EXILE - Hero - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский EXILE - Hero

優しさに触れる事で 素直になれたらいいね
If your heart could be stirred by my kindness, I hope you’d become honest
泣いたり 笑ったり 全てが「今」始まる
Crying or laughing, everything “now” begins
変わらないモノを いつも探し続け歩いて行く
Always searching for that which doesn’t change
僕等はいつまでも キミの胸に居るから
We’ll always be here in your heart
さぁ両手広げて 空にかざそう
Come on, let’s stretch both arms wide open to the sky
失くしたモノを 取り戻せたら
If you could just get back what you’ve lost
I’m certain your wishes will come true
Someday you’ll definitely be able to laugh
Precious things are always within the mundane
つまらない毎日を 笑って乗りこえてゆこう
Let’s laugh and overcome the boredom of everyday life
吹きつける強い風に キミが飛ばされないように
May I tightly hold your arm to protect you from the strong wind
しっかりその腕を 僕が掴んであげる
so that you won’t be blown away
傷つく事と引きかえに ボク等は強さに変える
At the cost of getting hurt, we turn pain into strength
何にも怖くない キミは一人じゃないさ
There’s nothing to be afraid of; You’re not alone
さぁ涙をふいて ここへおいでよ
Come on, wipe away your tears and come here
まぶしい明日へ 走り出そうよ
Let’s run off to a glorious tomorrow
Your wishes will definitely reach you
Someday you’ll definitely be able to laugh
誰もがいつかは皆 大人になってゆくけど
Everyone grows up eventually
いつでも、いつまでも 笑って過ごせればいい
But I hope we can always keep laughing together
さぁ両手広げて 空にかざそう
Come on, let’s stretch both arms wide open to the sky
失くしたモノを 取り戻せたら
If you could just get back what you’ve lost
Your wishes will definitely come true!
Someday you’ll definitely be able to laugh!
For some reason, if you have a hesitant feeling
you can get uneasy
愛する事から 瞳をそらさないで
But don’t look away from the love
You’re not alone

Авторы: 原 一博, Shun, 原 一博, shun

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