Hellbillies - Mas, Mas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Hellbillies - Mas, Mas

Mas, Mas
More, More
va eg og ho Hildegunn ved vatnet i lag.
It was me and Hildegunn by the lake together.
va varmt og flugut ein summarsdag.
It was warm and fly-ridden on a summer's day.
Ho har det med di at ho støtt ska masa
She has a habit of always complaining,
Der eg gjikk fyri gjikk ho ette og vasa.
Where I walked ahead, she walked behind and nagged.
Remja og peip kor eg hadde gjort sekken.
Complained and moaned about where I had put the knapsack.
Eg skreik te svar burtved Klåvsteinsbekken:
I yelled in reply by the Klåvsteinsbekken:
Ja, ja, ja - må'ru gje're
Yes, yes, yes - do you have to do this?
Mas, mas, æ knapt noko anna!
Nag, nag, there's hardly anything else!
Slutta 'ru 'kji, bi eg kok forbanna!
If you don't stop, I'll really get mad!
me kommo uppatt skull' eg steikji ein fisk
When we came back up I was going to fry a fish,
Eg va ganske svolten, et for lite te bisk.
I was quite hungry, ate too little earlier.
Ho Hildegunn bledde i ukeblåe
Hildegunn turned a pale blue,
Men so skreik ho i: Neimen Gudd, slik våe.
But then she screamed: Good heavens, that's disgusting.
Ha i meir smør, og vent ei stund med rumma.
Add more butter, and wait a while to dish up.
Eg skreik te svar der eg stod og brumma:
I shouted in reply as I stood there grumbling:
Jau, fisken smakte, va 'kji dæ,
Yeah, the fish tasted fine, that wasn't the problem,
Men det våre godt med lite kaffi med.
But it would have been good with a little coffee too.
Eg kokte kaffi og serverte so blidt,
I made coffee and served it so sweetly,
Men ho Hildegunn ho skreik inni øyra mitt:
But Hildegunn she screamed right in my ear:
Kaffi'n va veik, du nok mala att.
The coffee's weak, you'll have to grind it again.
Eg skreik te svar: Ska ru no ta te att!
I shouted in reply: Are you going to start all over again!

Авторы: Carlington Dane Morrison, Daniel Clifford Thompson, Kemar Ricardo Mcgregor, Herman Costantine Davis, Windel B Edwards

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