HAZARD - Kopalnico ima - перевод текста песни на английский

Kopalnico ima - Hazardперевод на английский

Kopalnico ima
The bathroom has
Sem vozil jo po svetu,
I've driven her around the world,
V Parizu sva bila,
We've been to Paris,
V Londonu in Pragi,
London and Prague,
V Varšavi, v New Yorku,
Warsaw, New York,
Na Triglavu in Bledu,
Triglav and Bled,
V Črnomlju in Piranu, ...
Črnomelj and Piran, ...
Kopalnico ima?
Does the bathroom have?
In plula sva po rekah,
And we sailed on the rivers,
Po jezerih in morjih,
On the lakes and the seas,
Slapove gledala
Watched the waterfalls
In tekala po gozdu,
And ran through the woods,
Po snegu, po vrheh,
In the snow, on the peaks,
Sva plavala v oblakih,
We swam in the clouds,
Kopalnico ima?
Does the bathroom have?
Potem prišel je drugi,
Then came another,
Ni peljal je v Split,
He didn't take her to Split,
Ni plaval z njo po morju,
Didn't swim with her in the sea,
Ni plezal na vrhe...
Didn't climb the peaks...
Prijel jo je za roko,
Took her by the hand,
V sobo z njo odšel.
Went into the room with her.
Na pragu je vprašala:
On the doorstep she asked:
Kopalnico ima?
Does the bathroom have?

Авторы: T.gašperič

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