B.D.C... On fire!!
Rudas rimas sobre un beat... On fire!!, On fire!!
Rough rhymes over a beat... On fire!!, On fire!!
La tropa ataca, jódanse si esto los opaca,
The troop attacks, screw you if this overshadows you, girl,
No me das la talla así que quédate en la banca
You're not up to par, so stay on the bench, sweetheart
Hoy vengo como un chino dando puño y
Today I come like a Chinese man giving fists and
Pata a esos falsos ídolos de barro y lata
Kicks to those false idols of mud and tin
Nilus... en que te fijas feel this
Nilus... what are you looking at? Feel this
Shit boss traje antibalas ráfagas de rimas
Shit boss, I brought bulletproof rhymes, bursts of rhymes
Criado en las Cruces donde el Rap comanda,
Raised in Las Cruces where Rap commands,
Un saludo a todos los que en la juega andan
A greeting to all those who are in the game
Manos arriba niñas en la tarima contonean el culo sus senos brincan
Hands up girls on the stage shake their ass, their breasts bounce
Esta es la onda que se cuela en su cabeza,
This is the wave that sneaks into your head, girl,
Desfilan monas, morenas canastas de cerveza
Pretty girls parade, brunettes, baskets of beer
Niggaz on the M.I.C... On fire!!
Guys on the M.I.C... On fire!!
Estilo de barrio bajo is... On fire!!
Low-class neighborhood style is... On fire!!
People walkin' on the streets... On fire!!, On fire!!
People walkin' on the streets... On fire!!, On fire!!
Desde las cruces baby. On fire
From Las Cruces, baby. On fire
Represent the B.D.C... On fire!!
Represent the B.D.C... On fire!!
People walkin' on the streets... On fire!!, On fire!!
People walkin' on the streets... On fire!!, On fire!!
Teniendo la fuerza de mil b-boys y mil deejays que
Having the strength of a thousand b-boys and a thousand deejays that
Rayan, aquí en mi diafragma yo te traigo mi metralla.
Scratch, here in my diaphragm I bring you my shrapnel.
Dispara tus versos que te dicen guaya.
Shoot your verses that tell you "guaya".
. Y tus babosadas porque siempre fallan
. And your stupidities because they always fail
Ya no estés diciendo que eres quien
Stop saying that you are the one who
Gana, ya no te las piques si no ganas lana
Wins, don't get angry if you don't earn money
Toma mi jarabe de mañana hay de mañana,
Take my syrup, tomorrow there will be more tomorrow,
El castigador que ya se viene con la daga
The punisher who is already coming with the dagger
Todo inquisición son palabras que dejan yaga,
All inquisition, they are words that leave a wound,
Es mi palabra que ya te dice calla,
It's my word that already tells you to shut up,
En esta batalla muchos botaran la
In this battle many will throw in the
Toalla, soy el protegido por Dios y Dhema Jah.
Towel, I am the one protected by God and Dhema Jah.
Mira como flota en la esquina la
Look how the troop floats on the corner,
Trova, las segundas ligas de aquí sobran
The second leagues are superfluous here
La fluyente, fuerte, permanente,
The fluent, strong, permanent,
Prevalece, se mantiene ante el clima inclemente...
Prevails, remains before the inclement weather...
Severa fusión de la lleca... psicodélica visión en la juega...
Severe fusion of the lleca... psychedelic vision in the game...
En el beat a pararse duro si,
On the beat to stand tall yes,
En el rin Ghetto star estupefacto microphone find
In the ring Ghetto star dumbfounded microphone find
Arriba la barriada, el micro, la dama,
Up with the neighborhood, the microphone, the lady,
La iglesia, la plaza, el dique, mi rancha
The church, the square, the dike, my ranch
I'm Smook the weed,
I'm Smook the weed,
She loves the "G" Ginebra don't stop a la hora del swing
She loves the "G" Ginebra don't stop at swing time
Niggaz on the M.I.C... On fire!!
Guys on the M.I.C... On fire!!
Estilo de barrio bajo is... On fire!!
Low-class neighborhood style is... On fire!!
People walkin' on the streets... On fire!!, On fire!!
People walkin' on the streets... On fire!!, On fire!!
Desde las cruces baby. On fire
From Las Cruces, baby. On fire
Represent the B.D.C... On fire!!
Represent the B.D.C... On fire!!
Rudas rimas sobre un beat... On fire!!, On fire!!
Rough rhymes over a beat... On fire!!, On fire!!
Se prende la candela,
The fire starts,
Cuando menos se les espera,
When least expected,
Estilo de barrio bajo el hipogeo es la manera.
Low-class neighborhood style, the hypogeum is the way.
Hip Hop Queens, Bogotá beats,
Hip Hop Queens, Bogotá beats,
Esto es lo que fluye cuando subo acá en el rin,
This is what flows when I go up here in the ring,
Con el swing de mi gente al estilo Donking,
With the swing of my people, Donking style,
Muthafucker, jungla del noventa al dos mil
Muthafucker, jungle from ninety to two thousand
Ya se sabe que esto es lo que vengo yo
You already know that this is what I'm coming to
Avisando, Estilo Bajo cinco micros disparando
Announcing, Estilo Bajo five mics firing
Es el sonido bien certero,
It's the very accurate sound,
Pa' el Colombiano bien guerrero,
For the very warrior Colombian,
Latinos emigrantes, nativos en los ghettos.
Latino emigrants, natives in the ghettos.
Quietó mi clica es de respeto,
My quiet clique is respectful,
Todo el latín lingo subido en el mismo expreso
All the Latin lingo on the same express
Niggaz on the M.I.C... On fire!!
Guys on the M.I.C... On fire!!
Estilo de barrio bajo is... On fire!!
Low-class neighborhood style is... On fire!!
People walkin' on the streets... On fire!!, On fire!!
People walkin' on the streets... On fire!!, On fire!!
Desde las cruces baby. On fire
From Las Cruces, baby. On fire
Represent the B.D.C... On fire!!
Represent the B.D.C... On fire!!
Rudas rimas sobre un beat... On fire!!, On fire!!
Rough rhymes over a beat... On fire!!, On fire!!

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