Holograf - Eu ii spun iubire - перевод текста песни на английский

Eu ii spun iubire - Holografперевод на английский

Eu ii spun iubire
I Tell Her Love
Eu nu stiu de ce, uneori
I don't know why, sometimes
Inima imi tresare, fara sa-mi spuna
My heart skips a beat, without telling me
Nu, eu nu stiu de ce
No, I don't know why
Si nu inteleg de ce, alte ori
And I don't understand why, other times
Nu se zbate in piept, cand afara-i furtuna
It doesn't beat in my chest, when there's a storm outside
Nu, eu nu inteleg
No, I don't understand
Si, oare, cine alina, ziua, sufletul stingher
And who, I wonder, soothes, during the day, my lonely soul
Si cine, oare, aprinde, noaptea, stelele pe cer
And who, I wonder, lights up, at night, the stars in the sky
Eu ii spun iubire, altii, pierdere de timp
I call it love, others, a waste of time
Dar ce-ar ramane in lumea asta, daca n-ar fi sa iubim
But what would be left in this world, if there was no love
Eu ii spun iubire, altii, joaca de copii
I call it love, others, a child's play
Si, oricum i-ar spune lumea, eu mereu in viata asta voi iubi
And, whatever the world may call it, I will always love in this life
Ne dorim lucruri fara sens
We desire things without any meaning
Chiar si atunci cand inima ne mai doare
Even when our hearts are still hurting
Ne doare foarte tare
It hurts a lot
Tot in jur pare un gol imens
Everything around seems like a huge void
Si uitam sa traim, cand si cand, in visare
And we forget to live, sometimes, in daydreams
Sa traim in visare
To live in daydreams
Si, oare, cine alina, ziua, sufletul stingher
And who, I wonder, soothes, during the day, my lonely soul
Si cine, oare, aprinde, noaptea, stelele pe cer
And who, I wonder, lights up, at night, the stars in the sky
Eu ii spun iubire, altii, pierdere de timp
I call it love, others, a waste of time
Dar ce-ar ramane in lumea asta, daca n-ar fi sa iubim
But what would be left in this world, if there was no love
Eu ii spun iubire, altii, joaca de copii
I call it love, others, a child's play
Si, oricum i-ar spune lumea, eu mereu in viata asta voi iubi
And, whatever the world may call it, I will always love in this life
Am o singura intrebare
I have just one question
Fericit voi fi eu, oare
Will I be happy, I wonder
I wonder
Eu ii spun iubire, altii, pierdere de timp
I call it love, others, a waste of time
Dar ce-ar ramane in lumea asta, daca n-ar fi sa iubim
But what would be left in this world, if there was no love
Eu ii spun iubire, altii, joaca de copii
I call it love, others, a child's play
Si, oricum i-ar spune lumea, eu mereu in viata asta voi iubi
And, whatever the world may call it, I will always love in this life
Eu ii spun iubire
I call it love

Авторы: holograf

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