Fyahbwoy - Fashion Victims - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Fyahbwoy - Fashion Victims

Fashion Victims
Fashion Victims
Me seh! Listen wha me seh! The Fyahbwoy! Yah u Know!
Listen up! This is Fyahbwoy speaking! You know!
Mierda te pondrá tan gorda, eh, como el fokin Burguer King
Junk food will make you fat, like freakin' Burger King
We a di big man pon di real big tings
We are the big men in the real big things
Miles de estilos y cero de bling bling
Thousands of styles and zero bling bling
Irán de pimp, pero muchos que son como Tintín
They go around like pimps, but many I know are like Tintin
Y a mi plim, si a otra piva le hace tilín
And it's cool with me if another chick digs it
No seas pimpina y pasa de fashion victims
Don't be a bimbo and ignore the fashion victims
No es necesario que te pongas silicona!
You don't need to get silicone!
Estás tan mona con mini skirt y mini g-string!
You look so cute with a mini skirt and mini g-string!
Eh listen! acabarás con algún listín
Eh listen! You'll end up on some list
Con tanta pasta pa pagarte tantos lifting
With so much dough to pay for so many facelifts
Tu cabeza dará vueltas, rollito sinfinn
Your head will spin, like a never-ending roll
¿Saltar a la bañera desde un trampolín?
Jump into the bathtub from a springboard?
Quédate tranquilina, que está chillin
Stay chill, everything is cool
Que sólamente traigo feeling, desde aquí a Pekín
I only bring good vibes, from here to Beijing
El Fyahbwoy repetía, pero sabe Latín
Fyahbwoy kept repeating, but he knows Latin
Con las palabras hago marketing, pa dar killin
With words I do marketing, to kill it
Y yo no si el mundo te estará volviendo psico
And I don't know if the world is making you psycho
Todo lo ves rosa como tu Ipod
You see everything pink like your iPod
En esa trampa yo no caigo
I don't fall for that trap
Gastas y no hay control
You spend and there's no control
Y te estarás volviendo psico
And you might be going psycho
Todo lo ves rosa como tu Ipod
You see everything pink like your iPod
En esa trampa yo no caigo
I don't fall for that trap
Gastas y yo...
You spend and I...
Me salgo de estereotipos
I stay away from stereotypes
De típicos físicos de chicos de gimnasio
From typical physiques of gym guys
De fassy o de niños del ciberespacio
From fashionistas or kids from cyberspace
No tengo un Rólex, ni quiero un Casio
I don't have a Rolex, nor do I want a Casio
Tomátelo despacio, que si no te quedarás tupi
Take it slow, otherwise you'll end up stupid
O loca como una grupi,
Or crazy like a groupie,
Rarita como un freaky con Snoopy
Weird like a freaky with Snoopy
Colgada como un hippie,
High like a hippie,
Agotada como un rookie
Exhausted like a rookie
Maniática como un jodido yupi
Maniac like a damn yuppie
Vida te dará la vuelta por la figura esbelta
Life will turn on you because of your slim figure
Tomas nosequé mierda, porque la otra te suelta
You take some crap, because the other one leaves you
¿Tu vida está resuelta? ¿O te faltará una tuerca?
Is your life sorted out? Or are you missing a screw?
Todo algún dia vuelca, entre niñatos y cerdas
Everything will turn around someday, between brats and pigs
Modas para enfermas!
Fashion for the sick!
Que no te duermas!
Don't fall asleep!
Con la tele te amuermas!
With the TV you doze off!
Observa para ver más!
Observe to see more!
Mejor será comer más,
It's better to eat more,
No consumir la que más!
Don't consume what's popular!
Y sal a bailar al club, verás como todo lo quemas!
And go out to dance at the club, you'll see how you burn everything!
Y yo no si el mundo te estará volviendo psico
And I don't know if the world is making you psycho
Todo lo ves rosa como tu Ipod
You see everything pink like your iPod
En esa trampa yo no caigo
I don't fall for that trap
Gastas y no hay control
You spend and there's no control
Y te estarás volviendo psico
And you might be going psycho
Todo lo ves rosa como tu Ipod
You see everything pink like your iPod
En esa trampa yo no caigo
I don't fall for that trap
Gastas y no hay control
You spend and there's no control
Se critican entre cínicas
They criticize each other cynically
Típicas, idiotizadas con la droga química
Typical, idiotic with chemical drugs
Admiran a modelos y se ven anémicas,
They admire models and look anemic,
Con su película ellas crean la polémica
With their movie they create the controversy
No gal! Quedas atónita!.
No girl! You look stunned!
Si eres tú, no eres Angelina ni Mónica
If you are you, you are not Angelina nor Monica
Y debes ser feliz sin pasar por una clínica,
And you should be happy without going through a clinic,
Que en esta vida eres y eres la única,
That in this life you are you and you are the only one,
Y el que te diga lo contrario es que no sabe
And whoever tells you otherwise doesn't know anything
Y yo no si el mundo te estará volviendo psico
And I don't know if the world is making you psycho
Todo lo ves rosa como tu Ipod
You see everything pink like your iPod
En esa trampa yo no caigo
I don't fall for that trap
Gastas y no hay control
You spend and there's no control
Y te estarás volviendo psico
And you might be going psycho
Todo lo ves rosa como tu Ipod
You see everything pink like your iPod
En esa trampa yo no caigo
I don't fall for that trap
Gastas y no hay control! Me seh!
You spend and there's no control! Listen up!


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