Firma - Puterea - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Firma - Puterea

Hei, iubire
Hey, love
Mai pune-ti o masca
Put on another mask
Lumea va aprecia
The world will appreciate it
Si o sa te iubeasca neconditionat
And they'll love you unconditionally
Hei, iubire
Hey, love
Lumea te viseaza
The world dreams of you
Poti s-o amagesti pentru ca nimeni nu vegheaza
You can deceive it because no one is watching
Iar eu n-am sa spun
And I won't tell
Spune-mi daca am puterea
Tell me if I have the power
De ce nu pot sa uit durerea
Why can't I forget the pain
Hei, iubire
Hey, love
Mi-am dat jos o masca
I took off a mask
Lumea-i incapabila sa ma mai recunoasca
The world is unable to recognize me anymore
Oare am gresit
Did I make a mistake
Hei, iubire
Hey, love
Lumea ma ignora
The world ignores me
Tine-ma aproape căci pe tine te adora
Keep me close because it adores you
Iar eu am sa-ti cant
And I will sing to you

Авторы: Daniel Stoicea

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