HI-D - パズル - перевод текста песни на английский

パズル - HI-Dперевод на английский

完璧じゃなくてもイイんだ そのままでいて欲しいんだ
You don't have to be perfect Babe, Just be yourself
ダメなトコなんじゃなくって みんな同じなわけないって
It's not your flaws, It's just that everyone is different
毎日の見慣れた風景 意外なくらい壊れやすいね
The familiar scenery of every day, surprisingly fragile
他の誰とかじゃなくて 必要さキミの全て
Not like anyone else, I need all of you
わかってるはず キミもそう思ってる
You know it too, baby
That we understand each other so well
沢山の愛のカケラ つなぐ奇跡とストーリー
So many pieces of love, connecting miracles and stories
A family that fills in each other's gaps
そっと助け合って作る パズルのように
Let's help each other gently, like a puzzle
ゆっくり進もう なくさないように
Let's go slowly, so we don't lose it
夜がまた朝になっても 季節が何度も変わっても
Even when the night turns into morning, and the seasons change many times
変わらないよこの気持ちは 心配ないさ (You′ll be alright)
These feelings won't change, don't worry (You'll be alright)
一人でいるのも好きだった でも今は一人じゃいられない
I used to enjoy being alone, but now I can't be alone
自分でも不思議なくらいに 二人でいるのが自然に
It's strange even to me, how natural it is to be with you
わかってるはず キミもそう思ってる
You know it too, baby
That we are deeply connected
沢山の愛のカケラ つなぐ奇跡とストーリー
So many pieces of love, connecting miracles and stories
A family that fills in each other's gaps
そっと助け合って作る パズルのように
Let's help each other gently, like a puzzle
ゆっくり進もう なくさないように
Let's go slowly, so we don't lose it
頭の中に浮かんでる 笑顔をもっと見たくて
I want to see that smile in your mind even more
I know バカだと言われても 離れられないよ
I know I'll be called a fool, but I can't let you go
ヒーローでいたいのさ 特にキミの前では
I want to be a hero, especially in front of you
My LOVE's for you ずっとずっと I sing this one for you girl
My love for you, forever and always. I sing this one for you, girl
Just for you
Just for you
沢山の愛のカケラ つなぐ奇跡とストーリー
So many pieces of love, connecting miracles and stories
A family that fills in each other's gaps
そっと助け合って作る パズルのように
Let's help each other gently, like a puzzle
ゆっくり進もう なくさないように
Let's go slowly, so we don't lose it

Авторы: Jin, hi−d, Hi-d

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