Funky Pushertz - Take It Easy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Funky Pushertz - Take It Easy

Take It Easy
Take It Easy
Paré par nu poc i pall
Stop for a while, balls
Nu schiar mai juorn si a cantà song troppi gall
Not even a day goes by without singing too many "rooster" songs
Nun vec u ritorn pe chi è bell ma nun abball
I don't see a comeback for those who are beautiful but don't dance
A chi nun se mett scuorn ma è fier
To those who are not ashamed but are proud
Che ven a rint i quartier oppur è crisciut rint a na stall
Who come to the neighborhoods or grew up in a stable
A chi pe na jurnat i fatic fa u giall
Those who work hard all day long
A chi nun ce manc nient e u stess viv ncopp i spall
To those who lack nothing and still carry the weight
I coccrun at che invece vene sfruttat pe a magnà
The roosters who are exploited to feed
Semp a stessa cerchia ristrett i sciacall
Always the same small circle of jackals
A chi nun viv i problem cum n'assill
To those who don't experience problems as a burden
A chi ver u munn cum cu l'ottica i Benny Hill
To those who see the world like Benny Hill
A chi nun ha pierz tiemp for u bar a fa u bellill
To those who don't waste time but instead act pretty at the bar
E nonostant tutt u mal rumman ancor tranquill
And despite all the evil, they remain calm
Nu fess a vota cumm ricett chill
A fool at a time like the one who invented that
È inutile che arrevuot mo fatt na camumill'
It's useless that you're upset now, make yourself a chamomile tea
A tutt ce sta rimedio bast cu sti tragedie
Everything has a remedy, enough with these tragedies
Chiu che stis c'hai stracciat i pil tip u silk epil
More than these you tore your hair out like silk-epil
'O ssaje che 'o problem' è 'i chi s'o fa
You know that the problem is those who want to do it
'O ssaje che l'acqua è poca e 'a paper' adda galliggià
You know that the water is scarce and the paper has to float
Nun faie cos' bon' penisciun'
Don't worry about it
Tutt' sti parole 'e menass' din't e gravun'
All these threatening words in the grave
'O ssaje che 'o problem' è 'i chi s'o fa
You know that the problem is those who want to do it
'O ssaje che l'acqua è poca e 'a paper' adda galliggià
You know that the water is scarce and the paper has to float
Ormai nun m'a faccio cu nisciun'
Now I don't deal with anyone
Ma nun pozz' chiù rimanè zitt' e riun'
But I can't stay silent anymore
O rap mo ddà... io ciò dong, ciò mmett
Rap now must give... I have dong, I put
A na part stil... a chell'at concett
A part style... to that other concept
Saccie c'aggia quaglià e do ffa 'nfrett
You know I have to coagulate and I have to do it fast
TIC TAC TIC TAC... 'ntaccan e lancett
TIC TAC TIC TAC... the hands are ticking
Fuie o tiemp e mo ca cap a confett
Time flew by and now I understand the "confetto"
Semp cchiù m'arrecrea, m'allett
It amuses me more and more, it attracts me
Fa-mu-si-ca-ne-do pigliannel' e piett
Make-mu-si-ca-ne-do taking it to heart
Comm ven... facil.senz c'aspett
As it comes... easy, without waiting
Nunm'applic che po' u pubblic i rimpett
I don't apply myself, maybe then the audience will respect me
Nun rispett cocche error che io ammett
They don't respect some mistakes that I admit
Ma è "bang", "gulp"... comm ind e fumett
But here it's "bang", "gulp"... like in comics
Dint tonico... u restè pan pepurpett
Inside tonic... the rest bread, pepper, milk
Vac liber allò senz "esse" costrett
Empty space there without "being" forced
Ra nuverb e si servpozz i pur in falsett
Give birth to a cloud and if you want I'll even sing in falsetto
Comm L. Richie Take It Easy stu proggett
Like L. Richie Take It Easy this project
Ie si, tip ABC, funky p quintett
Yes, ABC type, funky for the quintet
'O ssaje che 'o problem' è 'i chi s'o fa
You know that the problem is those who want to do it
'O ssaje che l'acqua è poca e 'a paper' adda galliggià
You know that the water is scarce and the paper has to float
Nun faie cos' bon' penisciun'
Don't worry about it
Tutt' sti parole 'e menass' din't e gravun'
All these threatening words in the grave
'O ssaje che 'o problem' è 'i chi s'o fa
You know that the problem is those who want to do it
'O ssaje che l'acqua è poca e 'a paper' adda galliggià
You know that the water is scarce and the paper has to float
Ormai nun m'a faccio cu nisciun'
Now I don't deal with anyone
Ma nun pozz' chiù rimanè zitt' e riun'
But I can't stay silent anymore
Take it easy
Take it easy
Ma semp get busy
But always get busy
Tant manc teng I sord pe me fa nu lising
At least I don't have the money to lease
È tiemp' I crisi
It's time of crisis
L'unica cosa ca se sente
The only thing you hear
Bisogna stregn'r a cint ma si a cint nun a teng
Gotta tighten your belt but if you don't have a belt
Che cazz streng je e po' mument
What the fuck tighten it then moment
Under mi sensi come wayne smith ngopp u sleng teng
Under me I feel like wayne smith I have slang
Reddog fp muvment je nun ce pens
Reddog fp movement I don't care
Si stong apper oppure teng a Mercedes benz
If I walk or have a Mercedes benz
Oppure o bmw nuov' modell' a vit cost semp i chiù comme a benzin shell
Or the new bmw model life always costs the most like shell gasoline
Nun so immortale comme cher nun me ne fott ro cher
I'm not immortal like cher I don't give a fuck about money
E quindi abball comme adele e fred astaire
So dance like adele and fred astaire
E facc wooooooo ohhhhhhhh come i blur
And I make wooooooo ohhhhhhhh like blur
M'abbast' pe sta buon ngopp' a chesta terra
It's enough for me to be good on this earth
Fp ma pigli accussì so mon cheri
Fp but take it like this my dear
Chic to chic so tenderly
Chic to chic so tenderly
'O ssaje che 'o problem' è 'i chi s'o fa
You know that the problem is those who want to do it
'O ssaje che l'acqua è poca e 'a paper' adda galliggià
You know that the water is scarce and the paper has to float
Nun faie cos' bon' penisciun'
Don't worry about it
Tutt' sti parole 'e menass' din't e gravun'
All these threatening words in the grave
'O ssaje che 'o problem' è 'i chi s'o fa
You know that the problem is those who want to do it
'O ssaje che l'acqua è poca e 'a paper' adda galliggià
You know that the water is scarce and the paper has to float
Ormai nun m'a faccio cu nisciun'
Now I don't deal with anyone
Ma nun pozz' chiù rimanè zitt' e riun'
But I can't stay silent anymore

Авторы: Antonio Francesco Egizii, David Nicholas Musumeci, Stan Roto Walker

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