Exactesy feat. Gard - Maksud - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Exactesy feat. Gard - Maksud

Tak bermaksud aku tunggu aku mahu
I don't mean to wait, I want
Apa yang kau nak beri aku dah tahu
What you want to give me, I already know
Cuba pilih pintu yang mana satu
Try to choose which door
Aku tunggu
I'm waiting
Tongkat dagu
Leaning on my chin
Kalau tak tahu boleh jadi malu
If you don't know, you might be embarrassed
Jadi tunggul
Become a stump
Perasaan tak betul
It feels wrong
Dah lupa asal usul
I've forgotten my origins
Dah naik tinggi baru boleh rasa gayat
Only when you're up high can you feel dizzy
Dah lama hidup baru fikir pasal hayat
Only after living for a long time can you think about life
Nak patah balik tak dapat sebab dah lewat
You can't turn back because it's too late
Duduk bawah sebab orang naik meluat
Sitting down because people are getting annoyed
Apa nak buat
What to do
Luar kuat dalam hati takde tahu
Outwardly strong, but inwardly clueless
Walaupun dah berat fikir masih mampu
Even though it's heavy, I can still think
Terpaksa hadap layankan kaki ampu
Have to face it, entertain the flatterers
Senang cakap bila susah tak denganku
It's easy to talk when you're down
Tak bermaksud aku tunggu aku mahu
I don't mean to wait, I want
Apa yang kau nak beri aku dah tahu
What you want to give me, I already know
Apa yang kau boleh buktikan
What can you prove
Selain semua kesilapan
Apart from all the mistakes
Takde yang boleh dibanggakan
There's nothing to be proud of
Benda buruk yang diterbitkan
The bad things that were published
Yang baik padam dari ingatan
The good things have been erased from memory
Kesannya boleh jadi pedoman
The consequences can be a guide
Jangan buat jadi satu haluan
Don't make it a habit
Jangan toleh sini lain pandangan
Don't look my way, we have different views
Untuk nota masa depan
For a future note
Tak bermaksud aku tunggu aku mahu
I don't mean to wait, I want
Apa yang kau nak beri aku dah tahu
What you want to give me, I already know
Aku jenis yang faham situasi
I'm the type to understand the situation
Kalau dah tak perlu. Buat ape aku kat sini
If I'm not needed, what am I doing here?
Speed dial, number aku ye aku angkat
Speed dial, I'll pick up
Ambik berat, pasal kau ye aku ingat
I care, because I remember you
Sorok muka, ghost then lari
Hide your face, ghost, and run
Heartless, takde benda nak cakap lagi
Heartless, nothing more to say
Singgah tanya khabar kau maybe nanti
Drop by to ask how you are, maybe later
Tak sure dulu Tengok dulu dekat situasi
Not sure yet. Will see how the situation is.
Tak bermaksud aku tunggu aku mahu
I don't mean to wait, I want
Apa yang kau nak beri aku dah tahu
What you want to give me, I already know

Авторы: Megat Shazrul

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