Grimaso feat. H16, Orion, Ben, Supa & Ektor - Celú Noc (Remix) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Grimaso feat. H16, Orion, Ben, Supa & Ektor - Celú Noc (Remix)

Celú Noc (Remix)
All Night Long (Remix)
Majk Spirit:
Majk Spirit:
Jazdíme tmou, ulica je čierna je nov,
We're riding through the darkness, the street is black and new,
Vezeme sa nočnou Bratislavou.
Driving through the night in Bratislava.
Speezy, šéf tímu snov,
Speezy, the head of the dream team,
Sexy rite, v rade na moju šou.
Sexy curves, lined up for my show.
Flowjob ako tento je hrou.
A flow like this is just a game.
Cítiš ten tlak? To je váha mojich slov.
You feel that pressure? That's the weight of my words.
Wow, milujú tie rýmy a ten flow,
Wow, they love these rhymes and this flow,
Mám krk, čo si zaslúži najdrahší kov.
I got a neck that deserves the most expensive metal.
Ou, ou a to všetko je len šou,
Oh, oh, and it's all just a show,
Nemáš trochu nadhľad, si obklopený hmlou.
You got no perspective, you're surrounded by fog.
Najlepšia kosť bude unesená mnou,
The best piece will be taken by me,
Takto býva, keď si najväčší zo psov.
That's how it is when you're the biggest dog.
Takže ja a moja bitch,
So me and my bitch,
Ako Jay-Z a Bee.
Like Jay-Z and Bey.
Iba ja a moja bitch,
Just me and my bitch,
Ako Yeezy a Kim.
Like Yeezy and Kim.
Nič, nič, nič, nič, neurobíš s tým,
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing you can do about it,
Ne, ne, nemáš na môj vyjebaný tím.
No, no, you're no match for my fucking team.
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, all night long, all night long we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, all night long, all night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, all night long, all night long we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, all night long, all night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, all night long, all night long we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, all night long, all night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, all night long, all night long we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, all night long, all night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Žiadne bongá, kámo to bal,
No bongs, buddy, pack it up,
Som ako bomba, beztiažový stav.
I'm like a bomb, a state of weightlessness.
Jurij Gagarin vysoko, jak kozmonaut,
Yuri Gagarin high up, like a cosmonaut,
So mnou zopár ľudí, za sebou päť áut.
A few people with me, five cars behind.
Žiadny stres, všetci vysmiaty jak klauni,
No stress, everyone smiling like clowns,
Lavý pruh, vpredu čiernočierne Audi.
Left lane, a black Audi in front.
Stofky koní, Fiti Fittipaldi,
Hundreds of horses, Fiti Fittipaldi,
Sme jak stroje, nesmrtelný ako Gaudí.
We're like machines, immortal like Gaudí.
Fízli, fotia si náš zadok, asi sme moc rýchli,
Popping flashes, taking pictures of our back, we must be too fast,
Zastavia nás, jeden dobrý, druhý prísny.
They stop us, one good cop, the other one strict.
Albumy a podpisy a šofér zrýchli,
Albums and autographs, and the driver speeds up,
Treba ísť ďalej, čaká na nás party.
Gotta move on, a party's waiting for us.
Znova potiahneme pár dní,
We'll keep going for a few more days,
Ujebaný ako Oliver Hardy.
Fucking tired like Oliver Hardy.
Z okna dym, akoby sa volil pápež,
Smoke from the window, like they're electing a new pope,
Nahúlil sa chlapec, áno, dúfam, že to chápeš.
The boy got high, yeah, I hope you get it.
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, all night long, all night long we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, all night long, all night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, all night long, all night long we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, all night long, all night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, all night long, all night long we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, all night long, all night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, all night long, all night long we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, all night long, all night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc.
All night long.
Noční vtáci, noční jazdci,
Night owls, night riders,
Ty spíš, my sme stále ešte v práci.
You're already asleep, we're still at work.
Služobná cesta, ja a moji chlapci,
Business trip, me and my boys,
Nemusíme do klubu, aj v aute bude party.
We don't need a club, we'll have a party in the car.
Beaty hrajú, basy dunia jak kurva,
Beats are playing, bass is booming like a bitch,
Weed tak silný, že ho cítiť z kufra.
Weed so strong you can smell it from the trunk.
Nehúlite nič? Tvoja partia je čudná.
You don't smoke anything? Your crew is weird.
Moji idú tvrdo a vždy pijú do dna.
Mine go hard and always drink to the bottom.
Žiadne hovná, idú iba šmaky,
No bullshit, only hits are going down,
Jacky na účet, nemusia ho platiť.
Jack on the house, they don't have to pay for it.
Bar je tu s nami, nemusia sa nikde tlačiť,
The bar is here with us, they don't have to crowd anywhere,
čiernobiely outfit, niečo ako šachy.
Black and white outfit, something like chess.
Čierne brýle, snehobiele najky,
Black glasses, snow-white Nikes,
Nevidím to čierne, je to žúrka jak sa patrí.
I don't see the darkness, it's a real party.
Celú noc udržím rytmus ako Patrik,
I'll keep the rhythm going all night long like Patrick,
Flow ťa udre do hlavy, niečo ako Hi Kick.
Flow will hit you in the head, something like a High Kick.
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, all night long, all night long we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, all night long, all night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, all night long, all night long we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, all night long, all night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc, jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc, jazdíme tmou, tam a sem,
All night long, we ride through the darkness, here and there,
Celú noc, kým zomrieme, žijeme svoj sen.
All night long, until we die, we live our dream.
Celú noc.
All night long.

Авторы: Marko Elefteriadis, Michal Dusicka, Michal Opletal, Ben Cristovao, Michal Mikus, Branislav Korec, Vladimir Dupkala, Juraj Wertlen

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