I Muvrini & Grand Corps Malade - Una Terranova (Live 2011 Version) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский I Muvrini & Grand Corps Malade - Una Terranova (Live 2011 Version)

Una Terranova (Live 2011 Version)
Una Terranova (Live 2011 Version)
Cand sunt aproape sa-ti gresesc
When I'm about to wrong you
Ma pun in locul tau ma pun in locul tau
I put myself in your shoes, I put myself in your shoes
Daca mi-ai gresii si tu
If you were to wrong me
Ce-as face eu ce-as face
What would I do, what would I do
Cand sunt pe punctul de a gresii
When I'm about to wrong
In mintea mea imi imaginez
In my mind I imagine
Ca faci si tu cum fac si eu
That you do what I do
Si m-ar durea sa ma tradezi
And it would hurt me to betray me
Ne sta prea frumos ca sa ne gresim
We look too good to wrong each other
Suntem prea uniti sa ne despartim
We are too united to break up
Ne iubim prea mult ca sa ne mintim
We love each other too much to lie to each other
Ar fi prea urat sa ne amagimCum as mai privii eu oare
It would be too ugly to deceive each other, how could I look into your eyes,
In ochii tai iubirea mea
In the eyes of my love
Daca as ajunge la tradare
If I came to treason
As face-o doar din vina ta
I would do it only out of your fault
Vreodata de ma vei impinge
Ever since you will push me
In brate la altcineva
Into someone else's arms
Sa stii si sa tii minte bine
Know this and keep it in mind
Ca n-am vrut eu sa se intample asa
That I didn't want things to happen like that
Ne sta prea frumos ca sa ne gresim
We look too good to wrong each other
Suntem prea uniti sa ne despartim
We are too united to break up
Ne iubim prea mult ca sa ne mintim
We love each other too much to lie to each other
Ar fi prea urat sa ne amagimN-am văzut la nimeni ochi cum ai tu
It would be too ugly to deceive each otherI haven't seen anybody with eyes like yours
Nici la chinezoaice, nici la arăboaice
Not even with Chinese women, not even Arabians
Doar la tine, tu eşti fata care-mi place. Ref.: Mor şi mor de ei, mor de ochii tăi
Only you, you are the girl I love. Chorus: I die and die for them, I die for your eyes
Când te uiţi la mine, simt mor iubire
When you look at me, I feel I die of love
Mor şi mor de ei, mor de ochii tăi
I die and die for them, I die for your eyes
Ai ceva-n privire, omori cu zile. Dar ca tine n-am văzut vreodată
There's something in your look, you kill me every day. But like you, I've never seen
Nici italience, nici brazilience
Not even Italian girls, not even Brazilian girls
Nu-i niciuna cum eşti tu, asta e lege. Ref.: Mor şi mor de ei, mor de ochii tăi
There's nobody like you, that's the law. Chorus: I die and die for them, I die for your eyes
Când te uiţi la mine, simt mor iubire
When you look at me, I feel I die of love
Mor şi mor de ei, mor de ochii tăi
I die and die for them, I die for your eyes
Ai ceva-n privire, omori cu zile. Ref.: Mor şi mor de ei, mor de ochii tăi
There's something in your look, you kill me every day. Chorus: I die and die for them, I die for your eyes
Când te uiţi la mine, simt mor iubire
When you look at me, I feel I die of love
Mor şi mor de ei, mor de ochii tăi
I die and die for them, I die for your eyes
Ai ceva-n privire, omori cu zile. De la de la de la de la de la tine nu vreau orice
There's something in your look, you kill me every day. I don't want anything else from you
De la de la de la de la de la tine vreau dragosteImi dai inima ta iti dau inima mea
I want your loveI give you my heart you give me your heart
Daca nu nu te supara hai pa
If not, don't be mad, goodbye
Imi dai dragoste iti dau dragoste
You give me love, I give you love
Hai spune-mi ce vrei sa faci cu mineDe la de la de la de la de la tine vreau un sarut
Come on, tell me what do you want to do with meI want a kiss from you
De la de la de la de la de la tine ca-mi placi prea multImi dai inima ta iti dau inima mea
Because I like you too muchI give you my heart you give me your heart
Daca nu nu te supara hai pa
If not, don't be mad, goodbye
Imi dai dragoste iti dau dragoste
You give me love, I give you love
Hai spune-mi ce vrei sa faci cu mine
Come on, tell me what do you want to do with me

Авторы: Jean-francois Bernardini, Fabien Marsaud

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