Helem Nejse - Tarabuka - перевод текста песни на английский

Tarabuka - Helem Nejseперевод на английский

Znaš ono kad ti dođe frajer,
You know when your boyfriend comes to you,
Zbog nečeg se iznervir'o,
Upset for some reason,
Ja ga pitam ba šta je?
I ask him what's wrong?
A on ne sjeća se ni šta je bilo.
But he doesn't even remember what happened.
Oko svega nauka, smeta mu tarabuka
He's bothered by everything, especially this hubbub,
Vazda ga šatro boli ruka, voli da kuka.
His hands always hurt, and he loves to complain.
Loše mu gdje stanuje, samo nešto da mu je,
He's not happy with his living situation, but he can't say what he wants,
Već nazv'o mamu je, a ne zna reć' ni šta mu je.
He's already called his mom, but he can't even tell her what's wrong.
Ma joj znam ja frajera, ne spava noćima,
Oh honey, I know that guy, he doesn't sleep at night,
A kad je sve udure, ne vjeruje svojim očima.
And when he finally does fall asleep, he doesn't believe his own eyes.
Stan od sto kvadrata, milja i po plata,
He has a flat that's a hundred square meters, and a salary of a thousand and a half,
A kad bi ga sluš'o rek'o bi čo'ek nema za otvorit vrata.
But if you listened to him, you'd think he can't even afford to open his door.
Znaš ono kad ti ka'e lik
You know when someone tells you,
Da nervira ga ovaj je'an lik,
That this one person really gets on their nerves,
Jer je rek'o da je ovaj lik debil,
Because he said this person is an idiot,
A nije; dobar lik.
But he's not; he's a good guy.
Il' onaj umjetnik, bez pretjerivanja,
Or that artist, without exaggeration,
Ima baš prevelika očekivanja.
He has really high expectations.
Oko sveg' halabuka, riječi ko da vadi iz sanduka,
He makes a fuss about everything, like he's pulling words out of a trunk,
Nema ni tries kuka, a samo kuka.
He doesn't have a single friend, and he just complains.
Loše mu dje stanuje, samo nešto da mu je,
He's not happy with his living situation, but he can't say what he wants,
Već nazv'o mamu je, a ne zna reć' ni šta mu je.
He's already called his mom, but he can't even tell her what's wrong.
I nije bitno jel me kužiš, kapiraš il' kontaš,
And it doesn't matter if you're flirting with me, understand, or are counting,
Ljudi dje god odeš, masovno gube kompas.
People everywhere you go are losing their way.
Svako samo gleda kako da profitira, il da se nadrogira,
Everyone is just looking for a way to make a profit, or to get high,
A ja ću da meditiram.
But I'm going to meditate.
Raja čeka da se sve samo isfiltrira, pa ih svašta nervira,
The masses are waiting for everything to just be filtered out, so that nothing bothers them,
A ja ću da levitiram.
But I'm going to levitate.
Ma joj znam ja lika volan isčupa dok parkira,
Oh darling, I know someone who ripped the steering wheel off while parking,
Popije tablu apaurina kad gleda Bakira.
He downed a whole bottle of Alka-Seltzer while watching Bakir.
Uz' novog Rava, djeca živa i zdrava,
With his new Rav, the kids are happy and healthy,
A protiv svakog stava, čak mu ne valja ni hava.
But he's against any opinion, not even the weather is good enough for him.
Znaš ono kad ti frajer priča,
You know when your boyfriend is talking,
Kod ovog lika mu se ne sviđa,
About what he doesn't like about this person,
To što mu je taka i taka priča,
Like how he talks and stuff,
A polupa sve zbog listića.
But he gets all worked up over a lottery ticket.
Il' onaj moj rođak, u tom je uporan;
Or my cousin, he's really stubborn about it;
Ode na more, vrati se umoran.
He goes to the beach, and comes back tired.
Raje nema samuje, prema svima damu je,
He'd rather be alone, he's rude to everyone,
30 giga ram mu je, al taj kompjuter star mu je.
He has 30 gigabytes of RAM, but his computer is old.
Loše mu gdje stanuje, samo nešto da mu je,
He's not happy with his living situation, but he can't say what he wants,
Već nazv'o mamu je, a ne zna reć' ni šta mu je.
He's already called his mom, but he can't even tell her what's wrong.
Šmrće se svjetski, loče se evropski;
The Americans are snorting, the Europeans are divorcing;
I svi su generalno nervozni...
And everyone is generally nervous...
Svako samo gleda kako da profitira, il da se nadrogira,
Everyone is just looking for a way to make a profit, or to get high,
A ja ću da meditiram.
But I'm going to meditate.
Raja čeka da se sve samo isfiltrira,pa ih svašta nervira,
The masses are waiting for everything to just be filtered out,so that nothing bothers them,
A ja ću da levitiram
But I'm going to levitate

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