Holograf - Fara Ea - перевод текста песни на английский

Fara Ea - Holografперевод на английский

Fara Ea
Without You
Gandurile mi-au plecat
My thoughts have flown away
Peste lume au zburat
They flew around the world
Unde au intrebat
Where they asked
Nu mi te-au aflat
They haven't found you
Visele mi-au spus usor
My dreams told me gently
Ca te vor gasi dar s-au intors la locul lor fara a tu stii...
That they will find you but they returned to their place without you knowing...
Nu mai am la cine sa ma rog
I have no one else to pray to
Nu mai am...
I have no one else...
Fara ea... fara ea...
Without you... without you...
Fara ea... nu mai e nimeni langa mine in noaptea grea...
Without you... there's no one next to me at night...
Si ma trezesc iar fara ea
And I wake up again without you
Sufletu-mi si el s-a dus
My soul has also gone
Pana-n cer acolo sus
Up into the sky
Cate stele a colindat
How many stars it visited
Insa tot nu te-a aflat
But still didn't find you
S-a intors din nori cu-o stea
It returned from the clouds with a star
Si mi-a spus ca e lumina din privirea ta
And told me that it was the light in your eyes
Insa stii ca doar cu ea...
But you know that only with you...
Nu mai am... de ce sa mai traiesc
I no longer have... why do I live
Nu mai am...
I no longer have...
Fara ea... fara ea...
Without you... without you...
Fara ea... nu mai e nimeni langa mine in noaptea grea...
Without you... there's no one next to me at night...
Si ma trezesc iar fara ea
And I wake up again without you
Intr-o zi m-a intrebat inima
One day my heart asked me
Suflete, de ce-a plecat si n-a mai venit?
Soul, why did she leave and never come back?
Cate zile vor mai fii... cate zile voi trai
How many more days will there be... how many days will I live
Stiu... stiu ca n-am sa mai iubesc
I know... I know I will never love again
Pana n-am sa o gasesc... asa i-am spus...
Until I find her... that's what I told her...
Nu mai am... de ce sa mai traiesc
I no longer have... why do I live
Nu mai am...
I no longer have...
Fara ea... fara ea...
Without you... without you...
Fara ea... nu mai e nimeni langa mine in noaptea grea...
Without you... there's no one next to me at night...
Si ma trezesc iar fara ea
And I wake up again without you
Asa i-am spus...
That's what I told her...

Авторы: holograf

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