FELI - Adu-Ti Aminte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский FELI - Adu-Ti Aminte

Adu-Ti Aminte
Pasii erau mici
Your little steps
Dar tu doreai sa alergi
But you wanted to run
Si frica nu te-oprea
And fear didn't stop you
Din ce voiai sa-ncerci
In what you wanted to try
Lumea ta afla
Your world found out
Despre basme si povesti
About fairy tales and stories
Dar chiar si pan la ele
But even up to them
Tu stiai cum sa iubesti
You knew how to love
Tu nu auzeai tu doar ascultai
You would not listen, you would only hear
Era de-ajuns ce simteai
It was enough what you would feel
Cu ochii deschisi
With your eyes open
Visai la o lume faceai paradis din ce aveai
You dreamt of a world, you made paradise from what you had
Si zi dupa zi
And day after day
Parca iti doreai din ce in ce mai tare sa fii mare
It seemed you wanted more and more to be an adult
Dar timpul avea rabdare
But time was patient
Inchide ochii o clipa si adu-ti aminte
Close your eyes for a moment and remember
Traieste si bucura-te chiar si din lucruri simple
Live and be happy even from simple things
Nu a trecut atat de mult
It hasn't been so long
Pastreaza suflet si în gând
Keep your soul and in mind
Clipa in care tu erai
The moment when you were
Doar un inger pe pamant
Just an angel on earth
Tu adu-ti aminte
You remember
Traieste si bucura-te chiar si din lucruri simple
Live and be happy even from simple things
Nu a trecut atat de mult
It hasn't been so long
Pastreaza suflet și în gând
Keep your soul and in mind
Clipa in care tu erai
The moment when you were
Doar un inger pe pamant
Just an angel on earth
Tu nu auzeai tu doar ascultai
You would not listen, you would only hear
Era de-ajuns ce simteai
It was enough what you would feel
Cu ochii deschisi
With your eyes open
Visai la o lume faceai paradis din ce aveai
You dreamt of a world, you made paradise from what you had
Si zi dupa zi
And day after day
Parca iti doreai din ce in ce mai tare sa fii mare
It seemed you wanted more and more to be an adult
Dar timpul avea rabdare
But time was patient
Inchide ochii o clipa si adu-ti aminte
Close your eyes for a moment and remember
Traieste si bucura-te chiar si din lucruri simple
Live and be happy even from simple things
Nu a trecut atat de mult
It hasn't been so long
Pastreaza suflet și în gand
Keep your soul and in your mind
Clipa in care tu erai
The moment when you were
Doar un inger pe pamant
Just an angel on earth
Tu adu-ti aminte
You remember
Traieste si bucura-te chiar si din lucruri simple
Live and be happy even from simple things
Nu a trecut atat de mult
It hasn't been so long
Pastreaza suflet și în gand
Keep your soul and in your mind
Clipa in care tu erai
The moment when you were
Doar un inger pe pamant
Just an angel on earth
Intr-o lume care
In a world that
Se grabeste mult
Is in a great hurry
In drumul lor oamenii
On their way the people
Fug de cine sunt
Run from who they are
Ce-i de pret
What is precious
Si ce e de pastrat?
And what should be kept?
Zi-mi de ce ti-e dor
Tell me what you miss
Din tot ce ai uitat
From all that you forgot
Inchide ochii o clipa si adu-ti aminte
Close your eyes for a moment and remember
Traieste si bucura-te chiar si din lucruri simple
Live and be happy even from simple things
Nu a trecut atat de mult
It hasn't been so long
Pastreaza suflet și în gand
Keep your soul and in your mind
Clipa in care tu erai
The moment when you were
Doar un inger pe pamant
Just an angel on earth
Tu adu-ti aminte
You remember
Traieste si bucura-te chiar si din lucruri simple
Live and be happy even from simple things
Nu a trecut atat de mult
It hasn't been so long
Pastreaza suflet și în gand
Keep your soul and in your mind
Clipa in care tu erai
The moment when you were
Doar un inger pe pamant
Just an angel on earth

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