Fabián Corrales - Se Va la Reina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Fabián Corrales - Se Va la Reina

Se Va la Reina
She's Gone, the Queen
Ay me quedo con las manos vacías
My hands remain empty
Y todo lo que te iba a dar
And I have nothing to give you
Yo siento que ha debió de ser de otro modo
I feel it could've been different
Pero llegó el final
But the end has come
Ay tan entusiasmada que te veía
You seemed so excited
Tan enamorada llegaste a mi
So in love when you came to me
Y contenta decías, que yo te tenía que adorar
You said happily that I had to adore you
Pero llegó la envidia y te hizo cambiar (bis)
But envy came and made you change (repeat)
Se va la reina, la que bonito me hablaba
She's gone, the queen, who spoke so prettily to me
La que va' toca' mirarla sin decirle na'
Now I just watch her walk by without saying anything
Se va la reina, todo vuelve a donde estaba
She's gone, the queen, and everything's back to how it was
Abrazado a mi guitarra sin poderte amar
Me, holding my guitar, unable to love you
Le has hecho caso a la mentira
You listened to the lies
Y yo pensé que te gustaba
And I thought you liked me
Yo no pretendo pelear con nadie
I don't intend to fight with anyone
Yo solo quiero que tu me ames (bis)
I just want you to love me (repeat)
Ay me duele, que dudes de mis sentimientos
It hurts me that you doubt my feelings
Porque miedo te dio
Because you were afraid
No quiero tampoco mirarte de lejos
I don't want to look at you from a distance either
Yo quiero oír tu voz
I want to hear your voice
Ay que te estén llamando no es culpa mía
That's not my fault that they call you
El que lo está haciendo teme perder
The one who's doing it is afraid of losing
Yo si quien lo hacía
I know who's been doing it
Que te lo diga no está bien
Saying it wouldn't be right
Pero es hipocresía lo que te han brindado mujer (bis)
But it's hypocrisy what they've offered you, woman (repeat)
Se va la reina, la que ya tenía en mis manos
She's gone, the queen, who I already held in my arms
La que me tenía enamorado, se va se va
The one who had me in love, she's gone, she's gone
Me da tristeza que vean como me has dejado
Saddens me to see how you left me
Sin amor y entusiasmado y sin mas te vas
Without love and excited, and now without you, I go
Le has hecho caso a la mentira
You listened to the lies
Y yo pensé que te gustaba
And I thought you liked me
Yo no pretendo pelear con nadie
I don't intend to fight with anyone
Yo solo quiero que tu me ames (bis)
I just want you to love me (repeat)

Авторы: Fabian Corrales

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