Hector Acosta (El Torito) - Mil Cartas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Hector Acosta (El Torito) - Mil Cartas

Mil Cartas
A Thousand Letters
"El torito" del reggaeton
"The Little Bull" of reggaeton
Sigo siendo yo
I'm still me
Para los que no creian, muchachita
For those who didn't believe, little girl
(El pueblo)
(The people)
Sigo siendo yo "El torito"
I'm still "the little Bull"
Mix yunior dj yenfri
Mix yunior dj yenfri
Reggaeton romantico
Romantic reggaeton
Al cienteo la voz melódica.
To the hundredth the melodic voice.
Hola amigo soy yo
Hello friend it's me
Vengo llegando de un viaje que la suerte me cambio
I've been coming from a trip that luck changed me
En busca de posición
In search of position
Para brindarle
To provide you with
A mi princesa lo mas bello
To my princess the most beautiful
Lo mejor.
The best.
Ella es mi doncella
She is my maid
Ella es la mujer más bella
She is the most beautiful woman
Estoy muriendo por verla
I'm dying to see her
Entre mis brazos tenerla.
In my arms to have her.
Esa mujer ya no te pertenece, no
That woman doesn't belong to you anymore, no
sacrificaste a su corazon
You sacrificed to his heart
Deja de buscarla, no regreses
Stop looking for her, don't come back
Ya su corazon a otro pertenece
Already his heart belongs to someone else
Otro hombre la hace sentir mujer (torito)
Another man makes her feel like a woman (torito)
él es quien acaricia su piel
he is the one who caresses her skin
Suspira cuando le haces el amor
She sighs when you make love to her
Lo porque ese hombre
I know because that man
Soy "yo".
It's "me".
Bachateo papá
Bachateo dad
Yo le mande mil cartas recordandole
I sent him a thousand letters reminding him
Que es dueña de mi vida
That she owns my life
Y asi siempre será
And so it will always be
Yo le di la esperanza de tener una mejor vida
I gave her the hope to have a better life
Un futuro mejor a lado mio sin mentiras
A better future by my side without lies
Ella me dejo por tu posicion
She left me because of your position
Le encanto tu propuesta y me abandono
He loved your proposal and abandoned me
Ahora esta conmigo yo soy su prometido
She's with me now I'm her fiance
Es a mi a quien a elegido oohhhhh
It's me he's chosen oohhhhh
Cuanto lo siento por los que pasan esta situación
How sorry I am for those who go through this situation
Los que les engañan su mujer en busca de una posicion
Those who cheat on their wife in search of a position
Y aunque yo se que fue dura la decisión
And although I know that the decision was hard
No puedo darle la razon a los dos
I can't agree with both of you
Le fallaste,
You failed him,
Lo traicionaste dijiste ser su amigo y con su mujer mira te acostaste
You betrayed him you said you were his friend and with his wife look you slept
No sabias, creias que él no iba a enterarse
You didn't know, you thought he wasn't going to find out
Pero ella tuvo valor para encontrarse su mujer y su mejor amigo son
But she had courage to meet his wife and his best friend are
Amantes ella de su casa mira iba a mudarse
Lovers she of her house mira was going to move
Amigo yo entiendo tu situcacion hoy tu lloras esa mujer te a roto el corazon ahora
Friend I understand your situation today you cry that woman has broken your heart now
Solo eres dolor y desolacion
You are only pain and desolation
Es para ti hermano que escribo esta cancion
It's for you brother I'm writing this song
Pero ten presente que ambos son adultos y que entre cielo y tierra no hay nada oculto
But keep in mind that they are both adults and that there is nothing hidden between heaven and earth
Me duele el corazon aun no entiendo en que falle
My heart hurts I still don't understand why I fail
Siempre la ame y le jure amor eterno a esa mujer
I always loved her and swore eternal love to that woman
Tienes que entender que te toco perder
You have to understand that it's your turn to lose
Y asi es como es
And that's the way it is
Encontraras a otra mujer
You will find another woman
Yo pense que en verdad eras mi amigo
I thought you were really my friend
En la guerra y el amor todo es permitido
In war and love everything is allowed
Hoy te toco perder, aceptalo
Today it's your turn to lose, accept it
Yo no merecia que me traicionaran de esta manera
I didn't deserve to be betrayed in this way
Yo le mande mil cartas recordandole
I sent him a thousand letters reminding him
Que es dueña de mi vida y asi siempre sera
That she owns my life and so she will always be
Yo le di la esperanza de tener una mejor vida
I gave her the hope to have a better life
Un futuro mejor a lado mio
A better future by my side
Sin mentiras
No lies
Ella me dejo por tu posicion
She left me because of your position
Le encanto tu propuesta y me abandono
He loved your proposal and abandoned me
Ahora etsa conmigo yo soy su prometido
Now etsa with me I'm her fiance
Eh, se olvido de ti papi yo soy su elegido.
Hey, he forgot about you daddy I'm his chosen one.
Sabes porqué??
Do you know why??
Porque no eres
Because you are not
Bachatero como yo
Bachatero like me
Verdad que si
It's true that if
Pix junior
Pix junior
No eres como yo (muchachita)
You're not like me (little girl)
No eres como yoooo
You're not like yoooo
Sigo siendo yooo
I'm still yooo
Estoy con el pueblo bachatero como noo
I'm with the Bachatero people as noo
El Torito
The Little Bull
"Sigo siendo yo"
"I'm still me"

Авторы: jdc

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