Gegga - Ella Eh - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Gegga - Ella Eh

Ella Eh
She Is
Ella es increíble, osada como un ave con el sigilo de un tigre
She is incredible, daring like a bird with the stealth of a tiger
con su mirada suave hace que la tierra vibre
with her soft gaze she makes the earth vibrate
persibir su aroma es respirar aire libre, libre
to perceive her scent is to breathe free air, free
Cien porciento llamativa, para ella es rutina oir que es atractiva
One hundred percent striking, for her it's routine to hear she's attractive
Su actitud de diva, inspira larga vida
Her diva attitude inspires a long life
Es una reina, antes de acostarse se peina
She is a queen, before going to bed she combs her hair
e hidrata su piel con cremas hechas con savia de Seyba
and hydrates her skin with creams made with Seyba sap
Tranquila duerme, parece un ángel
She sleeps peacefully, she looks like an angel
belleza cristalina que no se mantiene al margen
crystalline beauty that doesn't stay on the sidelines
Tiene control de todo lo que le incumbe
She has control of everything that concerns her
muestra seguridad si la inundan incertidumbres
shows confidence if flooded with uncertainties
Silenciosa cuando planea un triunfo
Silent when planning a triumph
Llorar no la distrae más bien, le sirve de impulso
Crying doesn't distract her, rather, it serves as an impulse
No es rencorosa pero evita
She is not spiteful but avoids
que alguien que le haya hecho mal su asaña repita
someone who has wronged her repeating their offense
Admirable, aunque no con todos hable
Admirable, although she doesn't talk to everyone
Es que hay muchos tontos que tienen una lengua inestable
It's just that there are many fools who have an unstable tongue
Yeah, admirable su inteligencia
Yeah, admirable her intelligence
de todo conversa con gran humildad e inocencia
she talks about everything with great humility and innocence
Unbelibeble, demasiado bella, digalo
Unbelievable, too beautiful, say it
La persiguen gibaros, gígolos, frívolos
She is chased by hillbillies, gigolos, frivolous men
pero ella no espera carnívoros
but she doesn't wait for carnivores
quiere alguien inteligente y que no sea bígamo
she wants someone intelligent and not a bigamist
Demasiado bella, digalo
Too beautiful, say it
La persiguen gibaros, gígolos, frívolos
She is chased by hillbillies, gigolos, frivolous men
pero ella no espera carnívoros
but she doesn't wait for carnivores
quiere alguien inteligente y que no sea bígamo
she wants someone intelligent and not a bigamist
Unbelibeble, demasiado bella, digalo
Unbelievable, too beautiful, say it
La persiguen gibaros, gígolos, frívolos
She is chased by hillbillies, gigolos, frivolous men
pero ella no espera carnívoros
but she doesn't wait for carnivores
quiere alguien inteligente y que no sea bígamo
she wants someone intelligent and not a bigamist
She is unbelibeble, suena cursi pero de tallarla te quita el oxígeno
She is unbelievable, it sounds cheesy but sculpting her takes your breath away
Es impresionante observar tanta belleza andante
It's impressive to observe such walking beauty
Con intelecto hace a su porte más interesante
With intellect she makes her demeanor more interesting
Presumir es para ignorantes, por eso la sencilles hace siempre verla elegante
Showing off is for the ignorant, that's why simplicity always makes her look elegant
Caray! Su frase de aliento es "Everything is gonna be allright"
Gosh! Her encouraging phrase is "Everything is gonna be all right"
Escucha rap y la salsa la baila muy nice
She listens to rap and dances salsa very nicely
Para hablar es perfecta porque si voz suena muy light, light, light
She's perfect for talking because her voice sounds very light, light, light
Ligera, tan irreal como una quimera
Light, as unreal as a chimera
Ella persevera y puede alcanzar todo lo que quiera
She perseveres and can achieve anything she wants
Es una lady que maybe la han lastimado
She is a lady who maybe has been hurt
pero quien lo haya hecho no se perdona el mismo el pecado
but whoever did it doesn't forgive himself for the sin
El mundo se detiene para observarla, de frente, lateral y también de espalda
The world stops to observe her, from the front, side and also from behind
Se ve sexy con short, pantalón o falda
She looks sexy in shorts, pants or a skirt
Tiene un rostro angelical el cual insita
She has an angelic face which incites
Unbelibeble, demasiado bella, digalo
Unbelievable, too beautiful, say it
La persiguen gibaros, gígolos, frívolos
She is chased by hillbillies, gigolos, frivolous men
pero ella no espera carnívoros
but she doesn't wait for carnivores
quiere alguien inteligente y que no sea bígamo
she wants someone intelligent and not a bigamist
Demasiado bella, digalo
Too beautiful, say it
La persiguen gibaros, gígolos, frívolos
She is chased by hillbillies, gigolos, frivolous men
pero ella no espera carnívoros
but she doesn't wait for carnivores
quiere alguien inteligente y que no sea bígamo
she wants someone intelligent and not a bigamist
Unbelibeble, demasiado bella, digalo
Unbelievable, too beautiful, say it
La persiguen gibaros, gígolos, frívolos
She is chased by hillbillies, gigolos, frivolous men
pero ella no espera carnívoros
but she doesn't wait for carnivores
quiere alguien inteligente y que no sea bígamo
she wants someone intelligent and not a bigamist

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