Flashy Ice Cream - Per Tu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Flashy Ice Cream - Per Tu

Per Tu
For You
(No vull notar el buit quan et donc la
(I don't want to feel the void when I give you my hand
No ploris per mi si no hi sóc demà
Don't cry for me if I'm not there tomorrow
Petitaaa, et trobaré a faltar...)
Babygirl, I'll miss you...)
Ho vaig fer per tu, ho vaig fer per tuu
I did it for you, I did it for you
Ho vaig fer per tu, ho vaig fer per tu
I did it for you, I did it for you
Baby, jo l'hivern i tu la primavera
Baby, I'm winter and you're spring
Si estás amb mi b, pujem a primera
If you're with me, we'll go to first class
Guanyem la copa i l'omplim
Let's win the cup and fill it up
Baby tu ja ho saps que som el dream team
Baby, you already know that we're the dream team
Vina'm a visitar si demà la llibertat vola en un cotxe policial
Come visit me if freedom flies in a police car tomorrow
Sempre de all-in amb els meus g's fent la money
Always going 'all-in' with my boys making the money
Només busquem el canvi, fer-nos rics
We only seek change, getting rich
Per compartir amb el germans
To share with my brothers
Portar-la a París, veure els meus fills fent-se graans
To take her to Paris, to see my kids growing up
No haver de vendre més grams
Not to have to sell more grams
Banyarla en puto xampany
To bathe her in damn champagne
Ho vaig fer per tu, ho vaig fer per tuu
I did it for you, I did it for you
Ho vaig fer per tu, ho vaig fer per tu
I did it for you, I did it for you
Jo pujo a primera, tocant les estrelles
I'm going to first class, reaching for the stars
Ella sempre em deia que...
She always told me that...
Estes amb la familia, que sempre em cuidaria
You're with the family, who would always look after me
Que no em preocupés de res més
That I shouldn't worry about anything else
Era una guerrera (yeah)
She was a warrior (yeah)
Sempre lluitadora,mai perdria la fe
Always a fighter, she would never lose faith
Si feia falta nedava contra marea
If she had to, she'd swim against the tide
Si feia falta jo ho deixava tot per ella
If I had to, I'd leave everything for her
Ompliem les copes de somnis,mirant-ho des d'adalt com ovnis
We fill the cups with dreams, looking down on it like UFOs from above
Èrem la enveja del barri però tot
We were the envy of the neighborhood, but everything has
Fi i és que el seu adversari estava en mi
An end, and that was that his adversary was within me
Ho vaig fer per tu, només per tu
I did it for you, only for you
T'estimo i no oblido el que vas fer per mi
I love you and I won't forget what you did for me
Buscant el bon futur, aixó és canviar o morir
Seeking a good future, this is change or die
No vull notar el buit quan et donc la
I don't want to feel the void when I give you my hand
No ploris per mi si no hi sóc demà
Don't cry for me if I'm not there tomorrow
Petitaaa, et trobaré a faltar...
Babygirl, I'll miss you...
Ho vaig fer per tu, ho vaig fer per tuu
I did it for you, I did it for you
Ho vaig fer per tu, ho vaig fer per tu
I did it for you, I did it for you

Авторы: Flashy Ice Cream

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