Guess Who - Cu Capu-n Nori - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Guess Who - Cu Capu-n Nori

Cu Capu-n Nori
With Head in Clouds
Cu capu-n nori de atatea ori
With head in clouds so many times
Cand vreau sa zbor,
When I want to fly,
Pot sa ma arunc in gol
I can throw myself in the void
Ca dedesubt sunt nori
Because below me are clouds
Si nu vreau sa cobor
And I don't want to come down
N-aud, nu vad, ignor ce vor toti
I don't hear, I don't see, I ignore what everyone says
E mai usor, cand esti cu capu-n nori
It's easier when you have your head in the clouds
Cu capu-n nori, cu capu-n nori
With head in clouds, with head in clouds
De-atatea ori, aceeasi zi, aceiasi nori
So many times, same day, same clouds
Cu capu-n nori, cu capu-n nori sunt uneori
With head in clouds, with head in clouds I sometimes am
Te rog din visul meu sa nu ma scoli
I beg you not to wake me from my dream
Ca astazi chiar nu ma grabesc deloc
Because today I'm really in no hurry
Nu imi doresc sa fiu pe primul loc
I don't wish to be in first place
Sunt doar un om, nu pot sa fiu robot
I'm just a human, I can't be a robot
Pur si simplu nu pot, nu pot, nu pot
Simply put, I can't, I can't, I can't
Sincer, ma face sa ma simt liber
Honestly, it makes me feel free
Nu ma consider vreun lider, merg la munca-n timpul meu liber
I don't consider myself a leader, I go to work in my free time
De luni pana vineri, lumea pleaca si vine
From Monday to Friday, the world leaves and comes
Cine intreaba de mine, tu spune-le ca sunt bine
Whoever asks about me, tell them I'm fine
Cu capu-n nori de atatea ori
With head in clouds so many times
Cand vreau sa zbor,
When I want to fly,
Pot sa ma arunc in gol
I can throw myself in the void
Ca dedesubt sunt nori
Because below me are clouds
Si nu vreau sa cobor
And I don't want to come down
N-aud, nu vad, ignor ce vor toti
I don't hear, I don't see, I ignore what everyone says
E mai usor, cand esti cu capu-n nori
It's easier when you have your head in the clouds
Lunatic, nu te-aud oricat latri
Lunatic, I don't hear you no matter how much you bark
Pur si simplu salbatic, n-o sa poti sa-mi pui gratii
Simply savage, you won't be able to put bars on me
Spirit liber Okapi Tati, prins in trafic sunt static
Free-spirited Okapi Daddy, stuck in traffic I'm static
Gandul meu nu-i ostatic, scrie, n-o sa-mi tin capul intr-o cutie
My mind is not a hostage, it writes, I won't keep my head in a box
Stii bine ce vor, rau pentru tine spre binele lor
You know well what they want, bad for you for their own good
E daunator mesajul din televizor, asta-i solutia lor
The message from the TV is harmful, that's their solution
Sa fii sub control fara prea multe intrebari
To be in control without too many questions
Fara sa stii uneori ce poti sa vezi cand zbori
Without sometimes knowing what you can see when you fly
Cu capu-n nori, unde grijile dispar
With head in clouds, where worries disappear
Car doar strictul necesar, banii nu sunt principali
Carry just the bare necessities, money isn't the main thing
Vise inchise in sertar, sa-ti doresti nu-i ilegal
Dreams locked in a drawer, wishing isn't illegal
In oglinda-i totul clar, nu exista adversar
In the mirror everything is clear, there is no opponent
Cu capu-n nori de atatea ori
With head in clouds so many times
Cand vreau sa zbor,
When I want to fly,
Pot sa ma arunc in gol
I can throw myself in the void
Ca dedesubt sunt nori
Because below me are clouds
Si nu vreau sa cobor
And I don't want to come down
N-aud, nu vad, ignor ce vor toti
I don't hear, I don't see, I ignore what everyone says
E mai usor, cand esti cu capu-n nori
It's easier when you have your head in the clouds

Авторы: guess who, mefx

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