Gipsy Casual - Bate Toba Mare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Gipsy Casual - Bate Toba Mare

Bate Toba Mare
Bate Toba Mare
Maine voi merge la mare sa ma distrez
I could go to the sea to have fun
Mai departe de oras evadez
Get away from the city
Nu prea am timp sa impachetez
I don't have much time to pack
Iau o apa plata, vreau sa ma bronzez!
I'm taking a bottle of water, I want to get a tan!
In masina dau drumul la radio
I turn on the radio in the car
Vreau la maxim o piesa misto
I want to play a cool song at full volume
Iar in club cand ajung sa se auda din nou!
And when I get to the club I want to hear it again!
Refren: Tare tare bate toba mare
Chorus: The big drum beats so loud
Hai sa punem fete-n miscare
Let's get the girls moving
O zi cu soare, lumea se distreaza
A sunny day, people are having fun
Vara la mare fetele danseaza!
In the summer by the sea, the girls are dancing!
Am vazut-o si-am zis eooo
I saw her and I said woo-hoo
Fata asta chiar nu are egoo
This girl has no ego
Ne pregatim de party toata Romania
We're getting ready to party all over Romania
Atmosfera se incinge aici cu Gya
The atmosphere is heating up here with Gya
Eh, e vineri seara petrecem toata noaptea
It's Friday night, let's party all night
Sambata seara petrecem toata noaptea
Saturday night, let's party all night
Seara de seara petrecem toata noaptea
Every night, let's party all night
Vino diseara petrecem toata noaptea!
Come tonight, let's party all night!
Refren: Tare tare bate toba mare
Chorus: The big drum beats so loud
Hai sa punem fete-n miscare
Let's get the girls moving
O zi cu soare, lumea se distreaza
A sunny day, people are having fun
Vara la mare fetele danseaza!
In the summer by the sea, the girls are dancing!
Pun mana pe iPhone, dau un telefon
I pick up my iPhone and make a phone call
La doua nu am somn si capu dum-dum!
I can't sleep and my head is throbbing!
Masina vum, vum
The car goes vroom, vroom
Prietenii mei buni sunt cu mine acum
My good friends are with me now
Fetele-s pe drum, boy!
The girls are on their way, boy!
Ne vedem oricum sa facem bum-bum
We'll see each other anyway to make some noise
Cand ajung in club intreaba cum-cum
When I get to the club, ask how-how
Ochelarii jos sa fac zoom-zoom
Take off my glasses to zoom-zoom
Ochii rosii nu sunt de la fum, fum, fum, boy!
My red eyes are not from smoke, smoke, smoke, boy!
Refren: Tare tare bate toba mare
Chorus: The big drum beats so loud
Hai sa punem fete-n miscare
Let's get the girls moving
O zi cu soare, lumea se distreaza
A sunny day, people are having fun
Vara la mare fetele danseaza!
In the summer by the sea, the girls are dancing!
Tare tare bate toba mare
The big drum beats so loud
Hai sa punem fete-n miscare
Let's get the girls moving
O zi cu soare, lumea se distreaza
A sunny day, people are having fun
Vara la mare fetele danseaza
In the summer by the sea, the girls are dancing
Tare tare bate toba mare
The big drum beats so loud
Hai sa punem fete-n miscare
Let's get the girls moving
O zi cu soare, lumea se distreaza
A sunny day, people are having fun
Vara la mare fetele danseaza
In the summer by the sea, the girls are dancing
Tare tare bate toba mare
The big drum beats so loud
Hai sa punem fete-n miscare
Let's get the girls moving
O zi cu soare, lumea se distreaza
A sunny day, people are having fun
Vara la mare fetele danseaza
In the summer by the sea, the girls are dancing

Авторы: Manu Marcu

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