GeilerAsDu - Venedig - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский GeilerAsDu - Venedig

Im Verbigoh vom Podescht abegwöscht,
Wiped off the podium, forgotten,
Es esch Präsidäntefenger wode Red Button dröckt
No presidential finger pushing the Red Button,
Dim Prepper Nochber si Bonker esch nor es Gröcht
Your prepper neighbor's bunker is just a joke,
Besser bringsch ihm glich e Fläsche Wii verbi fallsesmol chlöpft
Better bring him a bottle of wine in case he ever knocks.
Shutdown, Gib mer vo allem e Tonne
Shutdown, give me a ton of everything,
För di letschti Pasta boxi der au dörd Schotzmaske id Schnorre
For the last pasta, I'll even box up the gas mask for you.
Mönschheit imne Tupperware, das tönt nachre faire Quarantäne
Humanity in Tupperware, that sounds like a fair quarantine,
Wenn de Rescht vodem Planet sech cha erhole
While the rest of the planet can recover.
Bruder, söscht ain't no mañana
Brother, there ain't no tomorrow,
Zerscht Sirene, denn Fanfare
First sirens, then fanfare,
Di Profit chasch der goh spare
You can go and save your profits,
Kei Entschleunigong förs Tempo vode Loredana
No slowing down for Loredana's pace,
Sie fahrt ade fucking Front vode Zentralschwizer MadMax Teslakarawane
She's driving at the fucking front of the Central Swiss Mad Max Tesla caravan.
Säg, wie produktiv besch du idere Läbenslauflöcke gsi
Tell me, how productive have you been in your life's loop?
Tag zwöi, wählerisch uf Pornhub site 35
Day two, picky on Pornhub, page 35.
Topfpflanze breched us ond wachsed öber dech
Potted plants break out and grow over you,
Spotlight uf das wo öbrigbliibt
Spotlight on what's left.
Debi hani alles grad so schön i Griff becho
I just got everything under control so nicely,
Das esch scho chli schad jetzt
It's a bit of a shame now,
Ech glaub ech hätt alles grad so schön i Griff becho
I think I had everything under control so nicely,
Doch de Wält eschs egal jetzt
But the world doesn't care now.
Delfin in Venedig
Dolphins in Venice,
Delfin in Venedig
Dolphins in Venice,
Wölf hüüled dör Berlin
Wolves howl through Berlin,
Das hed alles gar nie üs ghört
None of this ever belonged to us.
Delfin in Venedig
Dolphins in Venice,
Delfin in Venedig
Dolphins in Venice,
US Amazonas
Out of the Amazon,
Das hed alles gar nie üs ghört
None of this ever belonged to us.
Es god allne gliich, säged nor empathielosi Wexxer
Everyone's the same, say only the empathy-less wankers,
Wo met Rosé-Prosecco im Skype Apéro setzed
Who sit in Skype aperitifs with Rosé Prosecco,
Hoflade, Gmüeschorb, fiired Solidarität
Farm shops, vegetable baskets, celebrating solidarity,
Junkies ufde Gasse hend vo euchem Wonder gar nüd gmerkt
The junkies on the streets haven't even noticed your miracle.
Yoga Streaming und de sälbergmachti Konfi
Yoga streaming and the self-made jam,
Und ech warte nur ufs Ändi uf die gottverdammte Zombies
And I'm just waiting for the end of the goddamn zombies.
Nüd im Bleck, nüd im Greff, das esch alles nur en Wetz
Not in sight, not in grasp, it's all just a race,
Baby chomm chli nöcher und de läng mer chli is Gsecht
Baby, come a little closer and look me in the face.
Es sind alli no dömmer, es isch niemmer verwached
Everyone's even stupider, no one's healed,
För emmer Galaxus und ufem Balkon go klatsche
Forever Galaxus and clapping on the balcony.
Dehei si elei si, nur zwöi Mönsche berüehre
At home they are alone, only two people touch,
Mi persönlechi Lockdown scho sit vorletschtem Früehlig
My personal lockdown since the spring before last.
Ech ha gmeint es god guet, ech ha gmeint ech ha Üebig
I thought it was going well, I thought I had practice,
Doch ehr send emmerno fröhlech ond ech moss emmerno brüele
But they are still happy and I still have to roar.
Ech be gstorbe för dech, aber ech der egal
I died for you, but I don't care,
Bruche Wärmi, nume zrugg zu minre Mama i Arm
I need warmth, only back to my mom's arms.
Debi hani alles grad so schön i Griff becho
I just got everything under control so nicely,
Das esch scho chli schad jetzt
It's a bit of a shame now,
Ech glaub ech hätt alles grad so schön i Griff becho
I think I had everything under control so nicely,
Doch de Wält eschs egal jetzt
But the world doesn't care now.
Delfin in Venedig
Dolphins in Venice,
Delfin in Venedig
Dolphins in Venice,
Wölf hüüled dör Berlin
Wolves howl through Berlin,
Das hed alles gar nie üs ghört
None of this ever belonged to us.
Delfin in Venedig
Dolphins in Venice,
Delfin in Venedig
Dolphins in Venice,
US Amazonas
Out of the Amazon,
Das hed alles gar nie üs ghört
None of this ever belonged to us.

Авторы: Mike Walker

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