Gaweed - 柑仔店 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Gaweed - 柑仔店

The Corner Store
I still remember my kind grandma running the corner store,
買太多卡裡卡裡 他就會開始碎碎念
If I bought too much candy, she'd start to nag a little.
他那裡什麼都有在賣 有自己做的冬瓜茶
She sold everything there, including her homemade winter melon tea,
烏魚子賣嘎大地 豬肉先幫你切過
Mullet roe sold by the pound, and pork pre-sliced for your convenience.
懷念的口味 找不到也是走味
The nostalgic flavors, I can't find them anywhere, or they've lost their taste,
古早的滋味 講不出來的趣味
The old-time flavors, a charm that's hard to describe.
想起過去 颱風天 找鄰居 去路邊抓魚
Thinking back to those days, during typhoons, we'd gather with neighbors and catch fish by the roadside,
熱天 控窯 控什麼 控土雞 控番薯
In the summer heat, we'd build earth ovens and roast chicken and sweet potatoes.
At school, we'd play with spinning tops,
看誰卡翹 在厝看卡通 一邊跳 霹靂 霹靂 霹靂貓
Seeing who could spin theirs the longest, at home we'd watch cartoons, jumping around to the theme song of ThunderCats.
上課咱一定都坐最後一排 考試看你的 我們就要好好認識
In class, we'd always sit in the back row, during exams, we'd peek at your answers, and that's how we'd get to know each other better.
下課我們做夥偷跑 背著沒帶書的書包
After school, we'd sneak out together, carrying our bookbags without any books inside.
學校牆咱們做夥跳 誰抓掉絕對袂當哭
We'd jump over the school walls together, whoever got caught couldn't cry.
時間又擱來到中午 肚子擱會餓
Lunchtime would arrive, and our stomachs would growl again,
營養午餐像飼料 教室是歡喜的豬圈
The school lunch was like animal feed, and the classroom was a joyful pigsty.
多少夜 翻了好幾頁
So many nights, I'd turn page after page,
寫完日記本了沒 沾滿了灰塵和歲月
Finishing my diary, covered in dust and the marks of time.
多少遍 徹夜又難眠
So many times, I'd lie awake at night,
澆不息的菸 一根接著一根的點
Lighting one cigarette after another, unable to quench the restlessness.
現在只要走幾步路 就有一間便利超商
Nowadays, you can find a convenience store just a few steps away,
The stingy clerk watches me as I sip the broth from my oden.
什麼東西都要斤斤計較 番茄醬包 醬油膏
Everything is calculated to the penny, from ketchup packets to soy sauce,
還要拿得很低調 胡椒 衛生紙要不到
You have to take them discreetly, and forget about getting any pepper or tissues.
應該有的人情味 隨著時間慢慢消失
The sense of community seems to have faded with time,
少了溝通的機會 愛理不理算是小事
There are fewer opportunities for interaction, and indifference is considered a minor issue.
跟隔壁鄰居 見過兩次面 講過兩次話
I've met my next-door neighbor twice and exchanged just two sentences,
搬走的時候說再見 搬進來時說你好嗎
We said goodbye when they moved out, and hello when they moved back in.
現在的學生人手ㄧ機 上課滑啊滑
Students today all have phones, scrolling through them during class,
迷你版的遊戲機 上課開始打啊打
They play games on their mini consoles when the lessons start.
下課忙裏偷閒 開始亂加好友
During breaks, they scramble to add friends on social media,
結果沒發現 隔壁的同學 剛剛才加的 好糗
And then they realize they just added the classmate sitting next to them, how embarrassing.
放學開始補習 回家就要複習
After school, it's time for cram school, and then more studying at home,
上課又要預習 結果考試不如預期
They have to preview lessons before class, but still, their exam results fall short of expectations.
壓力大到睡不著 黑眼圈都蓋不掉
The stress keeps them up at night, and their dark circles can't be concealed,
吃最飽的是書包 肚子空空依舊餵不飽
Their backpacks are the only things that are full, their stomachs remain empty and unnourished.
多少夜 翻了好幾頁
So many nights, I'd turn page after page,
寫完日記本了沒 沾滿了灰塵和歲月
Finishing my diary, covered in dust and the marks of time.
多少遍 徹夜又難眠
So many times, I'd lie awake at night,
澆不息的菸 一根接著一根的點
Lighting one cigarette after another, unable to quench the restlessness.
時間一直跑 沙漏的沙 一直掉
Time keeps running, the sand in the hourglass keeps falling,
年紀慢慢老 記憶忘記存取資料
We slowly age, our memories failing to save data.
美好的回憶用筆紙做下 記號
I use pen and paper to mark down beautiful memories,
製造 甜蜜的時光 編出優美的旋律來 洗腦
Creating sweet moments, composing beautiful melodies to brainwash myself.
至少 曾經走過了會留下腳印
At least, the paths we've walked leave footprints,
失去的光陰找不回 別感到 掃興
Lost time cannot be retrieved, so don't feel discouraged.
開始找老朋友聚聚 閒話家常聊天說地
Start gathering with old friends, chatting and talking about everything,
繼續 到隔壁去串門子 沒有距離
Continue to visit your neighbors, there's no distance between us.
把手機暫時放進口袋 讓思緒變成空白
Put your phone in your pocket for a while, let your thoughts become blank,
關掉wifi round one fight 讓自己 relax 放鬆 sometime
Turn off the wifi, round one fight, let yourself relax and unwind sometime.
把手機暫時放進口袋 讓思緒變成空白
Put your phone in your pocket for a while, let your thoughts become blank,
關掉wifi round one fight 讓自己 relax 放鬆 sometime
Turn off the wifi, round one fight, let yourself relax and unwind sometime.
多少夜 翻了好幾頁
So many nights, I'd turn page after page,
寫完日記本了沒 沾滿了灰塵和歲月
Finishing my diary, covered in dust and the marks of time.
多少遍 徹夜又難眠
So many times, I'd lie awake at night,
澆不息的菸 一根接著一根的點
Lighting one cigarette after another, unable to quench the restlessness.

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