Guz - Doi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Guz - Doi

Pe langa geam, privirile si-au luat ramas bun
Through the window, our gazes bid farewell
Eu ii zambeam, radeam ca un nebun singur
I smiled at her, laughing like a lonely fool
Zambetul meu e tot ce voiam sa-i raspund
My smile was all I had to say
Zambetul meu sculptat din punctul ei, o virgula la sigur
My smile, a comma at the end of her sentence
Nu m-am asteptat, parea atat de adevarat Sarutul imbratisat in soapte
I didn't expect it, it seemed so real A kiss embraced in whispers
Da, dragostea e scurta
Yes, love is short-lived
Ca zborul stelelor in Calea Lactee, pierdute toate
Like the flight of stars in the Milky Way, all lost
Privirea inca se mai zbate, vrea sa ramana in spate
Our gazes still linger, trying to remain behind
Isi pune pozele deoparte
Putting our pictures aside
Noi, eu si tu
You and I
Obisnuiam sa ne-mpartim cu sufletul
Used to share our souls
Sper ca inca ma iubesti un pic caci mult, ca mine, nu
I hope you still love me a little, for a lot, like me, no
Stiu, nu mai sunt mic, despartirea ne uneste
I know I'm not a child anymore, separation unites us
In palmares o avem
We've done it before
Stim, poate de-aia indraznim s-o repetam
Maybe that's why we dare to repeat it
Lasa-ma, mai lasa-mi o sansa
Leave me, give me one more chance
Lasa-ma, lasa-ne, mai lasa-ne o sansa
Leave me, leave us, give us one more chance
Hai sa ne, sa ne iubim caci iubim doi
Let's love each other, 'cause we love each other
Dupa o cearta iubim sa ne iubim noi
After a fight, we love to love each other
Lasa-ma, mai lasa-mi o sansa
Leave me, give me one more chance
Lasa-ma, lasa-ne, mai lasa-ne o sansa
Leave me, leave us, give us one more chance
Hai sa ne, sa ne iubim caci iubim noi
Let's love each other, 'cause we love each other
Dupa o cearta iubim sa ne iubim in doi
After a fight, we love to love each other, just the two of us
Astea nu-s lacrimi,
These aren't tears,
Asta ploaia e de vina Ochii sclipesc de la lumina, pozand clipe fine
The rain is to blame My eyes sparkle from the light, taking pictures of delicate moments
Sa le putem privi la noapte, stiu
So we can look at them tonight, I know
Cupidon plange de departe, il aud, e viu
Cupid is crying from afar, I hear him, he's alive
Sau poate rade cineva, lasa-ma s-ascult Poate, chia, zambeste ea
Or maybe someone's laughing, let me listen Maybe, just maybe, she's smiling
Sa fi fost dragoste sau doar pasiune
Was it love or just passion?
Ca atunci cand ne iubim se naste unul nou pe lume
Because when we love, a new one is born into the world
Ambi cautam scheme, hai loveste-ma Loveste, nu te mai teme
We're both looking for schemes, come on, hit me Hit me, don't be afraid
Caut motive, te opresc, vreau sa te retii
I'm looking for reasons, I'm stopping you, I want you to stay
Dar tu fitoasa esti a naibii si nu te abtii
But you're a hell of a coquette and you can't help yourself
Lasa-ma, mai lasa-mi o sansa
Leave me, give me one more chance
Lasa-ma, lasa-ne, mai lasa-ne o sansa
Leave me, leave us, give us one more chance
Hai sa ne, sa ne iubim caci iubim doi
Let's love each other, 'cause we love each other
Dupa o cearta iubim sa ne iubim noi
After a fight, we love to love each other
Lasa-ma, mai lasa-mi o sansa
Leave me, give me one more chance
Lasa-ma, lasa-ne, mai lasa-ne o sansa
Leave me, leave us, give us one more chance
Hai sa ne, sa ne iubim caci iubim noi
Let's love each other, 'cause we love each other
Dupa o cearta iubim sa ne iubim in doi...
After a fight, we love to love each other, just the two of us...

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