FAKE TYPE. - 跳者 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский FAKE TYPE. - 跳者

此度の舞台は Back to back... 2015 Let's go
This time the stage is Back to back... 2015 Let's go
Tonight I can't sleep again because my life is unstable
I've been killing myself all day, but I can't make enough money to support myself. I can't take it anymore!
鎖噛み千切る牙 マッハ超える唾も涎だらだらの体たらく
Chewing on my chains, my spit flies faster than the speed of Mach. My body's a mess, drooling all over the place.
ウンザリだボケ タイム・イーター ほらまたボランティア
I'm sick of it, you idiot! You're just a time-eater. Look, there's another volunteer.
Do you think we're just beavers in a zoo?
そりゃたまったもんじゃないな 先立つものないと
Well, I've had enough of this. I can't go on without any money.
地獄の沙汰もなんとやらだ ブラザー
Hell hath no fury like a brother scorned.
もう振る舞いがお遊びの延長で残念 時は金なりだで
Enough with this ridiculous behavior. Time is money.
We need confidence, You must operate
We need confidence, You must operate
Otherwise, we won't be able to drink good alcohol.
Attack Attack!! 跳者 首も身体も
Attack Attack!! Dancer, head and body
Attack Attack!! 砕けろ 罪の跡すらフラット
Attack Attack!! Break, flatten the traces of sin.
独立への一歩 重く強く踏みしめろ
A step towards independence, take it with strength and determination.
Attack Attack!! 跳者 首も身体も
Attack Attack!! Dancer, head and body
Attack Attack!! 砕けろ 唸れ
Attack Attack!! Break, howl
吼えろ 掲げろ Hop to it, Bro
Roar, raise Hop to it, Bro
同じ植民地で争うのは勘弁 口に出来ない不満は吹き溜まりの種
I'm tired of fighting in the same colony. The unspoken resentment is growing.
ナーナーな関係で学ぶ陰の部分 また知らない娘 誰かのタレ?
In a relationship that's all about control, I learn about the dark side of things. Another girl I don't know, is she someone's target?
枯渇した現状から脱却するロードランナー これじゃ心も躍らない
I need to break free from this dry situation, Road Runner. My heart's not in it anymore.
衛生兵もごく僅か 形勢逆転とはいかない 天変地異でも起きなきゃしがない
There are few medics, and the situation can't be reversed. Nothing short of a natural disaster will help.
取っ掛かりが全然見えない 弾薬もサビついて粗悪で汚い
I can't see any way forward. The ammunition is rusty, defective, and dirty.
弾道もブレブレ まるで小便カーブ 四六時中正念場
The trajectory is all over the place, like a kid peeing. It's a constant crisis.
未だごっこじゃ聞けないコケコッコー 本物の明日が来なけりゃ米騒動
I can't crow like a rooster until it's the real deal. If the real tomorrow doesn't come, there will be riots.
後に響くピカドンラップ ボストンでお茶でもしばこうか
The echoes of the Hiroshima rap. Let's go get some tea in Boston.
Attack Attack!! 跳者 首も身体も
Attack Attack!! Dancer, head and body
Attack Attack!! 砕けろ 罪の跡すらフラット
Attack Attack!! Break, flatten the traces of sin.
独立への一歩 重く強く踏みしめろ
A step towards independence, take it with strength and determination.
Attack Attack!! 跳者 首も身体も
Attack Attack!! Dancer, head and body
Attack Attack!! 砕けろ 唸れ
Attack Attack!! Break, howl
吼えろ 掲げろ Hop to it, Bro
Roar, raise Hop to it, Bro
The so-called local heroes are like Nemo in the ocean.
見つけてよ ここにいるよって叫んでもスルースルースルー
Find me, I'm here, I'm shouting, but you're ignoring me.
なんでいつもこうなの 狼煙でもあげようか
Why is it always like this? Should I light a signal fire?
Without fire, there's no heat or light.
賑わったフリ 隠蔽工作 誤情報 お手の物 懐柔 裏切り
Pretending to be busy, covering things up, spreading false information, corruption, betrayal
入り乱れる 前線のつもりが最早時代遅れ
All mixed up, we were supposed to be at the front lines, but we're behind the times.
まだ踏む韻は地雷 スナイプ一丁お見舞い
Still stepping on landmines, taking potshots.
白旗揚げるフラグが立ってる それでも我構わず勇往邁進
The white flag is about to go up, but we'll keep charging ahead regardless.
U.F.O. マシーンのようなテクノロジーはチート
U.F.O. Like technology is cheating.
But skill alone isn't enough.
One for all, All for one ではない
One for all, All for one is a lie
使い使われるだけ 世知辛い
Used and exploited, how cynical
Attack Attack!! 跳者 首も身体も
Attack Attack!! Dancer, head and body
Attack Attack!! 砕けろ 罪の跡すらフラット
Attack Attack!! Break, flatten the traces of sin.
独立への一歩 重く強く踏みしめろ
A step towards independence, take it with strength and determination.
Attack Attack!! 跳者 首も身体も
Attack Attack!! Dancer, head and body
Attack Attack!! 砕けろ 唸れ
Attack Attack!! Break, howl
吼えろ 掲げろ Hop to it, Bro
Roar, raise Hop to it, Bro
2015年 FAKE TYPE. 非搭載 ブレーキ 安全装置
2015 FAKE TYPE. No brakes, no safety
応急処置程度では意味ない もう芽吹かない地からの独立宣言
First aid won't help anymore. Declaration of independence from a barren land.

Авторы: FAKE TYPE., トップハムハット狂, トップハムハット狂, FAKE TYPE.

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