ForceParkBois - Unity Cypher, Vol. 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ForceParkBois - Unity Cypher, Vol. 2

Unity Cypher, Vol. 2
Unity Cypher, Vol. 2
Macam crack dalam bag
Like crack in a bag
Aku comback dalam track
I'm back on the track
Aku flyhigh pakai jetpack
I fly high with a jetpack
Macam muntah korang whack
Like vomit, you're whack
Korang kena trap lepas dengar trap
You're trapped after hearing the trap
Then tak bole lek minta sign atas check
Then you can't get out, ask for a sign on the check
Forceparkbois berapi bukan berair
Forceparkbois is on fire, not watery
Aku tapau kau macam juadah kuih
I'll devour you like a snack of cookies
Ini Syndicate tak jual organ
This is Syndicate, not selling organs
Ini barang panas macam kluar oven
This stuff is hot like it's coming out of the oven
Ma clique triple sick
My clique is triple sick
U be like a dick
You be like a dick
Barang kami laris
Our stuff is selling
Macam produck herba
Like an herbal product
But takkan terhabis
But it won't run out
Selagi we on fire
As long as we're on fire
Bila dihembus bagaikan sebutir peluru
When blown, it's like a bullet
Susah ditembus berdindingkan sepuluh penjuru
Hard to penetrate, walled with ten corners
Mindanya rakus diam diam tapi berguru
His mind is greedy, silent but mentored
Jadilah orang bukannya mambang pergilah kau memburu
Be a human, not a puppet, go hunting
Aku datang dari hitam dan kini berwarna putih
I came from black and now I'm white
Yang dulunya suka threesome sekarang semua di usir
The ones who used to like threesomes are now all screened
Kau bilang dulu ku gila kuasa? Sudah ubah
You said I was power crazy? I've changed
Sekarang waktu ku dengar Rossa,sudah tukar!
Now it's my time to listen to Rossa, I've changed!
Kalini aku datang bawak 12 bullet
This time I come with 12 bullets
Reload dalam rhyme, metaphor split kasi semua squirt
Reload in the rhyme, split metaphors make 'em all squirt
Kalau noel tuhan rap, aku setan sayap patah
If Noel is the god of rap, I'm a fallen angel
Kalau kau jatuh kafir aku salib kau tengah bandar
If you fall, infidel, I'll crucify you in the middle of the city
Tuhan murka aku, sebab aku azazel
God is angry with me, because I'm Azazel
Lagu aku bisikkan, buat korang semua jahil
My songs whisper, make you all ignorant
Yang cuba cuba basuh aku tolong sini tampil
Those who try to wash me, please come forward
Aku sangkakala kiamat, panggil aku israfil
I am the trumpet of doom, call me Israfil
Salam mungkin ramai tak kenal
Greetings, many may not know
Rapper cuba nak kekal im going high kene bal
Rapper trying to stay high, I get hit
Kenapa sebok nak suluh aku si peluntur buluh
Why bother to light me up, the bamboo shooter
Aku melanda scene clique kau kukuh roboh
I hit the scene, your clique collapses
Kate kate kiasan mari sini ku hiaskan
Figurative words, come here, I'll decorate them
Ku bahaskan perbahasan perjuangan ku lapahkan
I'll discuss the discussion, carve up my struggle
Setiap detik ku melangkah setiap bibik ku memangkah kosa kata ku tepapar
Every second I step, every maid marks my vocabulary
Glock in ma hand gratatata
Glock in ma hand gratatata
Masih dengan orang orang lama bukan talam dua muka
Still with the same old people, not a two-faced tray
Komplikasi digabungkan adaptasi atas ritma
Complication combined, adaptation on rhythm
Fikiran salah baca lalu diri usang mati
Wrong thoughts read, then the self is worn out dead
Berjanji bawah tanah belum hidup dah semati
Promised underground, not yet alive, already dead
Sebatikan lah diri dengan bumi yang di benci
Unite yourself with the hated earth
Yang di tangis dari pagi sampai hilang matahari
Which is cried from morning until the sun disappears
Mata mata kan perhati cara cara kau bermula
The eyes will watch how you start
Jadi hati hati ludah walau cuma suka suka
So be careful, spit, even if it's just for fun
Yall look like a school boy tryna break a bank
Y'all look like a school boy tryna break a bank
Gonna wipe all the rapper im pulled with the gang
Gonna wipe all the rapper I'm pulled with the gang
Cannot change the world cuz ur lyrics uninteresting
Cannot change the world cuz your lyrics uninteresting
But why yall always said money isnt thing?
But why y'all always said money isn't thing?
All the bitches tryna stick so better called me asap
All the bitches tryna stick so better call me asap
Im rockin on this shit, haters blocked on whatsapp
I'm rockin on this shit, haters blocked on whatsapp
Check the stats we keep hunnid all the time and then put it in the bag
Check the stats, we keep it hunnid all the time and then put it in the bag
We all mad cracks we dont need no knive got kerambait on my back
We all mad cracks, we don't need no knife, got kerambait on my back
Hustle bro hustla
Hustle bro hustla
Semua naik naik tapi taknak taknak belajar
Everyone goes up, but they don't want to learn
Taksuka boleh blah jangan nak cuba cuba tadah
If you don't like it, you can leave, don't try to catch it
I dont mean to brag but we killin it
I don't mean to brag but we killin it
Man no need to flex boi u'll noticed it
Man no need to flex boi you'll noticed it
Aku tak hensem tapi aku lit
I'm not handsome but I'm lit
Aku slay flow kau imma copykid
I slay flow, you're a copykid
We sapu all brands
We sweep all brands
Tak bagi kau chance
We don't give you a chance
Masih meletup walau takde chains
Still blowing up even though there are no chains
Hakuna matata we dont need no bata
Hakuna matata, we don't need no bata
Sapu semua rata like haya karambabababa
Sweep everything flat like haya karambabababa
Kill all the opposition
Kill all the opposition
Move and step back this the demolition
Move and step back this the demolition
Persetankan semua accusation
Screw all accusations
Bergerak dalam satu formation
Move in one formation
No nation form a nation
No nation form a nation
Like domino i dominate this demonition
Like domino I dominate this demolition
This the demon version always have a vision
This the demon version always have a vision
Straight facts its not a fiction
Straight facts its not a fiction
We need to be patient
We need to be patient
I break my back now
I break my back now
Then we need no introduction
Then we need no introduction
No nonsense
No nonsense
Take a step back like no function
Take a step back like no function
And i bring it back destruction when pull up ma stick and
And I bring it back destruction when I pull up my stick and
I get it i get it i beat it i beat it u shooting the 50 no hesi i kill it
I get it I get it I beat it I beat it you shootin the 50 no hesi I kill it
In the studio gua check the mic
In the studio I check the mic
Make it pro like my flow so tight
Make it pro like my flow so tight
Make it low mcm awek lu bite
Make it low like your girl bite
Make it go korang takleh hype
Make it go, you can't hype
Make it go takleh go
Make it go, it can't go
Let it go we take it pro
Let it go, we take it pro
We let go we sell the soul
We let go, we sell the soul
Like a ball we aim for goal
Like a ball we aim for goal
Go goal with the kick
Go goal with the kick
45 to the 6
45 to the 6
Macaroni with the cheese
Macaroni with the cheese
Eat the pill yea we sick
Eat the pill yea we sick
Takleh go where to go
Can't go where to go
Fuck the bitches and the hoe
Fuck the bitches and the hoe
We go high but still stay low
We go high but still stay low
Make it go we keep it slow
Make it go we keep it slow

Авторы: Blxck Kid

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