Gigi D'Alessio feat. Lele Blade - Vint'anne fa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Gigi D'Alessio feat. Lele Blade - Vint'anne fa

Vint'anne fa
Twenty Years Ago
Tagg itt ca nu ce teng sul pe te fa mal
You were here, but you left me with pain
Cu te so iut a sott e chiù nu fatt mental
I tried to escape you, but it was a mental game
Nun agg maij sbagliat cu te semp leal
I've never been wrong with you, I've always been loyal
Però sij tu me vuò ben e vre e me sta luntan
But if you really love me, stay away from me
Ij teng bisogn e te quand me sent e murij
I need you when I feel like dying
Però quand sto buon, po′ sto buon sol ij
But when I'm okay, I'm okay alone
Nu sacc che me succer ma
I don't know what's happening to me
Perd o tiemp ancor a te chiammà
I'm still wasting my time calling you
Tu me cunusc ormaij a na vit' ′nsiem simm criuscut
You know me by now, we've spent a lifetime together
Primm ra music senza paur, senza nisciun
At first, we made music without fear, without anyone
Mo stong nsiem a nat, ma nu me sent sicur
Now we're together again, but I don't feel safe
Si chiur l'uocchij e pens a te torn chiatur
If I close my eyes and think of you, I become clear
Tien bisogn e me pur sij te fa suffrì
I still need you, even if you make me suffer
Me chiamm ancor e nott pe sentì a voca mij
I still call you at night to hear my voice
Staij cercan ancor e me scurdà
You're still trying to forget me
Ma nu s'annasconn a verità
But you can't hide the truth
Vint′anne fa ij crerev co munn еra sul na giostr pe ce pazzia
Twenty years ago, I thought the world was just a carousel of madness
Pe fa pace ogni ser cu
To make peace with you every night
Er bell a m′appiccà
I almost got hooked
Po 'ndo liett girat che spall, ca luce stutat
Then in bed, we turned our backs, the light went out
Asciuttav na lacrim mentr carev
I wiped away a tear as I fell asleep
Ma ij t sentev
But I could feel you
Vint′anne fa me ngazzav si o vient tuccav sta vocca pe te vasà
Twenty years ago, I got angry when the wind touched your mouth to kiss you
Tutt e iuorn na guerr co sol a chi primm t'era scetà
Every day, a war with the one who woke up before you
Sulament astrignenm a te cor e cor cu te
Only holding you tight, heart to heart with you
Ij putev tenè o paradis ′nde man
I could have held paradise in my hands
Ma ij ce crerev
But I thought
To giur
I swear
T'agg itt crirm, nun essr accusij gelos
I promise you, don't be so jealous
Saij ca so pazz ca p te ess fatt tutt cos
You know I'm crazy enough to do anything for you
Sol ij to giur contr o munn san
I swear to you, against the world
St′uocchij ormaij so arid comm o Sahara
My eyes are now as dry as the Sahara
Tien bisogn e me pur si te fa suffrì
I still need you, even if you make me suffer
Me chiamm ancor e nott pe sentì a voce mij
I still call you at night to hear my voice
Ma mo nun ce crer chiù
But now I don't believe it anymore
Er vint'anne fa
Twenty years ago
Vint'anne fa ij crerev co munn era sul na giostr pe ce pazzia
Twenty years ago, I thought the world was just a carousel of madness
Pe fa pac ogni ser cu te
To make peace with you every night
Er bell a m′appiccà
I almost got hooked
Po ′ndo liett girat che spall, ca luce stutat
Then in bed, we turned our backs, the light went out
Asciuttav na lacrim mentr carev
I wiped away a tear as I fell asleep
Ma ij t sentev
But I could feel you
Vint'anne fa chillu riavul infam e bugie me vennett pe verità
Twenty years ago, that infamous devil lied to me and sold me for the truth
Senza ave′ manc n'ombra e pietà
Without even a shadow of pity
Accussì ce facett lassà
So he made us leave
Cu na croce ha spezzat due cor
With a cross, he broke two hearts
E co fuoc e l′infern ha bruciat indo vient pe semp st'ammor
And with fire and hell, he burned where this love will always come
St′ammor over
This love is over
Ce stev o sole e all'improvvis o ciel chiagnev
There was sun, and suddenly the sky was crying
Nuij nfus sott all'acqua, ma che fridd facev
We hid under the water, but it was so cold

Авторы: Gigi D'alessio

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