Huge L - Momentis - перевод текста песни на английский

Momentis - Huge Lперевод на английский

Yeah, ah, levareiden pörinä bassos
Yeah, ah, the buzz of the rides in the bass
Skippaa pöhinä siin mis hevareiden örinäjatkot
Skip the hype in the heavy metal after-party
Juo kokista mun slogista, jos omistat
Drink Coca-Cola from my slogan, if you dare
Vaa Touchén mun koko katalogista
Touch my entire catalog
Huge, poistuu takaovista
Huge, exits through the back door
Roiskuu rapa kopissa, toistuu sama osissa
Throws trash in the bucket, repeats the same in parts
Ku pätkit tän pätkän pätkiks päälle
When you chop this piece into pieces on top
Ätlips, poika treenaappa räppis
Oops, boy's practicing rap
On otettava riskei taas
Have to take risks again
Ku sun muijas on yhtä hotti ku Stifler's Mom
When your man is as hot as Stifler's Mom
Se on nyt niin ettet äijäile täs kuus
It's like this now, you don't act like a man this month
Cashrush arkaile ku äijällä manboobs
Cashrush is shy when a man has manboobs
Huge toimii sterkois ku legenda
Huge works on steroids like a legend
Moden kaa duo ku Loiri Speden kaa
A duo with Mode like Loiri with Spede
Epäilijät spekuloimaa pointtii veren kaa
Doubters speculate the point with blood
Pelastusrenkaal meren taa, moittii no mene vaa
Lifebuoy to the sea, complains well go ahead
Jos ei uponnu, hän soitti sitä edestaas
If he didn't get it, he played it back and forth
Kunnes tajus ettei mul oo mitää tekemist tän skenen kaa
Until he realized I have nothing to do with this scene
ILS -kamaa ei kannata tsekkaamatta jättää check it out, ah
ILS stuff can't be left unchecked, check it out, ah
Taiteilijan huolet tauluina myydään
The artist's worries are sold as paintings
Toimintaleffat, vauhdissa Hugh Grant
Action movies, Hugh Grant in speed
Ymmärrätsä, pääs hyrrälätsä
You understand, your head is spinning
Sain sen päähä ku olin viis, nyt kolkytviis
I got it in my head when I was five, now thirty-five
Life never really knows, the way of planning
Life never really knows, the way of planning
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
Life never really knows, the way of planning
Life never really knows, the way of planning
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
Yeah, yeah, ja mulle on ihan sama kuka on suomirapin isä
Yeah, yeah, and I don't care who the father of Finnish rap is
Mitä? Pummaa se vittumainen lapsilisä
What? Pump that annoying child benefit
Samaa aikaa ku ittees tituleeraat
At the same time as you're titling yourself
Räppärit laittaa mut kaulaan ripusteena
Rappers put me around their necks as a pendant
Se on Hugo Huge, puukot tupes,
It's Hugo Huge, knives in the bush,
Suhtkoht upee, tuun koht ja rupeen
Quite handsome, I'll be there soon and I'll be rough
Laittaa riimei, nii et piipust tipahtaa tiilet
Put rhymes so that the bricks fall out of the pipe
Ja ne luulopuheet siit, et
And those assumptions about that
Liika on liikaa, ha! oot vaa nuorempi
Too much is too much, ha! you're just younger
Ku tajuut sen ajan kaa et olin sua luovempi
When you realize over time that I was more creative than you
Saat kyytii ku linnas nunna täh?
You'll get a ride when the nun is in town, huh?
Saletisti natsaa ja vitun ninnannunna
It's sure to work out and goddamn ninnannunna
Sillon ku olin samanikänen ku MTV -Bieberi
Back when I was the same age as the MTV Bieber
Mul oli kädes aina beameri
I always had a beamer in my hand
Ja suomipoliisil ei ollu donitsii vaa viineri
And the Finnish police didn't have donuts, just a pastry
Vauhdis Huge räkii sulle vaik tän vitun soundtrackin
At speed Huge will spit you even this damn soundtrack
Jou, tuun samal vitun taval
Yo, I'm coming the same damn way
Nii ylimielisel et alas tiput lavalt
So arrogant that you fall off the stage
Ja, Modeski oli jonkunnäköst potentiaalii
And, Modeski had some kind of potential
Mut se nykysi istuu himas ja ovet kii vaa blaadii
But it's now sitting at home and the doors are closed, just a dummy
Life never really knows, the way of planning
Life never really knows, the way of planning
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
Life never really knows, the way of planning
Life never really knows, the way of planning
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
Vaik olisin pieni ja tanakka
Even if I were small and stocky
Silti mun flow olis napakka
So my flow would be tight
Yhtä pimee ku kapakka
As dark as a pub
Se on Huge jee, biitti potkii ku Bruce Lee
It's Huge yeah, the beat kicks like Bruce Lee
Mun kohderyhmään ei kuulu hän jol o pubertet
My target audience does not include those who have puberty
Ja mun bluesi, veti siniseks
And my blues turned blue
Ja neitoki sun vieres on semi-hidious
And that girl next to you is semi-hideous
Purista mimmiltäs finnit, anna raakaa hellyyt
Squeeze my pimples, give me raw love
Laita laastari sen naamaa et se muistuttas Nellyy
Put a band-aid on her face so she'd look like Nelly
Ja harva räppäri on koskaa tuore
And few rappers are ever fresh
Mut oon freshimpi ku roskahuone
But I'm fresher than the trash can
Jou, propsei jakelee, rotsei satelee
Yo, props are not shared, rot is not raining
Emceet narikkaa, soosseis pakenee
MCs are junkies, running in sauce
En oo pilvipää kel on filmi pääl
I'm not a cloudhead who's got a film on
teen musaa vaik tinnittää,
I make music even though it's ringing,
Räppivideois pillit pääl, pillittää
Rap videos with pills on, crying
Ämmät nillittää, ennen levyarvioo
Bitches are nagging, before the record review
Stemoo mun fiilis jää, spede, vittu!
Stemoo my feeling stays, spede, fuck!
Life never really knows, the way of planning
Life never really knows, the way of planning
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
Life never really knows, the way of planning
Life never really knows, the way of planning
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
But I never gave up hope, always kept on running
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
Lookin' for the moment, trying to make a difference
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy
But I'm alive now this is the reason for me to be happy

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