Fundo De Quintal - Encrespou o Mar, Clementina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Fundo De Quintal - Encrespou o Mar, Clementina

Encrespou o Mar, Clementina
The Sea Is Rough, Clementina
Encrespou o mar
The sea is rough
Encrespou o mar Clementina, encrespou o mar
The sea is rough Clementina, the sea is rough
Encrespou o mar Clementina, encrespou o mar
The sea is rough Clementina, the sea is rough
No tempo que o malandro era de fato, não ouvia desacato
Back when criminals were the real deal, they didn't listen to insults
Tempo de sopa com osso, lenço branco no pescoço
Soup with bones, a white handkerchief around their neck
Navalha no paletó, era bem melhor
A switchblade in their jacket, things were much better
Malandro, era muito diferente
Criminals were very different
Não pegava no batente, mas tinha disposição
They didn't work, but they were willing
Pra enfrentar o camburão, hoje não
To face the police van, not today
Casa ainda tinha cumieira, manga fresca na mangueira
Houses still had ridge tiles, fresh mangoes on the mango tree
Roupa lavada em quintal, nego era tão legal
Clothes washed in the backyard, people were so cool
Bebedor de botequim, pagava sim
Bar drinkers would pay, yes they did
Havia muito mais honestidade, mais fartura na cidade
There was a lot more honesty, more prosperity in the city
E mais consideração, mais velho tinha razão, hoje não
And more respect, the elders were right, not today
Samba era mesmo no terreiro, refogado no tempero
Samba was really in the yard, spices in the stew
Do feijão da dona Augusta, hoje veja quanto custa
Dona Augusta's beans, today see how much they cost
É grande a exploração, não mole não
It's a big rip-off, it's not easy
Boa companheira dava em cacho, hoje eu procuro e não acho
Good girlfriends were plentiful, today I search and can't find
É moça pra dar a mão, precisava permissão, hoje não
It's girls who shake your hand, you needed permission, not today

Авторы: Roque Ferreira, Walmir Lima

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