Far East - Al-Hambra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Far East - Al-Hambra

The Alhambra
Di tengah kesibukan kota Granada
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city of Granada
Kini terbina indah sebuah menara
Now stands a beautiful tower
Setelah 500 tahun menunggu
After 500 years of waiting
Akhirnya azan terdengar di situ
Finally, the call to prayer can be heard there
Suara itu kembali bergema
Its voice echoes once again
Mengajak sujud pada Yang Esa
Calling to bow down to the One
Bersihkan segala debu dan noda
Cleanse all the dust and stains
Yang terpalit di kubah Al-Hambra
That have tarnished the dome of the Alhambra
Singgahsanamu pernah bersinar
Your throne once shone brightly
Indralokamu merah bercahaya
Your palace glowed red
Dengan cahaya iman dan taqwa
With the light of faith and piety
Terdengar azan di kota lama
The call to prayer echoes in the old city
Gemersik di seluruh buana
Shimmering through all the world
Nyalakan cinta yang membara
Ignite the fire that burns brightly
Perjuangan yang tiada sudahnya
A struggle that will never end
Sejarah seringkali bertandang
History often comes calling
Tamadun silam kembali gemilang
Past civilizations shine brightly once again
Bangun Granada dan Kordova
Rise, Granada and Cordoba
Teguhkan istana Al-Hambra
Strengthen the palace of the Alhambra
Singgahsanamu pernah bersinar
Your throne once shone brightly
Indralokamu merah bercahaya
Your palace glowed red
Umat silam membina empayar
Past peoples built an empire
Kegemilangan (kegemilangan)
Glory (glory)
Al-Hambra, Al-Hambra, Andalusia, oh Al-Hambra, hoo
Alhambra, Alhambra, Andalusia, oh Alhambra, hoo
(Al-Hambra, Al-Hambra, Andalusia, oh Al-Hambra, hoo)
(Alhambra, Alhambra, Andalusia, oh Alhambra, hoo)
Singgahsanamu pernah bersinar
Your throne once shone brightly
Indralokamu merah bercahaya
Your palace glowed red
Bangunlah Granada
Arise, Granada
Berdirilah Kordova
Stand tall, Cordoba
Teguhkan kembali
Strengthen once more
Istana Al-Hambra
The palace of the Alhambra
Suburkan semangat (Andalusia)
Revive the spirit (of Andalusia)
Andalusia (subur semula Al-Hambra)
Andalusia (revive the Alhambra)

Авторы: Johari Teh, Ito Lara

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