Funky - Tiene Que Correr (Remix) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Funky - Tiene Que Correr (Remix)

Tiene Que Correr (Remix)
It Has To Run (Remix)
Ahora entro y me presento con un ritmo violento me presento
Now I enter and introduce myself with a violent rhythm, I present myself
Se rapido o lento me lo invento conmigo catesprecio lo q siento
Fast or slow, I invent it, with me you underestimate what I feel
Me tratan de pagar pero me mantengo
They try to pay me but I stay strong
Por nada de este mundo me detengo
For nothing in this world will I stop
De la mano de Cristo me sostengo
By the hand of Christ I sustain myself
Lirica que edifica es lo que tento
Lyrics that edify is what I tempt
Y te traigo
And I bring you
Musica que no solo para entretener la gente
Music that's not just to entertain people
Nosotros lo que asemos lo asemos conciente
What we do, we do it consciously
El reino lo arrbata lo q son valientes
The kingdom is taken by those who are brave
Y en la guerra espiritual ay que ser concistentes
And in spiritual warfare, you have to be consistent
El diablo anda suelto como leon rugiente
The devil walks about like a roaring lion
Tratando de jugar siempre con mi mente
Always trying to play with my mind
Por eso es que le digo con migo no inventes vengo con el
That's why I tell him, don't mess with me, I come with the
Y si el esta conmigo quien puede conmigo
And if He is with me, who can be against me
No existe nadie q pueda conmigo
There is no one who can defeat me
Yo por eso ami enemigo ya no tengo que temer
That's why I no longer have to fear my enemy
Puex si biene contra mi tiene q correr
Because if he comes against me, he has to run
Porq si el esta conmigo quien puede conmigo
Because if He is with me, who can be against me
No existe nadie que pueda conmigo
There is no one who can defeat me
Yo por eso ami enemigo ya no tengo que temer
That's why I no longer have to fear my enemy
Puex si biene contra mi tiene que correr
Because if he comes against me, he has to run
No tengo los poderes del hombre araña quixas
I don't have the powers of Spider-Man, maybe
No tenga fuerza pero tengo maña
I may not have strength, but I have skill
El enemigo trata pero no me engaña
The enemy tries but he doesn't fool me
No medejo llevar porsus sesestraña
I don't let myself be carried away by his strangeness
El busca devorarme como las pirañas
He seeks to devour me like piranhas
Tratando de envolverme con sus saltimañas
Trying to wrap me up in his tricks
Pero como la fe mueve las montañas
But since faith moves mountains
Yo sigo confiando en el que me acompaña
I keep trusting in the one who accompanies me
Por mas que a mi me tienda pongo resistencia
No matter how much he lays traps for me, I resist
Por eso lo atacamos con mucha violencia
That's why we attack him with great violence
Y quien le quede claro no hago competencia
And let it be clear, I'm not competing
Yo solo quiero mantener la diferencia
I just want to keep the difference
Y todo lo q digo es por experiencia
And everything I say is from experience
Y ando por la calle con inteligencia
And I walk the streets with intelligence
Si viene mi llamado yo tengo paciencia
If my calling comes, I have patience
Puex Cristo me acompaña y tengo su presencia
Because Christ accompanies me and I have his presence
Y si el esta conmigo
And if He is with me
Quien puede conmigo
Who can be against me
No existe nadie que pueda conmigo
There is no one who can defeat me
Yo por eso ami enemigo ya no tengo que temer
That's why I no longer have to fear my enemy
Puex si biene contra mi tiene que correr
Because if he comes against me, he has to run
Porq si el esta conmigo
Because if He is with me
Quien puede conmigo
Who can be against me
No existe nadie q pueda conmigo
There is no one who can defeat me
Yo por eso ami enemigo ya no tengo que temer
That's why I no longer have to fear my enemy
Puex si biene contra mi tiene que correr
Because if he comes against me, he has to run
El poeta mister funky empezar a aullar
The poet Mr. Funky starts to howl
Todo el mundo en la casa
Everyone in the house
Me ise capro nullar
I made myself null
El enemi se colo para tumbar nuestro plan
The enemy got ready to bring down our plan
Pero sali corriendo rapido antes de tumbar nuestro plan
But I ran out quickly before he could bring down our plan
Esq 10 000 aina mi biestra
That's 10,000 on my right
Espera mi siniestra
Wait for my left
Quien puede enfrentarse ala mayor defensa
Who can face the greatest defense
Cristo es mi roca mi espada y mi armadura
Christ is my rock, my sword, and my armor
Como en el tabiche
Like in the tabiche
Al campo de batalla
To the battlefield
Digo no hay gigante q se pase de la raya
I say there is no giant who can cross the line
Vengo con la onda
I come with the wave
Tu con jabalina
You with a javelin
En el cuadrilatero me tiras la toalla
In the ring you throw in the towel
Enemi libera nueca blo blo (baiyoyoyo)
Enemy release new block block (baiyoyoyo)
Y levanto esbril
And I raise the eyebrow
Dueca tu cabello yo yo
Dueca your hair yo yo
Y si el esta conmigo
And if He is with me
Quien puede conmigo
Who can be against me
No existe rapido
There is no fast one
Yo por eso a mi enemigo ya no tengo que temer
That's why I no longer have to fear my enemy
Puex si biene contra mi tiene q correr
Because if he comes against me, he has to run
Por q si el esta conmigo
Because if He is with me
Quien puede conmigo
Who can be against me
No existe nadie q pueda conmigo
There is no one who can defeat me
Yo por eso a mi enemigo ya no tengo que temer
That's why I no longer have to fear my enemy
Puex si biene contra mi tiene que correr
Because if he comes against me, he has to run

Авторы: 7th Poet, Luis "funky" Marrero

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