GabrielRodriguezEMC - No Tardas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский GabrielRodriguezEMC - No Tardas

No Tardas
You're Not Late
Son casi las dos de la mañana,
It's almost two in the morning,
Mi alma esta desesperada,
My soul is desperate,
Se supone que llegaras ya...
You were supposed to be here by now...
Quiero que me hables, yo quiero escucharte
I want you to talk to me, I want to hear you
Siento que me muero y es desesperante
I feel like I'm dying and it's maddening
No haberme entregado en tus brazos antes
Not having given myself to you before
No se si tu gracia conmigo sea grande...
I don't know if your grace for me is great...
Dicen que te halla el que te busca
They say that he who seeks you will find you
Yo te necesito mas que nunca
I need you more than ever
Quiero que tu luz en mi reluzca y me saques de esta oscuridad...
I want your light to shine in me and take me out of this darkness...
El techo me cubría y hoy me aplasta
The roof used to cover me and now it crushes me
Las paredes me atrapan y la fuerza se me gasta
The walls trap me and my strength is running out
Mi tiempo se me acaba
My time is running out
Help me...
Necesito escucharte, Porque sin ti yo me siento solo
I need to hear you, because without you I feel alone
Hold me...
Ya no puedo más, ¿cuándo llegaras?, siento que me olvidarás
I can't take it anymore, when will you come? I feel like you'll forget me
Tu no tardas, pero tu no tardas no...
You're not late, but you're not late no...
Tu no tardas, pero tu no tardas no...
You're not late, but you're not late no...
Tu no tardas, pero tu no tardas no...
You're not late, but you're not late no...
Tu no tardas, tu no tardas no...
You're not late, you're not late no...
Nose porque dudo de tu fidelidad
I don't know why I doubt your fidelity
La prueba me arropa y me dejo llevar
The trial overwhelms me and I let myself get carried away
Siempre has sido paz en toda mi tempestad
You have always been peace in all my storms
Limpiame con lodo quita esta cegedad Ayudame a ver tu
Cleanse me with mud, remove this blindness. Help me to see your
Bendición en medio de esta prueba, h
Blessing in the midst of this trial, h
Azme ver como tu gracia me renueva.
Make me see how your grace renews me.
Los problemas pasan, pero se pasan, esque no falla,
Problems pass, but they pass because they don't work
Tu perdón siempre me abraza, si ahí veces en las que me siento solo, y
Your forgiveness always embraces me, if there are times when I feel alone, and
Cuando siento que me ahogo apareces de
When I feel like I'm drowning you appear in
Algún modo, aunque sentí que demoraste, ¡oye!,
Some way, even though I felt like you were late, hey!
Pero como siempre al final llegaste
But as always, in the end you came
Y Recuerdame la cruz que llevaste por redimirme
And remind me of the cross you bore to redeem me
Recuerdame tu amor cuando ya no me sienta firme
Remind me of your love when I no longer feel strong
Recuerdame las veces que has venido a bendecirme
Remind me of the times you have come to bless me
Recuerdame las veces que no me dejas rendirme
Remind me of the times you have kept me from giving up
Help me...
Necesitaba escucharte, Porque sin ti yo me siento solo...
I needed to hear you, because without you I feel alone...
Hold me...
No podía más, llegaste a amarme y es que nunca tardaras...
I couldn't take it anymore, you came to love me and you'll never be late...
Tu no tardas, pero tu no tardas no...
You're not late, but you're not late no...
Tu no tardas, pero tu no tardas no...
You're not late, but you're not late no...
Tu no tardas, pero tu no tardas no...
You're not late, but you're not late no...
Tu no tardas, tu no tardas no...
You're not late, you're not late no...

Авторы: Gabrielrodriguezemc

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