Guess Who - Atâta Face - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Guess Who - Atâta Face

Atâta Face
Atâta Face
Aprinde o tigare
Light up a cigarette
Si-n fumul care zboara-n nori albastri ca un vis
And the smok that flies in bluish clouds like a dream
Cufunda-te-n uitare
Immerse yourself in oblivion
Si lasa gandului carare de abis
And let your thoughts wander through the abyss
Chiar daca tu nu vrei, tot iesi
Even if you don't want to, you'll get out
Ca stai in casa sau iesi, tre' sa te pregatesti
Whether you stay home or go out, you have to get ready
De cand iesi pe usa, treci de pres, gasesti tu tot ce-ti doresti
When you walk out the door, you'll find what you need
N-ai niciun deja vu si niciun flash
You don't have any déjà vu or any flashes
Vrei un cui
You want a nail
Da, ca, din cauza lui, ai fi in stare sa pui pariu ca altul nu-i
Yes, because of him, you would be willing to bet that there is no other
Mai bun in cercul lui, cacaturi au destui
Better in his circle, they have enough shit
Si nu la pretul lui, deci n-ai cum sa nu spui
And not at his price, so you just have to say
Hai sa facem unul, vedem cum decurge drumul
Let's do one, we'll see how it goes
Inca unul, tu vrei sa schimbam parfumul
One more, you want to change the perfume
Incontinuu vrei sa vezi care pica primul
You want to see who falls first
Care primul, esti blana, vezi ca-ti pica scrumul
Who first, honey, your ashes are falling
Unii ii zic joppy, altii ii spun pai
Some call it joppy, others call it straw
N-o sa ma vezi ca o sa ma vait, n-o ard aiurea-n tramvai
You won't see me crying, I'm not doing it for free
Stii, astea nu-s fantezii
You know, these are not fantasies
Fac asta in fiecare zi si nu ma pot opri
I do this every day and I can't stop
Stii, cat dai, atata face
You know, you pay for what you get
Ca ce e bun si lui Dumnezeu ii place
Because what is good also pleases God
Nu te face ca nu stii, hai
Don't pretend you don't know, come on
Spune-mi daca vrei sa fii high
Tell me if you want to be high
Stii, cat dai, atata face
You know, you pay for what you get
Ca ce e bun si lui Dumnezeu ii place
Because what is good also pleases God
Nu te face ca nu stii, hai
Don't pretend you don't know, come on
Spune-mi daca vrei sa fii high
Tell me if you want to be high
Da-i cu maglavais
Give it to me with maglavais
Whisky, Red Bull, ice
Whiskey, Red Bull, ice
Vin de shop, spice
Shop wine, spice
Nu, colegu', tais
No, colleague, tais
Ice Age, nice
Ice Age, nice
Viata Titan Ice
Life Titan Ice
Sunt in Mamaia Vice
I'm in Mamaia Vice
Blana, Jesus Christ
Fur, Jesus Christ
B.D., umor si filme multe
B.D., humor and many movies
Fumam verde la mare si la munte
We smoke green at the beach and in the mountains
Poti sa te duci unde vrei
You can go wherever you want
Dar nu acolo unde mergi tu de obicei
But not where you usually go
Poti sa-i dai cu pill, cu K, sa zici ca e OK
You can take it with a pill, with K, and say it's OK
Ca e abia ora trei si ar cam merge un cocktail
Because it's only three o'clock and a cocktail would be nice
Epic fail, vezi ca o iei pe ulei
Epic fail, you're going to be oiled
Si dupa fata ta e clar ca tu nu stii ce bei
And from your face it's clear that you don't know what you're drinking
Stii, cat dai, atata face
You know, you pay for what you get
Ca ce e bun si lui Dumnezeu ii place
Because what is good also pleases God
Nu te face ca nu stii, hai
Don't pretend you don't know, come on
Spune-mi daca vrei sa fii high
Tell me if you want to be high
Stii, cat dai, atata face
You know, you pay for what you get
Ca ce e bun si lui Dumnezeu ii place
Because what is good also pleases God
Nu te face ca nu stii, hai
Don't pretend you don't know, come on
Spune-mi daca vrei sa fii high
Tell me if you want to be high

Авторы: Loredana

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