Gossos - Oxigen - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Gossos - Oxigen

M'agradaria trobar-me dins l'aire
I'd like to find myself inside the air
Que respires per un moment
That you breathe in for a while
M'agradaria trepitjar a terra en ferm
I'd like to step foot on solid ground
I tu al meu costat
And have you by my side
El meu reflex dins dels teus ulls
My reflection in your eyes
Buits com aparadors
Empty like display windows
I el silenci es trenca
And the silence is broken
M'agradaria fer-ho millor
I'd like to do better
I reboto
And I bounce back
I no et trobo aprop
And I can't find you near
Tu sempre has esperat alguna senyal observant
You've always been waiting for a sign observing
Rere la finestra
Behind the window
Jo no et puc ensenyar els colors del mar
I can't show you the colors of the sea
Al teu davant tens la porta oberta
You have an open door in front of you
Voldria dir-te tantes coses
I'd like to tell you so many things
Però per mi mai tens un moment
But for me, you never have a moment
Persegueixo els nostres somnis
I chase our dreams
I a tu t'és indiferent
And you're indifferent
Tantes mentides i tantes històries
So many lies and stories
I em sembla que no saps qui sóc
And it seems you don't know who I am
I el silenci ens trenca
And the silence breaks us
M'agradaria ser molt millor
I want to be much better
I no et trobo, enlloc
And I can't find you, anywhere
Tu sempre has esperat alguna senyal observant
You've always been waiting for a sign observing
Rere la finestra
Behind the window
Jo no et puc ensenyar els colors del mar
I can't show you the colors of the sea
Al teu davant tens la porta oberta
You have an open door in front of you
He recordat el vell far de vuit braços
I remembered the old eight-armed lighthouse
No vam dormir i vam parlar fins veure el sol
We didn't sleep, and we talked until we saw the sun
On puc trobar un nou camí rere els teus passos?
Where can I find a new path behind your footsteps?
Vull una altra nit per poder dir
I want another night to be able to say
Tot el que sento
Everything I feel
Tu sempre has esperat alguna senyal observant
You've always been waiting for a sign observing
Rere la finestra
Behind the window
Jo no et puc ensenyar els colors del mar
I can't show you the colors of the sea
Al teu davant tens la porta oberta
You have an open door in front of you
Dilluns no existeixes
Monday, you don't exist
Dimarts despertes
Tuesday, you wake up
I estem junts fins dimecres
And we're together until Wednesday
Dijous veus la llum
Thursday, you see the light
Ja ve divendres, de festa
Here comes Friday, party time
Dissabte i diumenge
Saturday and Sunday
Tu sempre has esperat alguna senyal observant
You've always been waiting for a sign observing
Rere la finestra
Behind the window
Jo no et puc ensenyar els colors del mar
I can't show you the colors of the sea
Al teu davant tens la porta oberta
You have an open door in front of you

Авторы: Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Juan Jose Munoz Garcia, Roger Farre Llort, Oriol Farre Llort, Santiago Serratosa Lopez

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