FL - Me Vendí - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский FL - Me Vendí

Me Vendí
Me Vendí
Si cambio de ritmo me vendí, si me visto lindo me vendí
If I change rhythm I sold out, if I dress nicely I sold out
Las mechas me pinto y me vendí, si pienso distinto me vendí
I dye my hair and I sold out, if I think differently I sold out
A gozar me guindo y me vendí, le canto bonito y me vendí,
I swing to enjoy and I sold out, I sing beautifully and I sold out,
Plata solicito y me vendí, les explico porque no es así
I request money and I sold out, let me explain why it's not so
Pasa pana que ya tengo 20 y no sabe la gente como está el ambiente
Hang in there, it's been 20 years and people don't know how the atmosphere is
No tengo money, me piden que asiente,
I have no money, they ask me to agree,
Que esto no da plata, que sea consciente
That this doesn't bring any money, that I be aware
Si ustedes me van a sustentar, un techo y comida, pueden criticar
If you're going to support me, with a roof and food, you can criticize
No entiendo pa' que viven pendientes,
I don't understand why you're so concerned,
Si no han hecho nada por su bienestar
If you haven't done anything for your well-being
No hacen nada por ellos y solo aspiran a
They don't do anything for themselves and only seek to,
Meterle diente a quien se la gana sin ser delincuente
Sink their teeth into those who do it right without being criminals
A quien se las sabe siendo aún emergente
Those who know how to do it even though they're still emerging artists
Quieren billetes,
They want bills,
Pero es evidente que atrás se quedaron, yo ando reluciente
But it's obvious that they've fallen behind, I'm doing well for myself
Entre tanto tinto ya no duermo, veo en el averno a niños obedientes
With so much red wine consumed I can't sleep, I see obedient children in hell
Yo soy quien se esmera,
I'm the one who strives,
Yo soy quien escribe, si suena culera, no escuches convive
I'm the one who writes, if it sounds ugly, don't listen just live with it
Si quiero estar de star soy yo quien
If I want to be a star, it's up to me,
Decide, si ésta te molesta, nada me cohíbe
If this one bothers you, nothing holds me back
Ahora todo es malo, nada es correcto
Now everything is bad, nothing is right
Por todo dan palo, quien es perfecto
They criticize everything, who's perfect
Si quiero ganarlo, perdí el respeto
If I want to earn it, I've lost the respect
De gente de barrio, gente del ghetto
Of locals, people from the ghetto
Los que critican es porque no pueden hacerlo como yo lo hago
Those who criticize it's because they can't do it the way I do it
Predican y no aplican, su monotonía no podría formar estragos
They preach but don't practice, their monotony could never create havoc
Yo voy año tras año buscando la cima que ustedes jamás alcanzaron
I've been climbing year after year, towards the peak you guys never reached
Y nunca alcanzarán, por el radicalismo nunca recibirán un pago
And you never will, because with your radicalism you'll never earn a dime
Qué sentido tiene la vida, si la bazas en el pasado
What's the point of life, if you base it on the past
Si las bazas en las tristezas, todo lo que pesa, todo está planeado
If you base it on sadness, the weight of it all, it's all planned out
Qué sentido tiene la vida, nada has hecho solo has llorado
What's the point of life, you've done nothing but cry
Has lo que te venga en gana, ya casi se acaba y solo te has quejado
Do whatever you want, it's almost over and all you've done is complain
Si cambio de ritmo me vendí, si me visto lindo me vendí
If I change rhythm I sold out, if I dress nicely I sold out
Las mechas me pinto y me vendí, si pienso distinto me vendí
I dye my hair and I sold out, if I think differently I sold out
A gozar me guindo y me vendí, le canto bonito y me vendí,
I swing to enjoy and I sold out, I sing beautifully and I sold out,
Plata solicito y me vendí, les explico porque no es así
I request money and I sold out, let me explain why it's not so

Авторы: Fl

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